Salbonism403Please respect copyright.PENANAWl2iNYOrqo
Salbonism is the majority religion within the Oberereik that centers around a monotheist deity known as the Salbon. A casual name for Salbon is God (capitalized). It also includes two prophet figures, known as Walt and Bald, Wald and Balte, or Vlot and Blot, depending on the region. Casual names for Walt and Bald are the Gottsohn (Son of God) and the Gottochter (Daughter of God), respectively. Practitioners are called Salbians.
There are four main denominations within the Salbian Church: Progenism, Restitutionism, Postulantism, and Communionism.403Please respect copyright.PENANAaqkkC9xF2X
Progenism is the majority denomination within the Reiksbund, Flusslants, and Zurlans.
The scripture is known as the Holy Writ.
The creation myth starts with the world being born from God's blood, flesh, tears, and breath. The waterways are Her blood, the earth is Her flesh, the oceans are Her tears, and the sky is Her breath. Then, made separate from Her body and born from the stars was the races of Man and Woman.
The prophets Walt and Bald were born some time before the creation of the Oberereik as siblings in a minor tribe. They began spreading their faith across the tribes in the Reiksbund, but were banished into the Flusslants, where they had more success. After the creation of the Oberereik, they were long dead and Progeny Salbonism was the majority religion of the major tribes in the Flusslants.
Notably, Progenies believe that Walt was too gentle in his preaching, and after his death he was denied access to Heaven until shortly after when his sister opened the gates. Bald, on the other hand, was much more violent and unforgiving against pagans, and as a result, more successful, than her brother in spreading the faith, and once she died she ascended into Heaven where she opened the gates for her sisters and brothers in faith to follow.
Progenism commonly refers to God using feminine pronouns. Practitioners are called Progenies (singular Progeny). It is led by a matriarchal pontiff sat within Mittestadt, Reiksbund. The pontiff is an imperial elector and eligible to run for monarchal election. Progenies are proud in being the descendants of the first followers of their faith.
Restitutionism is an accepted heresy of the original Progeny Salbonism and originated in the southern Reiksbund during a plague in the early Empire. It is the majority denomination in the elector states of Brisse, Montseldz, Kleineburg, Pamsberg, Sachenstadt, and Bristen, southern Reiksbund, the state of Trusten, Flusslants, the area around Neufurt, Jagonsland, the area around Aubertou, Ogotthis, and the Dunnoland of the Sudland.
The scripture is known as the Common Writ.
The creation myth is the same as Progenism.
The prophets are believed to have been father and daughter, rather than brother and sister. Walt is the First Coming of God, a vessel to spread the faith. However, he was too gentle and failed, so when he died he was denied access to Heaven. His daughter, Bald, was also a vessel and the Second Coming of God, and had more success through violence, but was still ultimately unsuccessful in her mission and when she died was, too, denied access to Heaven. To this day, the gates of Heaven are shut closed and no mortal souls are allowed within until the imminent Third Coming.
Resitutionism commonly refers to God using feminine or masculine pronouns, depending on the diocese. Practitioners are called Restitutionists.
Restitutionism is officially led by the pontiff in Mittestadt, but each pastor that practices the heresy is practically independent in administrating her or his diocese.
Postulantism is a heresy of Progeny Salbonism that originated in the Sudland shortly after Reiksbund missionaries spread Progeny Salbonism into the region. It is illegal to practice as a resident in the Reiksbund and the Flusslants, but legal elsewhere. It is the majority denomination in Bergia of the Sudland, the southern areas of the Zurlans, the Gottriks, the city state of Latviks, and the Jagonsland.
The scripture is known as the Book of Books.
The creation myth is the same as Progenism, but asserts that men and women are of a single race. It also believes that the Demiurge, a servile deity born from God's mind and body, serves as the guardian of Earth.
The prophets are believed to have both ascended into Heaven thanks to their strong faith, and now Heaven is open to all mortal souls that have strong enough faith. Notably, they believe that both prophets were pacifists.
Postulantism commonly refers to God using masculine pronouns. Practitioners are called Postulants. It is led by a partiarchal pontiff sat within Berg, Bergia.
Communionism is a heresy of Restitutionism and Postulantism that originated in the Gottriks after natural Sudland-Gottriks cultural interchange and as protest against provincial segregation within the Empire. it is illegal to practice as a resident in the Reiksbund and the Flusslants, but legal elsewhere. It is the majority denomination in the Zieland of the Sudland, the Ogotthis (but not the majority religion). It also has a large, but not majority, presence in the Gottriks.
There is no standard scripture. The Holy Writ, the Common Writ, and the Book of Books are referred to, but not believed to be true scripture since nothing of that sort exists.
The creation myth is the same as Progenism, but, like Postulantism, asserts that men and women are of a single race and of the existence of the Demiurge.
The strong faith tenet of Postulantism is present in Communionism, but otherwise follows the Third Coming tenet of Restitutionism, except that the apocalypse will only open the gates of Heaven to non-believers or followers with weak faith, while the gates have always been open to followers with strong faith ever since the time of the prophets. Notably, Walt is believed to be the one to have opened the gates of Heaven.
Communionism commonly refers to God using masculine pronouns. Practioners are called Communionists. It has no religious head, and every pastor that practices the heresy is independent in administrating his or her diocese.
Lesser Heresies
Less common heresies are found all over the Oberereik and beyond. All heresies, except for Restitutionism, are illegal in the Reiksbund and the Flusslants, while most heresies are illegal in the Zurlans. The Gottriks, Ogotthis, Sudland, and Jagonsland all usually tolerate, though not necessarily accept, lesser heresies. Kratkelesy, while not a member state of the Empire, is so connected, though also paganized, that it will generally accept all of Salbonism, even heresies.
Gemeens is a popular religion within the Oberereik that centers around a dualistic pair of deities known as the Gemeen and the Gisell. it is considered a pagan religion and is illegal to practice as a resident of the Reiksbund, Flusslants, and Zurlans, but legal elsewhere. It is the majority religion in the Ogotthis.
The creation myth starts with the universe being a split between day and night, with Gemeen acting as day and Gisell acting as night. Together, they created all celestial bodies, the Earth, and all life. Every ten thousand years, the universe naturally crumbles into disarray (think of entropy), at which point it will all be torn down and recreated by Gemeen and Gisell again. This event is called the Rebirth. The modern era is believed to succeed the fourth Rebirth.
There is believed to be no afterlife. Instead, every Rebirth takes all dead souls and reincarnates them into a new vessel. Until then, all dead souls lay in the stars, dormant and feeling nothing as, from their perspective, time proceeds in an instant into the next Rebirth.
All things, including inanimate objects, are believed to have souls. The colder the object or creature, the smaller its soul is believed to be. However, smaller souls are not believed to be in any way inferior to larger souls.
Practitioners are called Gemeeners. It is a decentralized religion with no religious head.
Ureik Cult
The Ureik Cult, also called the Strams Cult, is a popular religion within the Oberereik and its satellites that centers around ancestor worship and nature worship. It is considered a pagan religion and is illegal to practice as a resident of the Reiksbund, Flusslants, and Zurlans, but legal elsewhere. It was the historical majority religion of the three aforementioned regions before all were integrated into the Oberereik. It is the majority religion in Kratkelesy and the Jagonsland, but is also found within the Sudland, Gottriks, and Ogotthis.
There are no gods in the Ureik Cult belief system. Instead, all living things have spirits, and these spirits are the center of worship. There is also no common creation myth, but some locales may believe the world has and always will be, rather than having been created, while others may believe the world was born through the gathering of many wandering spirits in the void.
Emphasis is placed on respect of the dead. This includes animals and plants, not just human beings. Dead spirits are believed to inhabit inanimate objects, especially waterways and bodies of water, as well as celestial objects.
Practitioners are called Ureikers or Strammers. It is a decentralized religion with no religious head.
Lesser Paganism
Less common pagan religions are found all over the continent. All pagan religions are illegal in the Reiksbund, Flusslants, and Zurlans, generally tolerated within the Gottriks, Ogotthis, and Sudland, and accepted in the Jagonsland.