Two months after the fall of Berlin and the world-wide situation had changed. The Third Reich had fallen under the treads of Soviet tanks and the marching millions of soldiers.
After he written down the details from Doctor Sauer, he grew a great interest in learning about this other world called Remnant where humanity was placed on the bottom of the food chain. However, there was another race of people who were also being targeted by these creatures of Grimm called the faunus. From the doctor's description, they were just like humans with certain animal features. In order to survive in such a cruel world, they discovered this resource called dust which acted as a power for everyday technology on Remnant and a special group of warriors. They were referred as huntsmen and huntresses, whose entire lives consisted of fighting the Grimm with special powers called aura which allowed them to be such powerful warriors. What came with this power was called semblance, a personal power which was unique to a person and that person alone.
It had been four years since he left London for covert operations against the Germans and the Italians, but he was glad to be back home.
Captain Argall entered the office of the OSS as he saluted the individual behind the desk.
That man rose from his seat and leaned onto his desk before he gestured a hand wave to him. "Could you please close the door?" He asked.
Without question, the door was closed shut with a small 'click' behind Argall's ear. Then the captain stood at attention with his file in his hand. "Colonel Strudwick, I've come with a report."
Then the colonel gestured his hand to his desk. "Please show me what you have."
Captain Argall stepped forward and passed the file onto his commanding officer's desk. The colonel opened it up and began to take a look at the information inside with his silence. The captain observed Strudwick's eye switching from sentence to sentence as he took note of his features. His left eye had been a victim of a bullet during the Great War as a black eye patch covered where the eye would have been. All of his hair was grey and white while he was able to retain some elegance with his combed hair. As for his skin, he aged well for a man of his age.
Colonel Strudwick grabbed his attention. "I am simply baffled by this great and elaborate story you have developed Captain Argall." Then the colonel's remaining eye was now aimed at him. "I asked you to understand what Doctor Sauer's work does and you give me some fantasy story." Argall watched the colonel's tone change. "Is this all you could get out of the German?"
The captain took the chance to speak up. "With all due respect, colonel. Doctor Sauer isn't German and I can believe that his work is truly about getting himself into another world."
"Captain Argall, what makes you say that you can believe such nonsense?!" Strudwick demanded.
The OSS agent stared at the colonel. "Sir, I know what I have seen in Lorch. I'm not wrong about that." He stated.
Suddenly, the door to Colonel Strudwick's office was unlocked immediately with an ensign grabbing the attention on the colonel and the captain to take notice of him. The young man saluted both the officers before he began. "Sir, emergency news from Berlin." The ensign stated. "Berlin's under attack."
Colonel Strudwick raised his eyebrows. "By who?"
"I don't know, but the Soviets and Allied troops are already fighting."751Please respect copyright.PENANAlB3dkIaWyk
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Pyrrha sat up from her bed as she found herself placed in another tent away from the rest of the patients as she looked down to see a white patch over her chest. This was the wound which her foe had managed to get onto her before she was sent to this world for no reason. Now it concerned her. What happened at Beacon? Then she heard someone's footsteps as she turned her head to see the entrance of the tent. He wore a labcoat over his sweatshirt as he smiled at her. The old man with scruffy hair had brought a stool with him as he placed it beside her bedside and took his seat.
He greeted her with a smile. "Good morning." He began. "I'm Doctor Sauer, I was the one who brought you here on accident."
Her eyebrows rose out of confusing and shock. "What do you mean?"
"I was the one who brought you into this world." The stranger began. "Though I never expected a girl from Mistral to come through that hole of mine."
"You brought me into this world?" Pyrrha asked of him. "Why?"
Doctor Sauer scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "I was trying to find a way back to Remnant. It just so happened that you arrived into this world on accident of one of my experiments." Then he changed the topic. "Where are my manners," He gave his hand out. "I would like to know who I'm talking to."
Pyrrha was hesitant at first, but she shook his hand. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos, its good to meet you. How did you end up on this world."
He laughed. "Ah, it was the result of an experiment I was working on at Atlas. It was about trying to find an alternative way for Remnant to live without the fear of Grimm." Then his expression changed completely in the eyes of the huntress. "Though you should consider yourself lucky."
A question entered her mind. "If we're in another world, where are we?" She asked.
"We're on Earth. It's not exactly like Remnant, but there are no creatures of Grimm to worry about." Sauer assured him. "Though it does have some disappointments."
"Doctor, what could be so bad about this world?"
He stated. "Earth's atmosphere isn't suitable for the use of Dust so don't even try using your scroll. It's not going to work. As for other limitations, I tried to use my own aura and semblance, but it didn't work either."
Her eyes lit up. "Our aura's don't work on this world, how does that work?" She questioned the older man in the room.
Then Doctor Sauer shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have the science to prove why it doesn't work." He answered her. "All I just know is, Earth doesn't allow me or you to use aura. So anything that shouldn't hurt you with aura will hurt you. I suggest you try to adjust for the world at the moment until I find a way back home for both you and me."
Pyrrha rubbed her temples. "I remember when I still had that arrow in me, I found myself in a castle."
"You and I were underneath the castle when I was working on my experiment, but the Allied soldiers found both of us and fought their way out of the castle just so they could get us out of there." He commented.
Another question came to her lips. "I heard stories of humans fighting each other?" Pyrrha questioned this concept. "I don't see any reason for humanity to fight one another."
Sauer sighed at such a question. "There are many reasons for humans to fight a war against one another. The Great War on Remnant or the Faunus Rights Revolution are two great examples of conflict without the interference of the Grimm." He stated such examples. "We should be grateful that the creatures of Grimm gave us a reason to stay united as a species. Were it not for such soulless beings, conflicts like these would have sprung up and probably tore our own world apart." Then he immediately changed the grim topic to another. "So, how are you feeling?" He asked. "I hope the nurses and the doctors have treated you well."
Pyrrha looked around to see the small quarters of her tent. "I'm feeling better ever since that arrow was removed." Sauer chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"I knew someone who used arrows." He said. "She was very good at using them."
"Well... thank you helping me." She thanked me."
"No problem, just trying to help a fellow person from Remnant." Then the doctor looked outside of the tent.
"What are you looking outside for?" She wondered.
His answer came. "I just witnessed a world war, Pyrrha. Now I wonder what the world would do after all of that."751Please respect copyright.PENANACBMY5uIPTC
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Allied troops entered the city of Berlin as Captain Edwards looked out from his jeep as dozens of halftracks drove in the torn up streets. He looked around to see the Soviet soldiers lingering in the streets as they began to wave their hands to the American and British troops arriving in droves to meet their allies from the Eastern Front. It was a sight to see for the Allies as the German civilians turned to see their new occupiers enter their home city. After going through three intersections, the captain was met by the sight of the Reichstag with the Soviet flag raised on the roof. "Wow, the Soviets know how to make things look big." Edwards whispered to himself.
The Reichstag was covered with bullet holes as Soviet troops nearby the column of vehicles had begun to greet him from the sidewalks in Russian. One of the Soviet soldiers stepped out on the sidewalk to take a picture at him and his men as Edwards' driver passed by him.
It was a friendly tone between the troops of their respective armies; however, such tone was ripped away when Edwards tapped the hood of the jeep. "Stop the car!" He shouted. "Stop the car!"
In the front of the Reichstag, there was blue-purple hole which flew strange black particles before a great beast was suddenly formed with bear-like traits and armor over its head. However, the creature brought its menacing eyes towards the closest Soviet who took notice of the intimidating creature. Then there were five more great beasts being formed from these black particles before the hole in reality disappeared completely. One of the bear-like creatures seemed to be the head of the group of beasts, but with bone-like features on its back.
Immediately, they ran amok on the unarmed Soviet soldiers and the German civilian populace.
The first words to escape Edward was. "Shit." He said before turning to the rest of his men who were still in their halftracks. "Cavalry riflemen, dismount!" He ordered as he stepped out of his jeep and snatched his Thompson in the back of the jeep.
As the American troops quickly armed themselves, Edwards looked to the front of the Reichstag to see some of the Soviet soldiers pull out their rifles and their side arms and fired at the bear-like creatures that already killed the men and women who were nearby. The German civilians who were nearby had screamed in terror as the bear-like creatures had begun to disperse themselves on the outside of the former government building. However, the reprisal was rapid enough to keep them in place. Seven Soviet T-34s drove onto the scene with a Soviet heavy tank to fire upon the creatures as gunfire erupted in the streets.
At the same time, Edwards lead his men to join this armored push as they began to open fire onto the bear-like bears. However, Edwards had to call them black bears at this point. Suddenly, the tanks fired a volley of tank shells. Seven of them had managed to pepper the bear-like beasts with their superior firepower as some of the shells deviated and crashed into the buildings around. Two of the black bears had survived the tank firepower as one of them had chosen to charge the battle line of tanks at the front of the Reichstag. Then Edwards gave the order to his men. "Open fire on those sons a bitches!" He screamed to the top of his lungs as the infantry had begun to unleash gunfire to pepper on the black bear attempting to charge them without any sign of hesitation.
The American captain was surprised to see that the T-34s were quick to respond with another volley. Tank shells screamed into the black bear before they all turned their attention onto the last black bear which was more 'armored' than the rest of its kind. It made a defiant animal roar out of anger at those who defied their presence.
The bony armored animal charged towards the tank line with the assistance of the American troops before a great blast had nearly deafened Edwards' ears. He heard the ringing scream into his mind as he watched a great explosive shell crash into the armored black bear. It was a great sight to see as the captain of Baker Company turned his head towards the Soviet heavy tank where the tank commander opened his hatch with a cigarette between his lips. "Do not fuck with an IS-2, сука."
A lieutenant tapped his shoulder. "Sir, take a look at this." He mentioned as Edwards turned his head to see the dead black bears laying on the ground before their bodies slowly evaporated from existence.
Edwards looked around for someone or something. "Someone get me a radio or the damn operator!" He shouted to his scarred men as he tried to get rid of this situation. "I've got a call for headquarters."