So true to my word, I kept close to Hailey to 'spy' on her. I haven't really found out much expect that she has a pet lizard and a pet cat, her favorite color is grey and she loves chocolate lattes.
Evan told me that her father was having a party a few days prior to prom and I'm suppose to be a spy at the party and find the missing items that they stolen and anything suspicious.
But today we were at the library studying, or at least that's what we should have been doing but was gossiping instead. She was re-calling all her glamorous Halloween parties her father has thrown her back in Miami. Then she started re-calling funny memories from her childhood in Boston with Toni. Then she turns to me.
"You know, I actually had a crush on him, but he was too blind to noticed." She flushed awkwardly. "And the day before I moved away I confessed to him, I knew he didn't felt the same so I didn't exactly bother to wait to get a response and I left."
I flushed a bright red too because I felt awkward. And I wasn't sure if I'm all that happy to find out that she liked him. But it was years ago and by living proof he's over it. So what's there to worry about? She probably noticed that I didn't know how to respond, so she quickly apologizes.
"I'm sorry," She nervously chuckled. "That probably made you uncomfortable. I shouldn't have said that."
I brushed her off. "It was years ago. I understand." She chuckled lightly. "I hope so, though it is years ago."
She continues, "But as I could see he's very happy with you."
"That's sweet of you." I smiled a little. "But he has never told me about this before." She waved this off. "Oh, don't sweat it, it's not anything to talk about really."
Then she swiftly changes the topic. "So anyways, how are you loving Boston? You've been here for like what 3 years now?"
I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I use to live in California. My grandmother got ill and we had to move here to take care of her." I added, " plus my mom got promoted to work here so I sorta had no choice." I laughed. But her expression was grave. "I'm sorry about your grandmother, though. "
"It's okay. She died a few months ago."
"Well that doesn't make it any better." She laughed. "And what does your father do?"
I tensed up a little. "Oh um," I stuttered. "He d-died when I was 6 years old." She frowned a little. "Aw, that's sad."
"Don't sweat it. It's fine." I said brushing her off kindly. "I got use to it, you know?" She nods in agreement. "Completely understand."
After that we sat in silence studying.