So as I mentioned in my intro, I’m questioning if I’m gender fluid. I can try to explain my experience so far. My family doesn’t know anything about this except for one thing. My mom knows I have a binder, but I haven’t told her the whole truth on why.
Anyways, let’s get to it. Sometimes I feel more masculine, and other times I feel more feminine. And there are times where I feel what I can only describe as “meh.” This is kind of where the binder comes in. Sometimes I’m fine with my chest, and others I feel uncomfortable with it. Even before I started questioning, I felt better hiding my chest, so I got a friend to order a binder for me. It helps a lot, and I’m glad to have it.
I also tend to doubt myself a lot. Deep down inside, I know I probably know my gender identity, but I don’t want to accept it. It’s like something I saw online before. It was something about how sometimes you have to come out to yourself first. Maybe that’s what I’m going through?
Anyways, that’s it for my first entry. I hope that while this helps me, it can also help others out there who are struggling to find their gender identity.
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