393Please respect copyright.PENANAj9ejXCoLRi
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring into my ears, waking me up. I literally jump out of bed and go take a quick shower. I put my wet hair into a towel and go get dressed for my first day at a new school. I lay out the outfit that I got help from Skye yesterday.
So far she is the only girl that I will recognize at my new school. Thank God that she goes to the same school, it will make this first day a bit more easy for me. I finish getting ready for school and go to blow dry and style my hair. After styling my hair I go grab my backpack and my phone and head out to grab something small to eat.
"Have a great first day Hazelle!" my dad exclaims at me. I give him a quick hug and then head downstairs to the front of the apartment and wait for the bus that will be here any minute.
Once the bus arrives I get on and sit right next to a window seat. I look out at the busy street and look at the signs everywhere and people crossing the streets or riding their bike's to wherever the wind will take them today. I wonder how this first day will end up. I hope everyone is not like my last school. I can't go through that again. The bus arrives at our high school and all the students start getting up and head out. I wait for everyone else to get off and then go. I step off of the bus and take in everything until I felt a body slam right into me, knocking me down onto the ground.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I hear the voice say. I look up at the voice and see a boy about my age offer me his hand. I accept it and he helps me back up.
"That's one way to impress the new girl. You knocked her off of her feet Andrew" I hear another voice say. Wait, I know that voice. That was Skye's voice!
"I said I was sorry Skye! What else do you want me to do?" he says to Skye who is trying to hold in a laugh. I giggle a bit and introduce myself to Andrew.
"Again, I am so sorry about that earlier" he says apologizing again.
"It's okay. No broken bones, I promise" I say smiling at Andrew. He nods and we all walk into what will change our life, forever.
"So you have three classes with me and two classes with Andrew. Which means that you have 3 classes without us. Which class is first?"
"Uh, let me see." I say turning my backpack around and grabbing my schedule. "I have English with Mrs. Newman."
"Shoot, that is one class that we all don't share. But we know where it is." Andrew says guiding me around the school until we find the classroom.
"Here you go. And we're right next door. See you after class Haze!" Skye says waving to me and goes to her class. Andrew waves as well and heads to the class right across from me. So far, so good. School has barely started and I have already made two friends. Class starts in five minutes and the teacher is not here yet. I walk into the classroom and I bump into yet another person, knocking down my notebook and schedule. I bend down to pick them up when the person kneels down and picks up my notebook and gives it to me.
"Sorry about that. Are you okay miss?" I hear the voice say to me. I look up and see such a handsome guy staring back at me. I nod back at him and he offers me a hand and I gladly accept. Which was my first mistake here. Once I stand back up I hear a girl's footsteps come up next to him, wrapping her arm around his arm, like she owns him and my god was she stunning.
"Stay away from my boyfriend you freak!" I hear her scream at me, breaking me away from my trance.
"Cool down Melissa, I was just helping her up!" I hear the boy fight back. She grunts and gives me the death stare and then heads back to her seat in the front of the class. If that was how I died, that wouldn't be the worst thing that happened today.
"Sorry about her. She gets like this to all the girls in this school." he says scratching the back of his head.
"It's okay. Thanks for letting me know." I say quietly to him securing the notebook that he gave back to me.
"I'm Ayden by the way. What's your name?" he asks me.
"I-I'm Hazelle" I reply back to him, stuttering a bit. Weird, I am never like this. Why now?
"Nice name. We should go sit down before the teacher comes in." he says showing me the empty seat next to him and Melissa. This is going to be one long day. And it sure was a hell of a day. The teacher arrives and class was able to begin.
So far, English was my favorite class even though that girl Melissa is in that class. I just mute her out of my head and listen to what the teacher has to teach us. The next three class go by quickly and I already have homework on the first day. I meet up with Skye and Andrew and we head out to the cafeteria. It was so big, it reminds me of the cafeteria in Mean Girls for some reason. It was that big. We go find our seats and one at a time we would go up and get some food. I go sit back down and wait for the others to come back.
We enjoy our lunch and catch up with each other like we have been friends forever. I got to learn that Skye has an older sister who is studying in Europe for the rest of her senior year. I also got to learn that Andrew has an older sister who is Melissa. I feel sorry for him, and I also got to learn that he is in a relationship with a guy named Blake. They have been together for 2 months now, they met over the summer and he was excited when he learned that he was going to the same school as us. I got to tell them about my best friend and our current situation. They were so supportive. I barely know them and they are here for them. I am glad to call them my friends.
"I need to go to the restroom. I will be right back guys." I say to the both of them, getting up and walk down to the restroom which was only a few feet from the cafeteria. I go in and wash my hands quickly. Once I dry my hands, I hear a group of girls walk into the bathroom at the same time. I know that voice, it was Melissa's! I need to get out of here without causing any trouble. I start walking towards the door until I felt a hand wrap around my arm and yank me back into the middle of the restroom. How am I going to get out of this?!
"Well, well it's the girl who tried to make a move on my boyfriend this morning in English. Who are you?" Melissa asks me with a dark expression on her face. I cross my arms and stay quiet. I am not going to answer that question.
"Tell her you bitch!" I hear another say pushing me, making me almost lose my balance in the process. I still stay quiet. I will not let these girls torture me.
"Huh, you're one of those silent types then? I guess I will have to beat it out of you if you don't tell me." Melissa says while grasping her hand around my neck. I push her hand away and catch my breath.
"The name's Hazelle and was this really necessary. I barely know you!" I say yelling back at her.
"Shut up!" I hear her scream at me and then punch me right in my stomach making me fall down to the ground, spewing up a bit of blood. I stand back up and put my hands into a fist. I guess this is how it's going to be. Guess I will have to fight back. Just like last time. I launch at her and grasp my hand around her neck but before I could do anything else her group of friends yank me off of her and start kicking me. Not how I wanted this day to be, it could be worse. Before they could finish I hear a dark husky voice come in and yell at the girls.
"What the hell are you thinking Melissa?! Fuck off!!"
"Why is a boy in the girl's bathroom? Did he hear everything that happened?" I think to myself while slowly getting back up. I feel a muscular arm wrap around me, helping me up to my feet. I can barely see what this guy looks like. I try to take a glance at him and before I could do just that I black out from all the punches that I have taken from these girls. I wake up a few minutes later and sit up quickly giving myself a headache.
"Don't do that miss, take it slowly" I hear an older woman's voice say. I look around and see a middle age woman standing there with a cup of water and medicine for me. I hear my friends come in and find the bed that I am laying in.
"I wonder where that guy went who saved me in the bathroom. I want to thank him for saving me." I think to myself before I was awakened from my trance once again. My friends are sitting there on each side holding my hands. They talk to me about what happened to Melissa and her group.
They were all suspended for the rest of the week, which is good. Now I don't have to deal with them for a few days. We sit and talk for what seems like a long time and before we knew it, it was time to go to gym. The one class that I was actually looking forward to all day. Which was when my day went from bad to absolute hell.
"You sure that you don't want to sit the rest of this day out Haze?" Skye asks me in a concerning voice.
"I am fine S. A little exercise won't kill me. Besides it could've been worse if it weren't for my hero."
"Yeah, a guy came in and saved me from actually ending up in a hospital bed."
"Ooh, what did he look like?" Skye asks me in a gleaming look in her eyes.
"I have no idea, all I remember is the sounds of his voice." I reply back. She looks back at me with a look of dissatisfaction. We reach the doors of the gym and head inside to meet the teacher that we will be dealing with for the next year.
"GOOD AFTERNOON STUDENTS!" I hear the teacher scream out. Wait a minute, I know that voice anywhere. No way, it can't be. He turns around and faces his students and says, "Whose ready to get started? But first let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Patrick Ramirez, let's get to know each other's names shall we?"
I take a slow calming breath and pretend that he did not affect me. This man took away the life of my mother. Just you wait Patrick Ramirez, you'll get what is coming to you. Before I knew he is standing a few feet away, looking at me waiting for me to answer the question that I was not paying attention to.
"Your name, miss?" He says with a blank smile on his face. Game on Ramirez!
"My name is Hazelle Caliente. Happy now?" I say whispering the last part to where he is the only one who could hear it.
"Well, nice to meet you Ms. Hazelle" he says while walking away with a grin on his face and gets the attention of another person who walks in late.
"You're late Mr. Carter Martinez" Ramirez says to him with a look of disappointment on his face.
"I'm sorry sir" the guy says in a dark husky voice.
No way, I know this voice, this the voice of the person who saved me not too long ago. I turn around to see a tall, muscular guy in front of me. He has dark ocean blue eyes and dark black hair with a chiseled shaved face. Did this guy really save me from ended up in a hospital?! Damn, this day just got a little bit better.
He looks at me and then quickly look as back up at teacher and then comes to stand right next to me. I could smell the strong cologne on his shirt. I feel my face start to heat up so I turn my body away from him and try to focus on what will make this day end almost in disaster, I didn't think that this would happen to me of all people. And what happened to me, is what I will carry with me for the rest of this year, or so I thought.
"First day and you already pissed off the bitch queen" I hear the guy say whispering into my ear.
"I didn't do anything. She took it out of proportion" I scoff to him while crossing my arms. Man, this guy needs to mind his own business.
"Yeah, I could tell. If I didn't step in, you wouldn't be standing here, am I right?" he answers back with a bit of laughter in his voice.
"I was handling it just fine. But thanks.."I say murmuring the last part.
"No problem. And what do you have against our gym teacher? You could cut the damn tension with a knife."
"Let's just say, he ruined my family. That's all." I say silencing myself and try to listen to the last part of our lesson we are supposed to learn today.
"Now, I will partner you guys up for these exercises." Mr. Ramirez tells all of us. He puts us all with a partner until I notice that I am the last person standing. Of freaking course, he just want to partner me up with him. I hate this guy so much.
"Looks like I will be your partner Miss Hazelle" he says eying me. I go put my backpack down on the benches near us and go stand next to him.
"I'd rather be partnered up with Carter" I murmur to myself, not knowing that Mr. Ramirez heard what I just said. Should've kept my mouth shut.
We stand in front of the class and start doing the small exercises that he has prepared for us. And of course I am his freaking subject for this. I just suck it up and start doing the exercises that he had prepared for us.
"Now we are going to do one that isn't an exercise. It's going to be a test of how much you trust your partner. A trust fall." he tells the whole class, while giving me a quick smirk and then turning it into a fake innocent smile to the rest of the class. The only person he didn't fool is Carter Martinez.
I turn around, Ramirez comes from behind me and crosses my arms onto my shoulders and takes a couple steps back and holds out his arms. I fall back slowly and he grabs me and then lifts me back up, holding my waist while giving it a small quick squeeze. I take a quick breather and then step away from him, finishing our little demonstration.
He walks away and goes around making sure that everyone else is doing it correctly. We finish the trust exercise and he goes to grab some dodgeballs. Sweet, let's get this show on the road. He puts us into two different teams and yes, Carter is not on my team!
"Your going down new girl!" I hear Carter scream out, tossing a dodgeball up and down while giving me a quick wink.
"No, you are" I say grabbing a ball and hitting the person next to him. Game on!
He tries to hit me quite a few times and misses, but does take out all of my teammates until we are the last two people left on the court. We both grab a ball and have a staredown.
I position myself until Mr. Ramirez comes out onto the court, 'adjusting' my stance. Once his back is turned, I throw the ball onto the back of his head. He turns back around and stands a couple of inches away from me. He grabs my wrist and yanks me off of the court. He yells at the other students to go change back into their regular clothes.
"What the hell was that for Miss Caliente?" he says in a quiet angry voice.
"That was payback for when you touched me during the trust fall and 'adjusting' my stance on the court" I say air quoting the word adjusting with my free hand.
"You're going to regret doing that Hazelle. I can easily take you out, just like that" he whispers giving his free hand a snap.
"You don't scare me" I say with a cold look on my face staring right into his eyes.
"You are just like your mother. She fought and fought for her life, until I decided to put a bullet in her" he says whispering and chuckling the last part which makes my blood boil.
I yank my arm from his grip and slap the living hell out of him, leaving a scratch on his face. Before he could do anything, somebody else comes up and wraps their arms around my waist, pick me up and moving me behind them. I could smell his cologne, and just put my hands onto his back.
"What gives you the right to hit a student Patrick?" he grumbles at him, putting his hands into fists. He better not get expelled for defending a person like me, he barely knows me. Wait, how does he know him?
"I wasn't going to hit my student, I was just talking to her" he says with a stern smile on his face.
"Yeah, I could tell by the scratch that she just left on your face" Carter replies back.
"Oh, this. I was just telling her about her mom and she struck me. She's lucky that I am not going to tell the principal about this." I shiver at the part when he talked about my mom and Carter notices it. I think he knows what happened now. I bet he heard our whole conversation earlier.
"I heard what you said about her mother and I am glad that she struck you. You deserve it for what you did to her family."
"Trust me, her mother had it coming. If only Hazelle didn't ask the wrong question, her mother wouldn't be 6 feet underground."
At that point I completely lost it. I don't know what happened to me, but before I could do anymore damage than I have already onto Mr. Ramirez, Carter wraps his arms around me and carries me out of the building, leaving my friends and the other students in shock. And that is how I got the nickname, Psycho.
And boy, I didn't know that nickname would stick until Junior Year, where everything went to absolute hell. 393Please respect copyright.PENANAAS5aX9oWtk