The Princes of the Sudlands
The Sudlands (aka the Kniestwagrasniowe (Bergian), the Principalities, or the Blotland (archaic)) is an elective monarchy led by a Grand Prince (Hoheprinz (Reiksbunder), Wielki Kniaze (Bergian), Velknize (Dunnish), Velgyhercneze (Zielander)). The Grand Prince is elected by the Prince (Prinz (Reiksbunder), Kniaze (Bergian), Knize (Dunnish), Hercneze (Zielander)) electors.
If the Prince elector is a woman, then she is typically still called a Prince, rather than a Princess, depending on the region (Kniaze (Bergian), Knize (Dunnish) mean Prince whether masculine or feminine, Prinzessin (Reiksbunder) and Hercnezno (Zielander) mean Princess). If the Prince elector's spouse is a woman, then she is called a Princess (Kniezona (Bergian) and Knizena (Dunnish) mean wife of a Prince). If the Prince elector's spouse is a man, then he is not referred to in a particular manner and his other titles will be used instead.
However, as a patriarchal society, the rulers of the Sudlands are usually men.
Timeline of Grand Princes
Sigismund I the Red (Reiksbunder name), aka Zygmunt (Bergian name) (1355-1371): prince and founder of Bergia; appointed by Empress Heiltraud the Great of Kleineburg; he took his name after Empress Sigeswintha the Great; was still at war with the kingdom of the Blotland (Dunnolander ancestors) died from old age.
Degenhaz (1371-1382): prince of Bergia; appointed by Empress Inge of Malas; died from assassination.
Laszlo I the Wise (Zielander name), aka Wladiwlo (Bergian name) (1382-1399): prince of Zieland; appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; ended the war and oversaw the division of the remaining Blotland territory into the Dunnoland principality under Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; retired.
Msisticlaw the Black (1399-1401): prince of Bergia; elected by the princes; reigned during a short civil war; impeached and fired from office.
Laszlo I the Wise (1401-1407): second term; prince of Greater Zieland; elected by the princes; oversaw the truce of the civil war that divided each principality in half, adding 3 new principalities; died from old age.
Ryszard the Silent (1407-1411): first prince of Malobergia; elected by the princes; retired before death.
Filip I the Bloody (1411-1434): prince of Greater Bergia; elected by the princes; instigated a long civil war between Bergia & Malobergia vs. Zieland & Malozieland (but the faction allegiances changed multiple times); died in battle.
Zsigmond II (Zielander name), aka Sigismund II (Reiksbunder name) (1434-1434): prince of Malozieland; elected by the princes; sought peace in the civil war; died in a coup by Filip II.
? Filip II the Usurper (1434-1456): prince of Greater Bergia; conducted a coup to oust Sigismund II and continue the war; nominated by the Bergia principalities and later supported by the Dunnoland principalities; married into the nobility of Montseldz; died from old age.
? Vincze of Mlyny (1434-1453): prince of Malozieland; nominated by the Zieland principalities and supported by the Dunnoland principalities at first; died in battle.
? Klementyna of Natalie (1453-1470): prince of Greater Zieland and woman prince; nominated by the Zieland principalities and supported by Marcinskie (a Dunnoland principality); died from old age.
? Henryk (1466-1485): prince of Malobergia; nominated by the Bergia principalities and supported by Lukaszodztwo (a Dunnoland principality) at first; died in battle.
? Marcin II (1470-1486): prince of Marcinskie; nominated by the Zieland and Dunnoland principalities; ousted by Filip III despite having majority vote by the prince electors.
Filip III of Berg (1485-present): prince of Greater Bergia; related to Emperor Wendelin the Pious of Montseldz; crowned by Emperor Wendelin the Pious of Montseldz in 1486; married Zofie of Mlyny, bastard daughter of a Latviks noble.
*Items marked by ? are during a schism when multiple princes claimed the grand prince title but none were ceremonially crowned by the empress/emperor.
Timeline of Bergian Princes
Sigismund I the Red (Reiksbunder name), aka Zygmunt (Bergian name) (1355-1371): prince and founder of Bergia; appointed by Empress Heiltraud the Great of Kleineburg; he took his name after Empress Sigeswintha the Great; was still at war with the kingdom of the Blotland (Dunnolander ancestors) died from old age.
Degenhaz (1371-1382): prince of Bergia; appointed by Empress Inge of Malas; died from assassination.
Msisticlaw the Black (1399-1401): prince of Bergia; elected by the princes; reigned during a short civil war; impeached and fired from grand office in 1402; continued his reign in a principality reduced in size.
Timeline of Greater Bergia Princes
Msisticlaw the Black (1401-1402): first prince of Greater Bergia; died from assassination.
Filip I the Bloody (1402-1434): grand prince elected by the princes; instigated a long civil war between Bergia & Malobergia vs. Zieland & Malozieland (but the faction allegiances changed multiple times); died in battle.
Filip II the Usurper (1434-1456): conducted a coup to oust Sigismund II and continue the war; grand prince nominated by the Bergia principalities and later supported by the Dunnoland principalities; married into the nobility of Montseldz; died from old age.
Filip III of Berg (1485-present): related to Emperor Wendelin the Pious of Montseldz; grand prince crowned by Emperor Wendelin the Pious of Montseldz in 1486; married Zofie of Mlyny, bastard daughter of a Latviks noble.
Timeline of Malobergia Princes
Ryszard I the Silent (1401-1420): first prince of Malobergia; appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; grand prince elected by the princes; retired from grand office in 1411; died from old age.
Filip of Ryszardagrod (1420-1443): died from illness.
Ryszard II (1443-1459): died in battle.
Henryk (1459-1485): grand prince nominated by the Bergia principalities in 1466 and supported by Lukaszodztwo at first; died in battle.
Jozef (1485-present): the current prince.
Timeline of Zieland Princes
Laszlo I the Wise (Zielander name), aka Wladiwlo (Bergian name) (1382-1401): first prince of Zieland; grand prince appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg in 1382 and retired from grand office in 1399; ended the Blotland war and oversaw the division of the remaining Blotland territory into the Dunnoland principality under Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; grand prince elected by the princes in 1401; oversaw the truce of a short civil war that divided each principality in half, adding 3 new principalities; continued his reign as the prince of a principality reduced in size.
Timeline of Greater Zieland Princes
Laszlo I the Wise (Zielander name), aka Wladiwlo (Bergian name) (1401-1407): grand prince elected by the princes in 1401; oversaw the truce of a short civil war that divided each principality in half, adding 3 new principalities; died from old age.
Marton the Younger (1407-1430): entered the war against Bergia and Malobergia; died in battle.
Juhasz the Coward (1430-1446): retired to a monastery before death.
Klementina-Nathalia (Zielander name), aka Klementyna-Natalie (Bergian name) (1446-1470): a woman prince; grand prince nominated by the Zieland principalities in 1453; and supported by Marcinskie; died from old age.
Peter the Bold (Zielander name), aka Petr (Bergian name) (1470-present): formed the district of Natalie from gains in the war taken from Greater Bergia; the current prince.
Timeline of Malozieland Princes
Marton the Elder (1401-1419): first prince of Malozieland; appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; retired before death.
Zsigmond II (Zielander name), aka Sigismund II (Reiksbunder name) (1419-1434): grand prince elected by the princes in 1434; sought peace in the civil war; died in a coup by Filip II.
Vincze of Mlyny (1434-1453): grand prince nominated by the Zieland principalities in 1434 and supported by the Dunnoland principalities at first; died in battle.
Zsigmond III (Zielander name), aka Sigismund III (Reiksbunder name) (1453-1455): died in battle.
Laszlo II (1453-1464): died in battle.
Csatar the Black (1464-1484): conquered Harmucin from Greater Bergia; died in battle
Istvan One-Eye (Zielander name), aka Stepan (Bergian name) (1484-present): the current prince.
Timeline of Dunnoland Princes
Zbynek the Bergian (1386-1400): first prince of Dunnoland; appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; participated in a short civil war; died in battle.
Marcin I of Kyroczew (1400-1401): appointed by Empress Pamriette II of Pamsberg; continued his reign in a principality reduced in size.
Timeline of Marcinskie Princes
Marcin I of Kyroczew (1401-1411): died from old age.
Johana the Good (1411-1470): constructed silver mines near Lutkevyshche, Kyroczew, and Zolice, which blew up the economy of Marcinskie; negotiated throughout the long civil war that resulted in Marcinskie remaining untouched by armies during her reign; died from old age.
Marcin II (1470-1487): grand prince nominated by the Zieland and Dunnoland principalities; ousted from grand office in 1486 by Filip III despite having majority vote by the prince electors; died from illness.
Marcin III of Lutkevyshche (1487-present): the current prince; managed to stay at tentative peace while all other principalities went to war.
Timeline of Lukaszodztwo Princes
Lukasz I of Koczernosc (1401-1432): first prince of Lukaszodztwo; appointed by Empress Pamrietta II of Pamsberg; died from illness.
Ivan I (1432-1434): died in a coup against Sigismund II by Filip II because he visited Berg to pay his respects to Sigismund II.
Lukasz II the Weak (1434-1465): exchanged the ownership of Koczernosc to Filip II and supported him for grand prince in exchange for immediate armistice; died from assassination.
Ivan II of Smilomukat (1465-1465): died from assassination.
Kazimir (1465-1468): died from illness.
Teodor the Craven (1468-1477): supported Henryk as grand prince; died in a coup by Lukasz III.
Lukasz III of Smilomukat (1477-present): conducted a coup to oust Teodor to enter conflict with Bergia; entered the civil war on the side of Zieland & Malozieland vs. Bergia and Malobergia in 1486 after Marcin II was ousted from grand office by Filip III.