Harry woke up feeling heavy. The weight of everything that had happened the day before felt like it was suffocating him. He had spent the night in a restless sleep; all he could see were flashes of Harvey being thrown across the yard. Harry hoped Harvey wasn’t badly hurt; he had never meant to hurt him. All he wanted was to get away from it all. There had been plenty of moments that he had wanted to yell or scream at his younger brother, but he never wanted this. He could only imagine what James had said to his mother about him, and she probably wouldn’t even argue.
Sitting up, Harry looked over to the desk that sat in front of the windows to the left of the bed and spotted the parchment, ink, and quill. As much as he didn’t want to go home, he couldn’t stay in Paris. No matter how much he found himself wanting to be around a certain blonde-haired beauty.
Fleur had certainly surprised him. Harry wouldn’t say that it wasn’t her looks that had first caught his eye, it was, but as soon as she touched him, everything felt like it was going to be okay. He had thought that maybe her magic had unique healing abilities because, logically, it made no sense. He hardly knew her, yet she made him feel better than anyone else ever had.
Harry moved over and took a seat at the desk. He could write to either of his parents, but he wasn’t ready to face them yet. Carlisle was another option; both Lucius and Narcissa would allow him to stay at Malfoy Manor, but he didn’t want to share this family crap with them. The only person who wouldn’t ask questions and could perhaps help him focus on other things was Snape.
He knew that over the breaks, Snape normally stayed at Hogwarts, but this year Snape had returned to his own residence. He could simply tell Snape that he wanted to return to his apprenticeship today, and hopefully, Snape would agree. It wouldn’t be the indefinite solution to his problems, but it would be a distraction.
A soft knock at his door pulled Harry from his contemplation.
He said, “Come in.”
Fleur stepped through the door with a grey bird standing on her arm. She smiled at him, and her face went red as she noticed his bare chest. She turned her eyes away and cleared her throat. “Good morning.”
Harry could help but chuckle. It pleased him to know that she seemed to be affected by him too. And her smile, it spread that warmth sensation in his chest again. “Morning.”
“How did you sleep?” she asked.
Harry shrugged. “Fine, I guess.”
“Was the bed not to your liking?” asked Fleur.
He shook his head. “No, it wasn’t the bed. Just bad dreams.” He didn’t want to explain it any further. He could imagine the look on her face if he admitted to her that he had attacked his own brother.
“I see. Well, how about some breakfast after you’ve written your letter?” She walked over to him and let the owl step off her arm and onto the small perch that sat on the desk. “This is my owl, Eagon. He will deliver your letter for you.”
Harry nodded his head. “Thank you. I appreciate everything you and your family has done for me.”
Fleur shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the edge of the bed. “As I said last night, it was the right thing to do. You weren’t well, and I couldn’t very well leave you in that park.”
“Still,” he said, “thank you.” He reached out his hand to her.
Fleur blushed slightly and took it. She squeezed his fingers and said, “You are very welcome…now, chop, chop.” She smiled and stood. “Breakfast will be waiting for you. Just go right, down the stairs, and the dining room is on the right.”
Harry nodded. “I’ll be down shortly.”
He watched her walk out of the room before turning back to the desk. Eagon was cleaning his feathers but paused and gave him a stern look. Harry smiled at the owl and reached forward to pet his chest. Eagon seemed to eye his finger—probably considering if he should bite Harry or not—before allowing the touch.
Harry said, “I don’t suppose you could intentionally get lost and not deliver my letter.”
Instead of delaying it any longer, Harry grabbed the quill and dipped it into the ink. He quickly wrote a short letter to Snape detailing his location and a request to come and collect him. Worst case scenario, Harry would just have to ask Allard to take him home, or at least to Hogwarts.
Harry sealed the letter and tied it to Eagon’s foot before standing. He waited for the owl to step onto his arm before opening the window and telling him Snape’s address. The owl seemed to pause for a moment, watching Harry closely, before taking off. Harry watched Eagon fly away for a moment before letting the dread set in.
Before heading downstairs, Harry dressed. He still only had the clothes from yesterday, and Fleur had found him a pair of pants to wear to bed, but at least they didn’t smell. He did a quick look in the mirror and noted that he wasn’t going to get any better before heading downstairs.
The Delacour’s home was much more of a sight with the morning light streaming in through the large windows. The walls were white with grey wooden panelling; the floors were a dark brown, almost black, wooden floorboards; and thick dark grey curtains framed the large windows. The portraits that he had noted the night before all seemed to be watching him as he descended the stairs. He tried to ignore their looks and found his way to the dining room. Allard and Fleur were the only two sitting at the table where a mountain of food was spread out. The table was a long wide table that was capable of sitting up to at least twelve people, but it had been set for five people, all at one end of the table.
“Good morning,” said Harry. He nodded towards Allard before taking a seat beside Fleur.
“Good morning, lad,” said Allard, “did you send that letter?”
Harry nodded. “I reached out to one of my professors; he should hopefully be willing to come and collect me.”
Allard frowned. “One of your parents couldn’t make the trip?”
Harry shook his head. “There are insinuating circumstances.”
Allard seemed to accept his response and didn’t question it further.
“Papa, if it is okay. I thought that I may take Harrison with me today,” said Fleur.
Harry’s interest peaked as he reached for a croissant.
Allard nodded. “I don’t see any problem with that. No need for you to stay locked up inside. As long as you are feeling up to it, lad?”
Harry nodded. “I feel great, considering what I somehow managed to do.” They all knew that international apparation wasn’t common. In fact, it was highly recommended that wizards don’t do it. Even those who had learned and were successful at apparation were in danger of either hurting themselves or even killing themselves. Harry was surprised that all he had lost was his stomach contents.
“So where exactly shall you be taking me, Miss Delacour?” asked Harry. He tore a piece of his croissant and ate it.
Fleur smirked. “You shall have to wait and see.”
Harry found himself excited to spend the day with her. Just the two of them.
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Lily was pacing Severus’ living room. She had arrived with Sirius the night before and explained to Severus that Harry had disappeared. Sirius had practically begged his old school enemy to help them find his son because he feared the worse. Lily had seen the concern in Severus’ eyes for Harry; she knew he would never admit that he cared for the boy, but he wouldn’t have ever agreed to take on an apprentice if it was anyone else.
Severus had agreed to help them; he had a potion that he could brew that could reveal the location of blood relatives on a piece of paper. He just had to brew it first. Reluctantly, Sirius had returned to White Oak Manor, and Lily went back to Godric’s Hollow. They could return the next day when the potion would be ready.
When Lily had walked in the door, she had found Remus half asleep on the couch. She had thanked him for staying before sending him off to keep Sirius company; he needed someone with him at the moment.
Lily had gone upstairs to find James asleep in Harvey’s bed with him. Harvey was snuggled into his chest, and Lily felt her heartache at the sight. She hated leaving him, knowing he would be so confused when he woke up, but she knew that Harry also needed her. Balancing the two of them had seemed simple, but really, she hadn’t realised how much she actually fucked it all up.
Kicking off her shoes, she climbed onto the bed and ran her hand over Harvey’s arm. She didn’t mean to wake him, but he rolled over and gave her a sleep smile.
“Mum,” he mumbled.
She let him shift over and snuggle into her chest. “How’s my baby boy?” she asked, her voice a whisper, so she didn’t wake James. She really didn’t want to deal with the argument she knew was coming.
“My head hurts,” mumbled Harvey.
She pressed a kiss to his brow and asked, “Did your dad give you the pain reliever?”
He nodded. “Is Harry okay?”
Lily wanted to cry. He was more concerned about his brother. “I don’t know, baby.”
“Dad said you went to find him.”
“I did, but we’re still looking,” she explained.
“I hope he is okay.” Harvey tightened his grip around her. “He looked so scared, and I know he didn’t mean to hurt me.”
A tear fell down Lily’s cheek, and she pressed another kiss to Harvey’s head and sniffed.
“Don’t be sad, Mum. Harry will come home.”
She hoped so; she needed to fix it.
When they had woken up the next day, Harvey had tried to come with her to find Harry. She had to explain that he needed to let his bump heal and keep his dad company. James hadn’t spoken to her, he had pressed a kiss to her head as she left, but neither of them said anything. She loved James; she did. But Harry was her son, and he needed to become before James, just like Harvey did.
Lily had arrived back at Severus’ to find him drinking coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. He had poured her a cup before telling her the potion would be ready soon. Sirius arrived not long after that, and here they were, waiting.
Severus’ home was a place that she had only entered once before, and it had been before she married James. The home itself stood in the same location as the home that Severus had grown up in; from what he had told Lily—as children—she knew that the original home had been filled with traumatic memories. After Severus’ mother and father were both gone, he had torn down the original home before having a simple English cottage built for him. It was comprised of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a half bath downstairs, an open planned kitchen, dining and living area, as well as a library slash sitting room, and a potions lab in the basement. The interior was fairly modern and warm, and it would have been a great place for entertaining, but Lily knew that Severus rarely had people in his home.
Lily hadn’t been able to sit still and relax. She had tried making herself a tea to calm her nerves, but the liquid had grown cold on the table in front of her; she tried finding a book to distract her mind, but nothing could get her attention. She found herself pacing back and forth in the living space, unable to do anything but bite her nails and worry about Harry. Sirius stood by the window the looked out over Severus’ back yard, and he hadn’t made a sound since he had arrived.
When Severus finally left his potions lab, she almost tackled him to grab the blue vial he was holding. He had quirked his eyebrow at her as she tripped over her own feet. He then said, “I just need a drop of blood from either of you.”
Sirius stepped away from the window and asked, “How does it work exactly?”
Severus explained, “Once I’ve added the blood, I will place a quill into the potion. The quill will then write out the names and locations of all living relatives of that person.”
Sirius nodded. “Lily, did you want me to…”
Lily shook her head. “I’ll do it.”
She held up her hand, and Severus took it. He used the pin to prick her finger before squeezing a drop of blood into the blue liquid. The liquid turned black, and Severus moved over to the dining table. He placed down parchment and the potion before pulling a quill from his pocket. He placed the quill into the potion and waited. After a moment, the quill lifted itself and began to write on the parchment.
Petunia Dursley, Surrey, England.
Dudley Dursley, Surrey, England.
Harvey Potter, Godric’s Hollow, England.
Harrison Black, Paris, France.
Lily stared down at the parchment in shock. Harry was in Paris.
“He apparated to Paris?” asked Sirius. His face was just as puzzled as hers.
“He apparated?” questioned Severus.
“We think so,” said Lily, “there isn’t really another explanation as to how he got to Paris.”
“We can figure out what really happened later; let’s go find our son,” said Sirius.
Lily nodded, and both of them moved towards the door, but Lily paused. She turned back to Severus and smiled at him. “Thank you for helping, Severus.”
He returned her smile and bowed his head. “Anything for you, Lily.”
Sirius pulled open the front door, and they were all startled as a grey owl flew in. It let out a squark before landing on the back of one of Severus’ dining table chairs. Severus frowned at the bird but stepped forward and removed the attached letter.
“That bird seems familiar,” said Sirius.
“I don’t recognise him,” mumbled Severus. He opened the letter, and as he read, Lily caught his surprise.
“What does it say?” she asked.
Severus frowned. “It’s from Harrison.”
Lily’s stomach dropped. “What?” She walked over to him and snatched the letter from his hand. Normally she would never have done such a thing, but these circumstances were different. Her heart broke as she read over her son’s letter.
Professor Snape,
I apologise for interrupting your Christmas holiday, but I find myself in some troubling circumstances, and I require your assistant. For reasons that I am not willing to explain, I find myself stuck in Paris with no way of legally returning to London.
I find myself in the home of Mister Allard Delacour, and while he has been nothing but welcoming, I do have studies that I need to return for.
If you find yourself wondering as to why I have not contacted my parents for assistance, then please understand that at this current time, I don’t wish to see them.
Kind regards,
Harrison Black.
Tears were falling down Lily’s cheeks, and her hands trembled. Her son hated her and didn’t want to see her. She truly had failed.
“Lily, it will be okay,” said Severus. His hands came to rest on her shoulders and led her to sit down.
“How? He hates me. He doesn’t even want to see me,” sobbed Lily.
Sirius had stepped forward and took the letter from her. His eyes were dark, and he dropped the parchment onto the table. “He can be mad with us all he wants, but if he thinks that I’m not coming to get him, then he has another thing coming.”
“Sirius, we will have to get permission to travel to France via Floo, and that will take at least a day. Your brash action won’t help anything right now,” grumbled Severus.
“Actually,” said Sirius, “I know the home he is staying at.”
Severus and Lily both looked up, shocked.
“Allard Delacour is a French politician; we have met on several occasions. White Oak’s floo is linked directly to his. We can get there without having to wait,” explained Sirius.
Lily stood up and brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Let’s go then.”
Severus blocked her path and said, “Harry did ask that I be the one to collect him. Perhaps you both should wait at White Oak Manor while I collect him and bring him home.”
Lily shook her head. “No, I need to find him myself.”
“We are coming, Snape,” snapped Sirius.
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Paris was just as Harry remembered. The streets bustled with life, the fresh scent of baked goods flooded the streets, tourists were everywhere experiencing the Christmas decorations and the sights. The weather was cold enough that Fleur had supplied him with a magically stretched coat that belonged to her father and a scarf too. Both of them had left the Delacour home and made their way through the city, Fleur pointing out different places as they went.
After walking for twenty minutes, their noses were red from the cold, and Fleur pulled him into a small café. She told him to find a table while she went up to the counter to order. Harry did as he was told and walked through the cosy café until he found a small booth. It was sitting in the back corner, and it gave them a view of the whole sitting area. Harry slid in and pulled off his gloves, and unwrapping his scarf.
It wasn’t too long before Fleur joined him, and as she sat down, he found himself reaching out to take her hand. He had done the same thing as they left her home, they had walked down the steps, and he had caught her fingers and laced them together with his. Harry had waited for her to either object or pull her hand away, but instead, Fleur glanced at their hands before blushing and pulling him down the street.
Fleur squeezed his hand as he took hers and said, “They shouldn’t be too long.” She slid in next to him and nestled her shoulder against his.
Harry enjoyed how close she was. Her warmth seemed to be something he almost craved.
“Do you think you will have to wait long to hear back from your professor?” Fleur asked.
Harry shrugged. “It depends on how busy he is. He may show up later today.”
Fleur frowned, and Harry wanted to chase it away.
“Or maybe he will never get the letter, and I’ll just have to stay here…with you.” He leant in closer. His face close enough to hers that if she turned her head, he could kiss her.
Harry’s experiences with girls wasn’t long a list. There had been very few, a couple of shared kisses, one or two hand jobs during a party, and the night he had lost his virginity to one of his older classmates after winning the quidditch cup the year before. He didn’t even remember who the girl was, but Carlisle had somehow managed to get him to consume way more fire whiskey than he had ever intended and fumbled drunkenly through his first time.
But now, he was faced with something he had never really understood. Just being beside Fleur was calming. Her skin on his seemed to send tingles through his arm, her voice was soothing enough that he could almost let it lull him to sleep, and her eyes were captivating. And then there was the effect that he had on her; her red flushed cheeks when she blushed was the most adorable thing he had ever seen.
A waitress approached their table and placed down two coffees. She smiled at Harry, just Harry, before winking and walking away. Harry cringed at her flirting attempt but was curious as to Fleur’s reaction. Her grip on his hand had tightened, and her shoulders had visibly tensed.
He asked, “Are you okay?”
Fleur seemed to snap out of her daze, and her grip lessened. “Yes, I’m sorry.” She leant back against the cushioned seat and covered her face. “I just, um—didn’t like the way she looked at you.”
Harry bit down on his lip to keep in his smirk. She was jealous. “She couldn’t compare to you in any way.”
Fleur’s face flooded again with red. She turned and buried her head into his shoulder. “I’ve known you for less than a day, and here I am…losing it when another girl looks at you.”
Harry chuckled. “If a guy looked at you like that, I would probably hex him.”
Fleur looked up at him and lifted her free hand to touch his cheek. He wanted to kiss her so badly. He leant into her touch before moving closer, just an inch more, and he could taste her. Harry waited for a moment to see if she would pull away, but she didn’t. He closed the gap between them and kissed her.
A spark shot through his body as their lips touched; nothing had ever felt so right. She tasted like strawberries and something else that he couldn’t explain. Her lips were as soft as velvet, and he couldn’t stop himself from sucking her lip into his mouth.
Fleur’s hand slipped up his cheek and into his hair, gripping the roots and pulling him closer. The small moan that escaped her mouth pushed Harry to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth to tangle it with hers. He released her hand and slid one hand around her waist, and bought the other up to cup the back of her neck.
It was only when Harry found the need to breathe becoming desperate, did he pull back. They both let out a small gasp, and Harry rested his forehead against hers.
“Harry…” Fleur’s voice was barely a whisper.
She closed her eyes briefly, and when she opened them again, he noticed how they had darkened. Desire seemed to fill them, and Harry couldn’t help but think he probably looked the same.
“I need to tell you something,” she said.
Harry stroked her cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “What is it?”
Fleur tensed and said, “Don’t get mad…but I’m part Veela.”
Harry had heard of Veela’s before. They had been discussed in his defence class for more of a warning about their hypnotic abilities than to learn how to fight them. He knew that Veela’s were able to compel all men into doing strange things, and he could see from the fear in Fleur’s eyes that she thought he would believe that is what had happened. It would be easy to think that his emotions to her the past day could have been her Veela influence, but he didn’t believe that.
Harry smiled at her and said, “That explains your incredibly white-blonde locks.” He lifted his hand to run his fingers across a few strands.
Fleur sighed. “Do you not think that I tricked you?”
Harry shook his head. “I have felt enough false hope in my life to know the difference between what is real and what is not.”
Fleur shifted and cupped both of his cheeks. “Why does everything about your life sound like a great tragedy?”
Harry almost laughed.
“What happened to make your eyes so sad?” she asked. “Was it your mother?”
Harry nodded. It was too exhausting sliding around the truth. “I told you last night that my mother spent less time with me after Harvey was born.”
Fleur nodded.
Harry explained, “As we have grown up, I found myself overshadowed by Harvey. From my side, my accomplishments were all well and good, but when Harvey accomplished, they threw him a parade.”
Fleur frowned. “They pushed you aside and didn’t appreciate you.”
He nodded. “That’s what it feels like. And instead of complaining, I just pushed the feelings down. All the hurt, the pain. Every dismissive wave, every ‘not now’. I bottled everything up until yesterday when the bottle’s lid was cracked off, and it exploded. Literally.”
“You fort with your parents?” she asked.
Harry sighed. “Mostly, my godfather. He was trying to get me to open up. When my mother heard me yelling, she came to check on us, and that is when I fled.”
“And that brought you here?”
“No.” Harry lifted his hand and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “What bought me here was unintentional magic.”
Fleur took his fingers and kissed them. She said, “Unintentional or not, I’m glad you landed at my feet.”
“Vomit and all?” he asked, a smile reaching his face.
Fleur giggled. “Vomit and all.”
It wasn’t something he had expected, feeling this overwhelming comfort that allowed him to open up. There was no judgement in Fleur’s eyes, only understanding. It didn’t matter that they had only met yesterday and that she had Veela blood. Sitting in the café, with her snuggled against him, he had never felt more at home.
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Lily was sitting in a large sitting room in the Delacour family home. Sirius had immediately reached out to Allard Delacour when they had arrived at White Oak, and Allard had let them step straight through. Sirius had been welcomed warmly but the older man, who had a large smile for them all. Allard had led them all to the sitting room and assured them that Harry was fine and that he was out with his daughter.
Lily had wanted to chase after them, but Severus had taken her hand and encouraged her to sit down. Allard’s wife, Apolline, had given her some chamomile tea and had joined them in the room. The tea had helped, somewhat, but she found herself listening for the front door while Sirius and Severus spoke to the Delacour’s.
“Harrison is a charming young man,” said Apolline. “Our daughter, Fleur, is very taken with him.”
Lily noticed the smirk that appeared on Sirius’ lips.
Sirius said, “He has his father’s charms.”
Allard chuckled. “No doubt, my good man.”
“How is Harrison’s condition?” asked Severus.
Allard said, “He was fine, considering the distance he apparated. All in one piece.”
“Fleur was the one who found him in the park,” said Apolline. “She arrived home with him holding onto her and our younger daughter, he was barely coherent, but after plenty of rest, he has bounced back nicely.”
“Thank you,” said Lily.
She hadn’t really said anything since they had arrived, more because she found herself unable to think straight, but these people who were strangers to her son had taken better care of him than she seemed to.
“Thank you for helping him. I don’t know what I would have…” Her eyes welled with tears, and as one fell down her cheek, Apolline was leaning over and holding out a tissue for her.
Apolline smiled kindly at her.
The front door opened with a click, and the sound of laughter caught their ears. Lily found herself frozen in her seat, and Severus’ hand reached forward to grab her hand and squeeze it. She took comfort from her old friend and took in a deep breath.
“Fleur? Could you and Harry come here, please?” called Allard.
“Coming,” came back a sweet voice.
A giggle echoed as the footsteps grew closer, and Lily felt like someone had punched her in the throat when a smiling Harry came around the corner. His face was flushed red from the cold, and his fingers were intertwined with the beautiful blonde girl—Fleur.
Harry’s smile dropped when he noticed Lily and then Sirius. He stopped in the doorway, and the happiness that she had just witnessed faded, and stone-cold anger seemed to take over. Fleur moved closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. She whispered something to him that made the anger weaken before his shoulders sagged.
“Harry, you’re okay.” Sirius had leapt from his seat and yanked Harry into a tight hug. “I was so worried.”
Harry hugged his father with one arm, his other hand still held Fleur’s. “I apologise if I scared you. It was intentional.”
Sirius let Harry go and squeezed his shoulder. “None of this is your fault.” Sirius’s voice cracked. “It’s mine.”
Harry frowned.
Lily stood from the couch and tried to think of something to say. She opened and closed her mouth, but she couldn’t find the words.
Harry looked at her, but the love she was so used to seeing was missing, and that hurt. It was ripping her heart to shreds.
“Fleur, why don’t we give Harry and his family a minute alone?” said Apolline.
Allard walked out of the room, excusing himself. Apolline patted Harry’s shoulder before following him. Fleur looked up at Harry and quietly said, “I can stay if you would like.”
Harry pressed a kiss to her forehead, then said, “I will be okay.”
Fleur nodded and gave his hand one final squeeze before walking out and closing the door behind her.
“Professor Snape, I see that you received my letter,” said Harry. His arms crossed over his chest, and he leant against the bookshelves that lined the wall.
Severus stood up. “Your parents arrived before your letter and requested my assistance in locating you. They were already planning on coming to Paris to find you when your letter arrived. I could hardly pretend that I didn’t know where you were.”
Harry glared at him.
“He tried to get us to stay at White Oak, but what type of parent would I be if I didn’t come and find you,” said Sirius. “I know that you are angry at us, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to try and make it up to you.”
Lily’s lip trembled. If Harry should be angry with anyone, it’s her. She was the one who screwed up. She needed to apologise. “Harry…”
He looked at her, his eyes cold.
“I fucked up,” she said. A tear slipping down her cheek. “I know that now.” She took a step towards her son. “I have failed you as a mother, and I am going to make sure that I spend the rest of my life making up for it.”
Harry’s eyes softened. “Mum…”
Lily stopped in front of him. “You were unexpected, yes. I thought that I would have three children with James and that we were going to have one happy family. I was so desperate to believe that I could still have that happy family; even after everything that happened between your father, James, and me, I ignored everything that could change that. And then when Harvey was born, and that Halloween night happened, and I thought I might lose one or both of you boys, that fear that I could lose it grew.”
Harry’s eyes welled with tears.
Lily’s cheeks were wet with her own, and she couldn’t help the sob that erupted from her chest as she spoke. “At the time, you loved your little brother so much. You wanted to spend all your time with him, keep him safe, and I thought that wouldn’t change—no matter how old you got—you would always be there to protect him. But because of me and the choices I made, I broke that bond. I pushed you to this point, and if you want to hate me, then I will accept that. But I need you to know…” She reached up and cupped his cheeks. “I have never, not for one second, regretted having you. You are my son, and I love you. I am going to make sure that every single day that you know that I love you and that I am so, so sorry for hurting you.”
Lily wanted to hug him, to pull him close and never let go. But harry stepped away from her. He shook his head and, without another word, left the room. Her heart crumbled as he disappeared, and her legs gave way. Sirius was the one who caught her before she hit the ground, and he pulled her into his arms as she sobbed. Her son hated her, and he would never forgive her, and she deserved it.