As the wagon continues to move forward, through the rocky bumpy road that leads towards the next town over. A tiny high pitch voice cries out. “ARE WE THERE YET, AGHHH.” The Human named Griff replies . “In a couple of hours, Spoon.” He says in a harsh tired voice. “BUT SPOON REQUIRES THEIR DAILY PRIVY STOP!” Spoon loudly exclaims, all at once the rest of the party , agrees that it has been awhile since they made a stop for rest & privy. Griff who’s driving the wagon pulls over towards an area with some trees and says. “Everyone off, go!” Page getting up asks. “What about Elrik?” She points to the back of the wagon where the exhausted elf named Elrik lies. Griff gets off the wagon and walks towards Page. “There’s not much more I can do to help him. He’s wounds are fully healed; he just needs to wake up.” Page replies eagerly. “There’s one thing I could do to see if he’s able to wake up.” She climbs back into the wagon and reaches out her hand. Griff walks off. A small bright orb of magical energy lies in her hand, she takes another step forward and sits down by Elrik. Page opens elriks hand and places the orb in his hand. Suddenly the light darkens around her and the surrounding shifts into a starry void filled with specks of light. As Page starts drift within this void a little aged Stone cabin becomes visible in the distance. “Where is he?” She starts drawing closer and closer to the building unmoving.Page slowly phases through the house and; A familiar voice becomes audible. “I’ll do it for you, don’t worry.” There sitting in the candle lit room is Elrik with a thin, lanky, humanoid with dark black hair. There are some scars that resides on their shoulder barely covered by the shirt that has two slits in the back of its shirt. Around the room scattered about are papers and feathers. Page tries to draw closer to the humanoid; but suddenly wakes from the spell. “Ah.” Quentin walks up to the cart. “PAGE YOU OK?” Spoon runs past him with a large object dragging behind them, and jumps into the back of the cart tossing the object in with. “SPOON FOUND BIG SWORD WITH SHINY WORDS!” Artana runs up and yells. “Spoon I told you to put it down.” “NOOOOoooo.” Spoon screees in response as artana starts to grab the sword. Page leaves the cart and walks a-bit into the small forest saying nothing. “Page what happened.” Quentin says starting to follow her. She sits underneath a tree and sighs. “Hey you, page, page, page.” “IM NOT ALIVEEEEE.” Page replies. “What’s going on ever since we left town you’ve been kinda distant. If it’s about what happened to Elrik it’s ok.” She looks out and says. “I thought I had away to talk to him. But I ended up seeing where he was in his mind. He was sitting with someone and said he would help them. I’m scared of what he’s going to do.” Page says vey nervously, Quentin sadly says. “Let’s hope for the best, I know it’s not the best thing for me to say.” Suddenly Elrik bolts up in the cart quickly. All the way from the cart they hear Spoon yell. “DEAD PERSON HAS RISEN.” And shortly after artana says. “He wasn’t dead. HEY OUR SLEEPING BEAUTY IS UP. Page, Quentin, and Griff running from the woods; starts running towards the cart. There with the sudden deluge of waking up and seeing where he is, Elrik looks at spoon and says upset. “Who are you and where is my friend?” Spoon looks him dead in eyes still holding the large sword, and replies very loudly . “YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!” And drops the sword, pulls down their googles, and takes out their dagger. They quickly run at Elrik getting ready to knock him out. “SPOON NOO.” Artana tries to grab them but they slip by. “HAAAAAAAAAAAA, SAY NIGHT NIGHT PRINCESS.”