I opened the box and was amazed at what I saw...
I saw five mini colorful unicorns jumped out from the box. They suddenly fly around the room. Makes the small room feel crowded. They keep flying and make me confuse. They look happy and ignore me, my confusing. They fly so fast until one unicorn hit other unicorn. Them both fell.
Ouch! Pink unicorn screams. I can see that she got hurt. On the other hand, I saw yellow unicorn look smile, while he rub his head, sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry,” yellow unicorn smile to pink unicorn. I’m shock! He can talk! “It’s okay. That was my fault too. I was flying too fast. And once again, I am surprised. She also can talk. I just freeze and all I can do is staring at them. They realize, there is someone between of them, staring at them, like a fool.
Pink unicorn is smiling at me. “Hi there.” And yellow unicorn start staring at me. “Hey guys!” Yellow unicorn shout. Three other unicorns suddenly stop flying and landed in front of me. Now all of them start staring at me. They look confuse when they look at me. One of the unicorn, blue unicorn approach me. He is standing very close. He tries to ‘analyze’ me.
“You’re such a weird unicorn,” blue unicorn speak to me. “Where is your horn?” Blue unicorn look very confuse, seeing me. And all unicorns now approach and start analyzing me too. “I think he is broken unicorn,” green unicorn whispering. “Hi there,” I finally speak. “I think store sent me wrong package. I ordered unicorn dolls not living unicorns.” Wait, you ordered us?” Yellow unicorn asked. “Well, technically I didn’t order you guys. I order dolls, just like I said. ‘Dead’ version of you guys.” I tried speak very gently for my last words.
They look very confuse. They’re looking at each others. “What do you mean with ‘dead’?” Pink unicorn looks so cute when she asked me. “Mmmm... dead means not live. Can’t move. Can’t breath. Not like you guys.” I try to smile when explaining to them. “So what are you saying is that you basically order carcass? Oh my gosh, now I’m hundred percent sure that you’re really weird creature. Whatever creature you are.” Green unicorn react. “Okay, I think this is going to be a long explanation...” I said to myself and keep smile.