An Allied column was entering the town of Lorch through the west side. Their orders were to secure the town and the nearby castle from the remains of the 10th SS as artillery shells flew overhead on the opposite side of the town.
Captain Edwards sat inside of the passenger seat of the jeep beside the driver as he opened up a map while the radio operators conducted their duty behind the jeep. He looked up from the map of Lorch to see a British officer join him in the operations as he wore a red beret with a mustache to complement his look. "Major Blackmore, its good you got here in time." The American officer began. "I hope you know what is going on."
The major loosened his shirt's grasp over his throat before speaking. "I was only told to learn whatever I need to learn from you."
Edwards pointed at the map. "We're moving in on the town after Able Company was able to secure the town last night. Now this is where 3rd Battalion and Dog Company come in."
"Due explain."
"Your men and Dog Company are going to fortify the town and repel any German assault from the east." Captain Edwards explained the situation to Major Blackmore. Then he placed his finger on the south of the town. "I'll bring Baker Company to move through this pass and encircle the remaining Germans southeast of the town."
The major accepted this plan with the nod. "Captain, is there anything I should know about that castle you're going to bypass."
Edwards sighed. "This place holds some remains of the Oberkommando after their assault in the Ardennes; however, they are also assisted by elements of the Ostheer." Then he added. "Taking the castle will not be our objective. Fox Company is going to take the castle with Able and relieve the OSS team out."
"So this OSS team is the reason why we're here?" Major Blackmore asked.
"Yes sir, they're in that castle south of the town."
Behind the American captain, the radio operator was talking loud enough to garner attention from Edwards and Blackmore. However, this man was having a voice shout at him. "Captain Durante, repeat your situation?!" The operator demanded.
"I'm telling that to you!" The voice cried out. "We got German troops defecting towards us!" Captain Durante screamed through the radio.
Stepping out of the passenger seat, Captain Edwards came over to the radio and grabbed the phone. "Durante, what's going on?"
The American officer screaming on the other side of the radio replied. "Edwards, we're fighting our way out of the town with German troops supporting us! They're friendlies!"
"Got it, I'll tell everyone." Stated Edwards.
A confused look remained on the major's face. "What was all that about?"
"Captain Durante just told me that they're being supported by elements of the Wehrmacht." He answered.
"Damn, I wouldn't expect the Germans to side with us so easily."
"Tell me about it."913Please respect copyright.PENANAdkesZbq1Ff
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The OSS team and the defected Germans fought throughout the castle after they left the basement. Although they were almost close, they were met with fierce resistance in the streets as their goal was to fight to the north side of the castle to bridge which lead to the town of Lorch. Behind them, Dr. Sauer held the girl in his arms as the arrow was still left in her chest.
"Put a fucking eight centimeter rocket up their asses!" A German sergeant screamed at fellow German, who carried a Panzerschreck on his shoulder. Immediately, the warhead flew throughout the street and to splash into a machine gun nest aimed in their direction. He tapped the shoulder of the rocketeer on his shoulder. "Nice shot!"
Captain Durante was beside the two as he reloaded his Thompson and aimed over the sandbags to spray his Thompson and suppress the Waffen SS trying to stop their advance. He looked across from his side of the street to see the British commandos and his Rangers join him in this endeavor. He swore as he looked back to see more German troops with a Tiger tank driving behind him. "Shit, behind us!" They all turned around to see the heavy tank turn on them with dozens of German soldiers behind the Tiger.
The tank turned its turret for adjustments as the shocked Allied and German soldiers thought it was their last time in life, but it subsided when Durante witnessed the tank shell flew over their heads and crashed into the SS machine gun nest. Turning his gaze towards the Tiger tank he couldn't expect to see such a monster of a tank his side; however, he was surprised to see the head of the commando unit run past the German soldiers and the Tiger.
"Captain Argall, where the hell did you get these guys?!" Durante shouted at him.
When the British captain joined the rest of his team, he smiled. "I don't bloody know." He answered before turning towards the Tiger and the Germans joining them push out of the castle with the heavy tank leading supporting the infantry advance. Then the sight of the bridge had reached their gaze. "Come on, we're almost out of here!" Captain Argall ran towards their side of the bridge and gesture his hands to get across.
As Dr. Sauer carried the wounded girl out, he followed the safety of the Allied and the German soldiers he heard gunfire from all around. He kept her safe from this war so far and he was almost close at escaping this warzone as this strange alliance between the German soldiers and the Allies had gotten them far. Maybe they just wished for the war to end as well, but didn't want to fight to get it. Whatever their reasons were to join the Allies in helping him escape from this place he was glad it happened. However, terror filled his heart when he caught the sight of two tanks driving towards them.
Then he heard one of the Germans speak up. "Scheiße, Panthers! Lauf! Lauf! Lauf!"
Just as they reached the other side of the stone bridge, the Tiger engaged the two Panther tanks in battle to test whose mettle was greater. The infantry dispersed in the surrounding grass and laid themselves on the ground as Dr. Sauer did so with the girl wounded girl. However, they were still caught in the tank engagement as the machine gunners from the Panther were firing on the infantry without any risk.
Captain Durante fired his Thompson as he aimed at one of the machine gunner on the top of his hatch. He was successful in doing so as the rounds made their mark on their victim. Immediately, the man's body slumped back down into the tank as the second machine gunner on top of the Panther was also killed as well. The only issue was the protected machine gunners who couldn't be simply held back by gunfire.
As two shells bounced off of its frontal armor of the Tiger, the German with the only Panzerschrek surprised the Panther on the right side of the Tiger with a warhead flying into its side armor.
The damaged Panther stopped in its tracks as Captain Durante saw the tank crew escaped out of the hatches with ease. "Open up on them." Gunfire from the British, German, and American soldiers flew towards the disabled tank as the crew fell victim to the lack of protection from the exposure. The bodies slid off of the hull as the American captain turned his attention to see the second Panther open fire on the Tiger tank. This time, the Panther succeeded in destroying their only armor support. The Tiger was filled with fire as the German crew escaped out with fires attached to their uniforms. However, the Panther's machine guns opened up on them as they were cut down in the aftermath.
Captain Argall crawled up beside him as he came to inform him of how dire the situation was. "Bloody hell, the German with the rockets just ran out." He explained. "I doubt we can handle a tank with just grenades."
Suddenly, a shell whistled from the east as it smashed into the side of the Panther's armor. Both the German and the Allied soldier looked around to find where this random shell originated from, but Captain Durante and Captain Argall were shocked to see a tank they had only seen on the screens of film reels. A Soviet tank was aimed at the Panther as the barrel was smoking from discharging a round.
Captain Durante dropped his jaw. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" He asked.
Argall replied. "The Soviets are here."
Another tank shell screamed from the Soviet-made tank as it placed a killing blow to the Panther. Then the German-Allied soldiers rose from the grass to assess the casualties other than the burning Tiger with critical damage on its hull.
Captain Durante watched the T-34 refaced its frontal armor towards them as figures came over the horizon wearing different helmets and uniforms from the Germans and the Allies. "Damn, the Russians are here." He commented.
Then Argall replied. "Yeah, let's get moving. I don't want to stick around." He turned to the German soldiers with their weapons at hand. "Lassen Sie Ihre Waffen sind die Russen hier." The Germans turned their heads toward the Soviets from the east and immediately dropped their weapons on the grass as they raised their hands up in the sky. "Komm mit mir, du bist unsere Gefangenen."
"I didn't know you spoke German?" Questioned the American captain.
"When you interrogate enough German officers, you learn a thing or two."
The Allied soldier escorted their 'prisoners' towards the opposite side of the Soviet forces coming over the horizon with a dozen more tanks and Soviet troops. At the same time, Durante heard rocket fire come from the east. "Shit, whoever we didn't kill is probably going through hell with the Soviets." As the Rangers and the commandos formed a formation around the disarmed Germans as they walked away from the castle. The captain walked over to Dr. Sauer as he carried the red-head with groans. "Sir, are you okay with carrying her?"
The older man with his grayed hair turned towards him. "It's been a long time since I've carried something this heavy. Can you carry her for me?"
Durante assured him with a nod as he swung his Thompson over his shoulder before the doctor gave the wounded girl to him as he carried her towards the town of Lorch through the road. To his surprise, there was a column of halftracks driving towards him as the distance between the Allied soldiers and the Americans was immediately closed as the halftracks drew close enough to see the faces of the men. Then the captain recognized one of the men. "Edwards, you definitely took your sweet time!"
A/N: As I was working on this chapter, this was helping me with.
Edit: Any German speaker who could see any mistakes and wishes to amend them, please do so.