Pyrrha looked at the mirror to see herself wearing a checkered red-yellow dress as her outfit was not suitable for Earth. She had learned this from Doctor Sauer, who convinced her that bringing attention to herself because of her different clothing style. The huntress got her hair out of the way as she stepped outside of her tent, only to be met with a building on her left occupied by soldiers wearing green uniforms with small white circles and red crosses on their sleeves. They moved to and fro like mice as they brought medical supplies to those who were bedridden. She found herself in a graveyard as she turned to the right to see an open gate.
Leaving the courtyard, she found herself vulnerable in this world as she looked both ways with the occasional vehicle driving past her. Some of the men whistled for her attention as she still retained her boots to her dress. To the right of the road, she saw a castle in the distance. Doctor Sauer mentioned that this place was where she was brought into this world and Pyrrha considered herself lucky that she was able to survive with an arrow in her chest.
Suddenly, a familiar voice called to her. "Ms. Nikos, I see you already changed."
Pyrrha turned around to see Doctor Sauer dressed in a white sweatshirt and green trousers.
"I am planning to head to the mess for lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch?" He requested.
She heard a growl from below and looked where it was coming from. A great growl moaned to her for nutrients as she smiled at the matter. "Doctor Sauer, I accept your offer."
The doctor proudly bowed his head before he gestured the huntress to walk with him.
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When the news was broken to Colonel Conti, he rubbed his temples and shook his head in shame. "Shit, we didn't get that bastard behind this mess." The colonel stated as he was not the only officer inside of the command room.
Across from him, Colonel Churkin sat in a chair with his officer's cap on his lap as he leaned his head on his hand. "I take there will be repercussions?"
"We have a dead Soviet captain and our target escaped." Colonel Conti explained to the Russian. "You're probably going to have it better than me."
"I doubt that. STAVKA isn't as lenient compared to your high command."
Then the door to Conti's office was knocked on three times. "You can come in!" He yelled out as a British officer slipped into the room with his hands behinds his back. "Major Blackmore, what brings you here?"
The Englishman's expression was not in a bright mood. It seemed like he was stricken with some kind of sickness. "Gentlemen, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have gotten a call from headquarters."
Colonel Conti stopped rubbing his temples before lowering his hand. "Just how bad is it?" Churkin turned his attention to the British major.
"We have a repeat of incidents occurred in Nuremburg and many other cities." Blackmore explained. "They just finished up, but at the casualties were high."
Then the trio heard Colonel Churkin swear in his native tongue. Thankfully, he did provide some of his thoughts into the conversation. "That son of a bitch is causing this shit and got away from us."
"Though, I do bring some news from headquarters and its importance should get all of our attention." Both the American and the Soviet officer observed the major. "STAVKA and high command are now working together to take care of this issue once and for all." He explained. "They're pitting their resources and manpower into getting rid of these threats." Then Major Blackmore turned his gaze towards Colonel Conti. "Colonel, is Doctor Sauer still around with us?" He brought his query.
Conti crossed his arms. "Is he that important?"
"Definitely." Answered Blackmore as he took a seat on a couch to the right. "From what I was told, the OSS and headquarters told me he may be the key to stopping these bloody creatures from appearing in Germany."
The Soviet voiced his opinion. "Excuse me for questioning this information, but why should we put our faith in some Nazi scientist who thinks he could solve our problem."
Blackmore raised his finger. "Correction, Doctor Sauer is actually not a Nazi scientist." Lowering his finger, he turned to Colonel Churkin.
"Please explain. I would like to know why this matters."
"Colonel, this scientist happens to come from the place where these creatures come from. In fact, he is from a completely different world as we know it."
The colonel rose from his seat as he sighed. "Well comrades, I wish both of you good luck." Then he adjusted his officer's cap when it his head was covered. "I have been recalled back to Moscow for a matter I must tend to."
Colonel Conti watched as the Soviet officer made his way to the door and exited the room, leaving behind the two officers. "Major Blackmore, is there anything I have to know about high command?" His gaze aimed at the officer.
Blackmore nodded his head in the colonel's presence. "Of course, my men and I have been requisitioned to join an expeditionary force to search and destroy a colleague of Doctor Sauer." He began. "However, I do have to inform you that your men are included in these matters as well."
The colonel's eyebrows rose in surprise. "How so?"
"Due to the experience your companies have earned during the Ardennes Offensive, your units have been selected to join us as well." Answered the major.
"This isn't good." Conti's expression changed. "Those men don't deserve to put up with anymore bullshit-hell, I lost one of my best officers during the offensive. Most of these men just want to go home."
The major gave his sympathies. "I understand your frustration colonel; however, these are orders coming from the top of the chain of command and they expect us to follow these orders to the letter."
He lowered his head with a sigh. "Looks like I have to break it to the boys." He said. "...and they're not going to like it."691Please respect copyright.PENANAbSWzeMY6Df
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After they had returned to Lorch from their failed objective, all they cared about was getting a fine meal. Even though the COs could use their own personal command vehicles, it was preferred that they talk to each other. When the halftrack reached the motor pool, the company commanders immediately left and found themselves in line within the mess hall. Even though the town bar was not a fitting place for a mess hall, no one complained about the matter. The bar manager earned money for his service to the GIs and the soldiers had a place to celebrate, especially after the news of Germany's surrender to the Soviet Union.
Stepping into the building, the four company commanders and their men looked around to see there were seats open to them. Immediately, Captain Durante lead himself and his three officers to a round table occupies by two people. However, he knew who they were. "Doctor Sauer, I didn't expect to see you here." The captain began. "I thought you were off to some top-secret facility with your assistant." Then the captain and his peers slipped into their seats.
The older man chuckled. "Truth be told, I thought the same as well. Say, I never got your name after you retrieved me from that castle. Would you be so kind to say it?"
"I'm Monte Durante, but you can call me Durante." Answered the company commander of Fox Company. Then he turned his attention to one of the veterans of the Ardennes Offensive. "This is Kurt Derby of Dog Company." The veteran waved his hand before keeping himself reserved and quiet. "The next two guys are Bill Edwards and Johnny Vastano."
"I have to say, its an honor to meet all of you." He explained.
Johnny began to take notice of the girl who was among their party. "So, who is the gal?" He asked and a slap from Durante's hand landed on the back of his head. "What the hell was that for?"
Durante chastised him. "What kind of question is that?" He demanded.
"Well excuse me for being a guy from Chicago."
Monte shook his head before turning his attention to the researcher. "So sir, would you like to introduce her to all of us?"
To the four's surprise, the green-eyed girl was the one who answered with a smile. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos. Its good to meet all of you."
"Likewise, I'm sure the doctor's young assistant has a bright future in whatever field she's going in."
The door to the bar was opened once more, but Bill Edwards turned his gaze to recognize a notable person. "Hey, Colonel Conti's here." He notified his men about their superior. "What's he doing here?" He wondered to himself.
Vastano made a suggestion. "Maybe he's here just to get a drink just like any other guy in the Army. Being a colonel sure has its problems."
Turning away from watching the colonel, Edwards whispered to the rest of his men. "He's coming here." He stated.
A pair of footsteps creaked the floor as it grey closer to the table. "Doctor Sauer, I didn't expect you to be here." He commented.
Doctor Sauer looked up above the heads of the officers to see the colonel standing behind them. "Colonel Conti, what brings you here?"
"I was just looking for my company commanders and it just so happens they're sitting here with you." He answered. "Like hitting two birds with one stone.
Pyrrha observed the conversation, but was disgusted at the thought of such a moment happening. Whoever thought of that had a cruel mind.
A reply came from the doctor. "So, it would seem that you are here for more than just your officers. Am I wrong?"
Then Colonel Conti explained the situation. "Doctor Sauer, I need your help. Badly."
Pyrrha took notice that Colonel Conti's eyes were showing the doctor that he was speaking the truth. Then she and the company commanders turned their gazes onto the doctor whose expression had changed from earlier. "Just how bad is it?"
"Your colleague just made everything worst." He answered. The table's once bright conversation was completely turned with the talk of matters Pyrrha was familiar with. "It relates to your work if you want to know."
"I'm in." He said.
"That's good to hear." Conti commented. Now his attention was now on his subordinates. "Company commanders, I know that you're all going to hate me for this, but we still have to work and its related to Doctor Sauer's work." The colonel turned away from the officers and walked away from the party of six.
Captain Vastano swore to himself, but his voice was low enough for only the people at their table. "God-damn it. I thought I was off the hook."
Pyrrha watched the saddened expressions on the faces of the captains, then the doctor whispered into her ear. "I should start paying."691Please respect copyright.PENANASifYRUixs2
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If Colonel Conti found him in this manner, he would have called Vastano and his peers as 'shitfaced excuses for an officer.' That being said, Captain Durante didn't really apply due to his nature of not being by the book. As for everyone else, it was their reaction to the fact that they were still in service of the government and its military. Captain Vastano sat alone that night as he sat at a table outside of the bar. Even though it was almost closing time, the bartender allowed him the luxury to have one last drink tonight.
The bartender stepped out as he wiped his hands with a white rag. He came over to the captain with a second glass in his hand as he placed it on a seat across from him. "Captain Vastano, here's your second glass." The bartender asked.
A small smile fell on his lips. "Just honoring a friend... a very good friend." Vastano stated as his gaze was aimed at the bottle on the table. He grasped the wine and poured its contents in his own glass and the glass across from him. Then he handed the bottle to the German. "Mr. Burgstaller, thank you for doing this for me."
Then Burgstaller grabbed the bottle and looked up at the young man. "I fought in the Great War, young man. I know how that feels." He turned away from the paratrooper officer as he walked up to his place of business. "When you are finished, leave it there, I'll take care of it in the morning." Then his door slammed shut.
Captain Vastano grabbed his glass as he stared at the empty seat across from him. "Hey Jackson... if you're listening to me right now I got something to say. Shit, how do I explain it... We beat the krauts back to Berlin." He smiled at the thoughts. "The Reds kicked their fucking teeth in and I got to meet my first Russian. I got to say, their girls were cute. I think I got a lucky kiss from them." Then he lowered his head to see his name and rank above on his uniform's left breast pocket. "Ever since you went missing, Colonel Conti gave me comnand of Able. I was able to learn how to use a typewriter for the first time." Vastano looked at the empty seat as he dropped a tear as he struggled to talk. "You know, I owe you Jackson. I owe you plenty." He tried to control it, but his outburst came like a dam unleashing water. "I was just some runt in the street who was thrown in the Army just to avoid the slammer. Ever since I reached boot camp, I was the first person who got hammered by the drills. Don't know what went through your mind, but you decided to give a person like me a fuckin' chance when no one thought I was worth it." The captain paused to clean himself up and regain his composure. "All I have to say is thank you, Captain Jackson."
Captain Vastano rose from his seat and raised his glass in sign of good faith to the missing man. He downed the glass of alcohol before leaving the now empty glass on the table. After, he saluted the man who molded the one-time crook into a soldier. He waited a good two minutes before turning away from the table and walked down the road back to his command post.
The officer walked alone in the darkness as he turned his gaze to the right. There, he saw a blue-purple 'ball' which appeared in his presence. "What the hell is this?" He asked himself. It seemed like this was an event he would see in his comic books. The difference was, this was real. The hole in reality got the better of him as he stopped himself from continuing to his destination. He was fascinated at how this hole in reality worked. "I got to report this to Conti." He said to himself as he took a step further to the strange anomaly. However, he wanted to touch it, but common sense took the better part of his mind. "Yeah, Conti first." He stopped his hand and was inches from touching this strange object. Then he pulled himself away.
When he did so, his hand had begun to fracture and get sucked by this anomaly. Vastano was shocked and was filled with terror as he used his other hand to pull his arm away, but this was all in vain. Other parts of his body was fracturing and were beginning to fall into this hole as he tried to step away. However, he watched helplessly as he cried out for help. Piece by piece fell out of place as his whole entire body converged onto this blue-purple hole. Then the last piece of matter disappeared from reality.691Please respect copyright.PENANAmKUBUomzHt
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He heard sirens blaring into his ears as he was launched forward into reality; however, he found himself displaced into a white room as he looked around to see a machine aiming its round-like point at him. Then Vastano patted his chest to see if he was actually alive. Wherever he was, it was strange for him. The captain then took notice of a glass panel behind the piece of machinery with dozens of figures. "Hello?" His first words he asked of the strangers. "Who are you and where am I?"
Suddenly, he heard the sounds of doors sliding open on his left. When the white door was removed, a dozen of men clad in black uniforms and white arnor from an outside hallway stormed through with batons in their hands.
One of the men came forward. "Hands in the air!" He shouted. "I said hands in the air!"
Vastano turned to meet these men with his hands raised. "Uh, sir would mind telling me what the hell is going on?!"
A man dressed in a white uniform had stepped into the room. "Sergeant, no need to be hostile to the man."
The sergeant turned to his superior. "But sir. General Ironwood-"
He interrupted him. "Let me handle Ironwood, you just do your duty." Then his attention was turned onto Vastano. His blue eyes and brown hair had off-set the bland uniform he wore. "Those bars seem to fit you well since I last saw you Captain Vastano."
Vastano's mind was trying to process this revelation; however, these words left his lips. "Son of a bitch, Jackson... you're alive. Where the hell have you been?"
He sighed. "It's complicated."