放鬆儀式(The Relaxation Ritual)
STEP ONE. Sit or lie in a place where you will not be disturbed for at least five minutes. Remember to unplug the telephone. Get comfortable. If you are sitting, your back should be straight. Whether sitting or lying down, your legs and arms should not be crossed, If sitting, rest your hands, palms down, in your lap. Remove glasses or contact lenses. Your eyes should be closed.
STEP TWO. Visualize a golden ball of beautiful, warm light surrounding your feet. If you cannot “see” the ball of light when you visualize it, that is okay. Just know that it is there. Truly know that if your powers of visualization were different, you would be able to see it. The ball of light goes, tension flows away. Let it go, and as it goes, feel your feet filled with the warm, golden glow of peace and total relaxation.
STEP THREE. Now allow this ball of light to rise up your legs and up your torso. Then allow it to go down your arms to your fingers, and finally up your neck and into your head until you are completely covered with the warm, golden glow of total peace and relaxation, and all tension is gone. Allow the ball to move slowly. Take your time. Let go.
STEP FOUR. With your mind, spend a few moments exploring your body. If you notice tension anywhere, just send the ball of light there and the tension will vanish. With each breath allow yourself to become more and more relaxed.
STEP FIVE. Stay in this state of deep relaxation for a few moments. know that you can return to this state whenever you like simply by doing the relaxation ritual. If you are having trouble sleeping, try this ritual when you lie down at night instead of suffering or taking dangerous pills. Be at one with yourself.
STEP SIX. When you are ready to come out of this state of deep relaxation, take three deep breaths and feel fresh life and energy coming into your body with each breath. Let that energy flow completely through you, from the ends of your hair to the tips of your fingers and toes. Become aware of the world around you and breathe in life.
STEP SEVEN. When you have returned to your regular awareness, record your experience in your ritual diary.