As always, Platform 9 ¾ was busy. Students and parents filled the platform; trunks were being heaved onto the train as parents squeezed their children goodbye. Harry had arrived at the platform at ten-thirty; Sirius was right alongside him. They had arrived early at Lily’s request so that she could have a chance to get Harvey on the train before wishing Harry farewell too. Since Harvey had insisted that they enter the platform via King’s Cross, they would need to wait.
Harry stood beside his father, trunk shrunk, and inside his pocket, Hedwig was sitting in her cage next to his feet.
Sirius smiled and asked, “Ready to start your apprenticeship?”
Harry nodded. He was ready and eager.
“I’m sure Snape will enjoy challenging you.”
Harry smiled. It always amused him when his father tried to be polite when referring to his old school enemy, but he could hear the bitterness in his words.
“Professor Snape has assured me that not only will I beg him to end my apprenticeship, that I will also learn the enjoyment of making students squirm under my gaze,” said Harry. It hadn’t been precisely what Snape had told him in the letters they had written over the past week regarding his apprenticeship, but it was a close interpretation.
Sirius huffed. “If you become any more like Snape, I don’t think I will be able to handle it.”
Harry asked, “Would you prefer that I sleep with an absurd amount of girls from school and had a letter sent home about a pregnancy scare or two?”
Sirius nodded. “Yes!”
“If I get a letter, Harrison Black, about you knocking up a girl, you will regret the day I gave birth to you.” Lily’s voice screeched loudly from beside them.
Sirius went white and cringed. “Oh, hello there.”
“Hi mum, and I promise you that there will be no grandkids from me anytime soon,” said Harry.
Lily frown was firmly in place, but she nodded. “Good. And you, stop encouraging your son to misbehave.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Lily, I don’t think I could. Are you sure that it wasn’t Snape’s child you gave birth too?”
Harry rolled his eyes. Lily’s frown turned into a glare. Neither of them appreciated Sirius humour in relation to the affair that had caused so much disarray in their lives, but they both knew that was how Sirius dealt with difficult situations.
“Anyway, Harry, you have everything?” asked Lily.
Harry offered his mum a smile and nodded. “All packed,” he said and tapped his pocket.
She nodded. “Good. Harvey was a mess this morning; it’s a miracle that we got here at all.”
Harvey appeared beside her. “I’m sorry, Mum,” he said, “I thought I had everything, honest.”
“Yes, I know,” said Lily. “However, just like your father, you would lose your head if it wasn’t attached.”
“Speaking of fathers,” said Sirius, “where is James?”
“Right here.” James appeared, and beside him was Remus. “I found an old friend at the apparition point.”
“Uncle Moony!” cried Harvey. “I didn’t think you could come?” he asked while hugging him.
Remus smiled. “I couldn’t miss your first send-off now, could I?” He patted Harvey’s shoulder.
“There is nothing like going to Hogwarts for the first time,” said Sirius.
“The train ride can change your life,” said Remus.
“Didn’t you all meet on the train?” asked Harvey.
Remus nodded. “That we did.”
James looked annoyed while Sirius shifted uncomfortably beside Harry. Harry had grown up listening to stories from both Remus, his mum and dad, about the adventures of the Marauders. The four of them; Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. But watching as James shifted away from Sirius and avoided eye contact, he wondered if a friendship that had lasted for so many years could ever be repaired.
“Alright then, Harvey, do you have everything?” asked Lily. She grabbed both of his hands. “Your wand? Books?”
Harvey nodded. “I promise, now stop asking.”
“Okay,” she said, “but don’t send me a letter tomorrow saying that you need something cause I won’t be sending it.”
Harry stood with his dad as Lily hugged Harvey, gave him a kiss, followed by James and Remus before Harvey also hugged Sirius. He frowned as he noticed James cringe as Sirius hugged Harvey and wished him good luck. James then led Harvey towards the train without another word to Harry.
“Now, you.” Lily pointed at Harry, a soft smile on her lips. “Don’t let Severus exhaust you.”
Harry smirked. “If all he does is make me tired, then I think I’ll survive.” He pulled his mum in for a hug and placed a kiss on her head.
“I know I say it a lot, but can you please stop growing? I feel really short.”
Harry laughed and let her go. “No promises,” he said.
“I believe he is the same height as his father now.”
The group turned to see Narcissa Malfoy standing not two metres away from them with Carlisle and Draco on either side of her. As always, Narcissa was dressed smartly and had her hair perfectly combed. A small polite smile sat on her face as she looked from Harry to Lily.
“Cissy, you look well,” said Sirius. He stepped past Lily to greet his cousin.
“Sirius, you as well.” Narcissa pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Lily, good to see you again, and Harry, I hardly saw you this summer. Carlisle told me that you have been working very hard to secure your apprenticeship with Severus.”
Harry nodded. “Yes. Professor Snape thought it prudent to have me prove myself further before an official agreement was signed.”
“And of course, I assume, you passed?”
“With flying colours.”
Narcissa’s polite smile widened, showing her teeth. “Excellent. Do make sure that Carlisle keeps his head in his books this year and not between a girl's legs.”
“Mother!” Carlisle turned a bright red and glared at Narcissa.
Harry bit down on his lip to hold in his laughter. “I shall do my best.”
Narcissa smiled. “That’s my boy. Have a good year.” She stepped towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Oh, and Sirius, Lucius does wish to speak to you about your last letter when you have some time.”
Sirius nodded. “Why don’t you both come to White Oak for dinner?”
She nodded. “Of course, see you this evening. Lily, Mr Lupin.” She nodded her head at each of them before placing her hand on Draco’s shoulder and leading him away.
“I’ll see you on the train,” said Carlisle and patted Harry’s shoulder.
Harry nodded and turned back to his parents.
“Your cousin is starting to worry me,” said Lily.
Sirius frowned. “She was polite; what is wrong with that?”
“Narcissa never had a nice thing to say to anyone unless they were family or could get her something she wanted. And today is the second time she has held a civil conversation. I’m beginning to think she wants something from me.” Lily reached out to grip Harry’s arm.
Harry placed his hand over hers and said, “Mum, Narcissa isn’t like what you remember. In fact, Lucius often comments on how much she has grown. I think mothering Carlisle taught her to mellow out.”
Lily shook her head. “I’m not sure.”
“Lily, you had this same issue when Harry told us Carlisle was his best friend. You thought that he was up to no good, now you love the kid. Just let it go.” Sirius flung his arm over Harry’s shoulders. “And you have fun. Don’t let Snape steal all your free time with this apprenticeship.”
Harry smiled. “Dad, I don’t think Carlisle will let him.”
Sirius smiled. “Good.”
With the last few goodbyes said, Harry climbed on the train with Carlisle and Draco. Carlisle instantly shoved Draco down the aisle in the opposite direction once their parents couldn’t see and told him to go and play nice. Harry suspected that Carlisle, like him, had received the talk about taking care of his younger brother. However, unlike Harry, Carlisle shared a typical sibling relationship with Draco. While they had plenty in common, Carlisle didn’t want his little brother hovering.
Carlisle and Harry walked down the aisle, checking compartments for their friends. The first they found was William Zabini. Will was a tall boy, standing above them all at six foot four; he had dark skin and black hair that fell just above his ears. He glanced up at them as they stepped into the compartment and nodded.
“Good summer?” he asked.
Carlisle dropped onto the bench beside him and huffed. “I didn’t want it to end.”
Harry rolled his eyes and took his own seat across from them. “Will you ever stop being dramatic?” he asked.
Carlisle smiled. “Nope.”
Harry shook his head. “How was your summer, Will?”
He frowned. “Mother got married again.” He raised his arm to lean it against the window frame.
“And how long before he dies suddenly?” Carlisle teased.
Will glared at his friend. It was a common rumour that Will’s mother tended to marry wealthy wizards who would suddenly die within a few months, leaving her even wealthier than before. With another husband now locked in, the most recent husband was number seven.
“My mother may be vicious and calculating, but I would like you to show proof that she did anything besides bed them.” Will straightened his back.
Harry frowned. It was clear that Mrs Zabini was what everyone knew her to be, but there was never enough proof.
“Ignore him, Will,” said Harry. “He is just jealous that your mother didn’t pick him.”
Carlisle chuckled. “Now, that is an idea.”
Will elbowed Carlisle in the stomach. “Don’t you even think about it.”
Carlisle held his stomach and smirked. “I can’t help it if your mother were to find me irresistible.”
“I never knew you like older women, Carlisle.”
The colour in Carlisle’ face disappeared along with the laughter. Amelia Parkinson, his girlfriend, was standing in the door with a fierce glint in her eye. Amelia, like all the Parkinson family, was stunning. She had long dark brown hair that was fell perfectly straight down her back; her eyes were a sparkling blue that could go from beautiful to terrifying.
“Hey beautiful,” said Carlisle, licking his lips and waving at her awkwardly.
“Don’t ‘beautiful’ me, mister.” Amelia crossed her arms. “I don’t see you for two weeks, and you suddenly prefer Will’s mother over me.”
Harry smirked.
“Never, my love. You are the only one I will ever need or want.” Carlisle slid to his knees in front of her and took her hands. “I was just stirring Will up. Besides, Mrs Zabini has married again.”
Amelia frowned but relaxed her shoulders. “Harry, I thought I told you to keep him in line.” Her eyes turned to Harry.
Harry just smirked at her and shrugged his shoulders. “Not my fault you haven’t broken him in properly.”
Carlisle turned and glared over his shoulder at him.
“Nonsense.” Amelia’s frown disappeared, and a smile replaced it. She took a seat beside Will. “I forgive you, for now.”
Carlisle smiled and jumped back up on the seat, slinging his arm over her shoulders and pulling her against him.
Harry just shook his head; his friends were just strange. Most of the time, Amelia just enjoyed watching Carlisle squirm. She was the only one who could turn him from cocky Slytherin to pleading mess in seconds, and everyone enjoyed watching it. But she was also good for him. Carlisle had never been one for classes, but she was always there to nudge him in the right direction when Harry couldn’t be bothered or didn’t have the energy, and she helped him study for his exams. And Carlisle helped her be nicer to others; her social skills had never been as smooth as she would have liked, and in their first year at Hogwarts, Amelia received the title of ‘Ice Queen’ and had no friends. Things had changed in the last few years, and while she was still called an ‘Ice Queen’, she had friends who used it as a joke rather than an insult.
The train ride to Hogwarts was filled with catch up, exploding snap, and Harry found an hour to read. Amelia had been questioning Harry about his sex life when the door to the compartment opened, and a fuzzy brunette stuck her nose in.
“Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville Longbottom has lost one.”
Harry smirked as he recognised the girl from Flourish and Blotts.
“Hello, Hermoine,” he said.
Hermoine’s face turned red, and she offered a half-wave. “Oh, hi, Harry.”
“Making friends already?” he asked.
“Um…maybe. I just offered to help because no one else did.”
Harry smiled. “How nice of you.”
“Your first year?” asked Amelia.
Hermoine nodded. “Yep. It’s all a little exciting.”
Amelia smirked. “Yes, I suppose it can be. After doing it for so many years, it can all become a little boring.”
Will snorted. “Such a cynic.”
“The Ice Queen at her best,” said Harry.
Amelia rolled her eyes at them.
“But no,” said Harry, turning back to Hermione, “we haven’t seen a toad.”
“If one does hop by, we will be sure to let you know,” said Carlisle.
Hermoine offered another blushing smile before bowing her head and closing the door.
“How did you meet the shy little first year?” asked Amelia.
“Harry was flirting in Flourish and Blotts,” said Carlisle.
Harry frowned. “I was not flirting.”
“I doubt he was flirting,” said Amelia, “Harry can’t be charming in any manner, even if the girl is eleven.”
Carlisle and Will chuckled; Harry just shook his head. He knew that he had never shown much interest in another person, but his studies had always seemed more important. That didn’t stop them from teasing him, though.
“Careful, Amelia,” said Harry. He did his best to use everything his father had explained to him when it came to flirting. “I may just surprise you.” He reached over to grasp her hand and place a gentle kiss on the top, keeping his eyes locked with hers.
His three friends all seemed surprised. Amelia’s cheeks turned pink, and she bit down on her lip. Will just smirked widely and bit back his laughter. Carlisle looked offended, like Harry had just smacked him.
“You keep your lips to yourself,” said Carlisle.
Harry just smiled and leant back. He opened his book and said, “You should know better than to challenge me.”
Amelia opened and closed her mouth before she looked at Carlisle.
He pointed his finger at her. “Don’t you dare forget that I am right here.”
Will lost his control and burst out in laughter. Holding his sides, he said, “I missed you lot.”
Harry agreed. Over the summer, he had occasionally seen his friends, but his potions and family obligations kept him occupied. There were many things he loved about being at Hogwarts, and spending time without concern for his parents was one of them.
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They arrived at Hogsmeade station after the sun had set. They climbed off, and students all headed towards the carriages, ready to get inside the castle and enjoy their welcome feast. Harry paused as he climbed off and watched as Hagrid called out to the first years. His eyes swept over the heads of the other students, and he let out a sigh as he spotted Harvey’s messy mop of black hair beside the bright ginger of Ronald Weasley. The promise he made to his mother echoed in his mind as he watched the boys walk away towards the boats.
A hand came up and wrapped around his arm, just above his elbow. It tugged at him, and the familiar voice of Jenna Darton, a fellow Ravenclaw and one of his closest friends, said, “How many people know that your brother is here for his first year?”
Harry turned and offered a smile to the brunette. “Not many. I don’t offer up the information that I am related to Harvey.”
Jenna nodded. “Still dealing with emotional trauma due to your upbringing, I see.” His words were spot on, but her tone was teasing.
“That I am.”
Harry linked her arm properly with his, and they tagged along behind the rest of the students towards the carriages.
“How was your summer?” he asked.
Jenna had finished her fourth year at Hogwarts before leaving with her older sister on a three-month-long vacation. Jenna’s older sister, Olivia, and guardian was a writer and loved to travel to the world to meet people to write about. Throughout the year, her sister would send her letters talking about the places she had been and the people she had met, and then when the year was over, Olivia would travel back to the UK, where they would spend the summer together.
Jenna smiled and said, “It was amazing. Olivia finds the most amazing places to visit; I got to take so many photos.”
“I saw.”
Jenna had sent multiple letters over the summer, and each had contained a few different photos. Some had included Jenna standing on the top of cliffs, outsides of old buildings, and even one with a handsome wizard she had met in Germany.
“Do you have plans to keep in contact with your male friend?” Harry asked.
Jenna's lips quirked up on one side; she said, “That is for me to know and you to not.”
They reached the carriages and climbed into one, along with a couple of other students.
The castle was always a welcomed sight as Harry stepped out onto the cobblestone courtyard. Professor Snape and Flitwick were standing around, making sure that all students had arrived and were accounted for. Harry received a nod from both professors before he walked with Jenna into the great hall.
Students were everywhere, talking with their friends that they hadn’t been able to see all summer. Some houses were intermingling, and Harry spotted a few of his other friends standing near the Ravenclaw table. Jenna slipped away from him and headed towards Amelia, who was standing with a few other girls. The two of them had bonded once Amelia’s Ice Queen exterior had cracked. Harry stopped at the Ravenclaw table and nodded as Cedric Diggory walked over.
“Harry, I’m just saying this now. But Hufflepuff is going to win the cup.”
Harry laughed. For the past four years, Ravenclaw had won the quidditch cup, and not just because Harry had never missed out on catching the snitch, but because his teammates were just as good. Cedric had been chosen as Hufflepuffs seeker last year, and the two friends had always enjoyed the friendly competition, often training together just for fun.
“And I’m just saying that you have no chance.” Harry clapped his hand on Cedric’s shoulder. “But I have no doubt that you will make me work for it. I mean, someone has too.”
They both laughed.
“I have been looking for you.”
Harry turned to see Dylan Henderson walking towards him. Dylan was another good friend; he was the same height as Harry, except he had long blonde hair that he kept pinned back with a ribbon.
Their first meeting had been horrible; the two had argued over potions after their first class, and it had angered Dylan so much when Snape had confirmed that Harry was correct that Dylan decided it was war. During every class, Dylan would attempt to be better than Harry by answering more question or trying to get better marks. Harry hadn’t cared and had intended to ignore him, but only after Dylan’s rash actions ended up with him exploding a cauldron and receiving the wrath of Snape did Harry put an end to it. An hour of cleaning up the potion’s lab ended with Dylan agreeing that he had gone too far. Instead of competing, they worked together and found both of them got along quite well.
“You had the whole train ride to find me,” said Harry.
Dylan frowned. “Well, you must have been invisible.”
“Nope. I was with Carlisle, Will and Amelia.”
Dylan shook his head and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. “Whatever.”
Harry sat down beside him as Cedric moved off to the Hufflepuff table. He asked, “Did you miss me?”
Dylan sighed. The boy was a muggleborn who had parents that didn’t completely understand the wizarding world. He had struggled to have one life that was a well-balanced mix of the two worlds he was a part of, but his parents had rules of no ‘magic stuff’ allowed in their house. Homework was the only exception. And since all his friends were included in ‘magic stuff’, they didn’t get to see each other.
Lily had helped Harry understand how to muggle postage system worked. Instead of having Hedwig deliver letters, he would send them by ‘snail-mail’, as the muggles call it. Dylan would respond and post them back to the Potters home in Godric’s Hollow, where Lily would send them on by owl.
“I did, actually,” said Dylan. “My summer was absolutely shit. Mum decided to get all hysterical when she found some of my potion ingredients in my school trunk, and even though I explained what it was for, she has now decided that I’m not a wizard but a devil worshiper.”
Harry frowned. “Devil worshiper?”
Dylan nodded. “Yep.”
“What about your dad?”
A huff fell from Dylan, and he slouched on the table. “All Dad does is tell her to relax. He doesn’t actually help; he is far too busy working to actually care about his family.”
“Forget about them,” said Harry, “You won’t have to see them till Christmas, so just enjoy the fact that you’re back at Hogwarts.”
Dylan’s frown faded, and he sat back up. “You’re right. As always.”
Harry smiled and patted his back. “It only took you five years to admit it.”
Dylan laughed and nudged him.
Only a few minutes later, the hall was called to attention. All students took their seats at their respective houses, and Professor Dumbledore took his own seat. The doors to the great hall swung open, and Professor McGonagall led in the first years.
It took less than a moment to spot Harvey. His mouth was open wide with excitement as he gazed around the room. Just in front of him walked Hermoine, her own face lit up with excitement, and she leant to the girl beside her and said something.
The group of first years stopped at the front of the hall and faced the Sorting Hat. The room was deathly silent for a moment before the Sorting Hat burst into his son.
165Please respect copyright.PENANAM9loQX51Kj
“Oh, you may not think I’m pretty165Please respect copyright.PENANAy9FG7EvQ6s
But don’t judge on what you see,165Please respect copyright.PENANA0AyfddrJmK
I’ll eat myself if you can find165Please respect copyright.PENANAvzugYmbZpH
A smarter hat than me.
165Please respect copyright.PENANAq3Nre4wcc9
You can keep your bowlers black,165Please respect copyright.PENANAWugzS9nqzd
Your top hats sleek and tall,165Please respect copyright.PENANAVcyut8Kqti
For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat165Please respect copyright.PENANA8sqa9A7ItN
And I can cap them all.
165Please respect copyright.PENANAO3HnV5NRfq
There’s nothing hidden in your head165Please respect copyright.PENANAGK8ldqLTaC
The Sorting Hat can’t see,165Please respect copyright.PENANAPBdtVoWEcL
So, try me on and I will tell you165Please respect copyright.PENANAJOciPPgR0V
Where you ought to be.
165Please respect copyright.PENANAzEm5u9w9bn
You might belong in Gryffindor165Please respect copyright.PENANA0JgSRjWB8S
Where dwell the brave at heart,165Please respect copyright.PENANAMisX1Le4eJ
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry165Please respect copyright.PENANAme47Sj7bqK
Set Gryffindors apart;165Please respect copyright.PENANAlN1AJkoxjP
165Please respect copyright.PENANAwvddNIgvfg
You might belong in Hufflepuff,165Please respect copyright.PENANAOvfsxbX83Y
Where they are just and loyal,165Please respect copyright.PENANA7YFzyKKn6J
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true165Please respect copyright.PENANADo7rbXfBIz
And unafraid of toil;165Please respect copyright.PENANAWbQ96ON8l5
165Please respect copyright.PENANA09oM6uQLA2
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,165Please respect copyright.PENANAyjcr50b5GA
if you've a ready mind,165Please respect copyright.PENANAK1ySYTRyKj
Where those of wit and learning,165Please respect copyright.PENANABovvKI59Ar
Will always find their kind;165Please respect copyright.PENANABSdW51lnEF
165Please respect copyright.PENANAsMoH3tS6N4
Or perhaps in Slytherin165Please respect copyright.PENANAhvv92MAYoW
You'll make your real friends,165Please respect copyright.PENANABj7SjEQsnX
Those cunning folks use any means165Please respect copyright.PENANAGySIZUgERs
To achieve their ends.165Please respect copyright.PENANAPx8FuxW2FT
165Please respect copyright.PENANAHUsZRv80Gf
So put me on! Don't be afraid!165Please respect copyright.PENANAcEbcbXxB2m
And don't get in a flap!165Please respect copyright.PENANA4dPgFeWL6Q
You're in safe hands (though I have none)165Please respect copyright.PENANAIK82hcazRi
For I'm a Thinking Cap!”
165Please respect copyright.PENANAs9jMnt5iVG
The whole hall burst into applause as the Sorting Hat finished, and it gave each table a bow before it fell silent. Professor McGonagall stepped forward, holding her usual scroll and gave a pointed look to the first years.
She said, “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted.”
The group of first years all gave a short nod.
Professor McGonagall opened her scroll and said, “Abbott, Hannah.”
A girl with blonde pigtails stumbled forward. She picked up the hat before placing it on her head. There was a brief pause.
“HUFFLEPUFF!” shouted the hat.
The Hufflepuff table that sat two tables in front of Harry cheered and clapped as the girl hopped off the stool and dashed over to them.
Professor McGonagall went through the students one by one. Harry spotted Hermoine and smiled as her name was called. She rushed forward, seeming eager and yanked the hat on.
He expected the Hat to call Ravenclaw and was a little surprised when it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!”
She pulled off the hat and, with a broad smile on her face, headed down to the table. More names were called, and Harry wasn’t surprised in the least as Draco Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin; Carlisle stood up and clapped as his brother joined his table. The same with Pansy Parkinson, she too was sorted into Slytherin and walked over as Amelia gave her a wink.
After Pansy, Harvey was called.
The Hall fell quiet as Professor McGonagall said, “Potter, Harvey.”
Hushed murmurs fell across the students, and Harry had to hold in a groan as a few of his friends gave him smirking glances. Jenna, who had joined Dylan and Harry just before the sorting, nudged Harry in the stomach.
She said, “I wonder where he will go?”
Harry leant towards her and said, “Guaranteed Gryffindor.”
The Hat sat silent for a few moments before, as Harry predicted, shouted “GRYFFINDOR!”
Harvey pulled off the hat with a big smile and rushed over to his table. Harry watched as he was greeted enthusiastically by all the Weasley brothers, who were all in Gryffindor, as well as Hermoine.
The sorting was finally over, and Harry was starving for some food. However, before they could eat, Professor Dumbledore stood to speak.
“Welcome!” he said. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you.”
Both Dylan and Harry snorted and gave each other the same look they did every year. The old man was crazy. But as their feast appeared before them, they dived right into the fantastic food.
“From the way that you two eat, you would think that your parents didn’t feed you,” said Jenna.
Harry smirked. “I’m just hungry because I haven’t eaten since lunch, and dealing with you, even for a few minutes, takes a great deal of energy.”
Jenna stuck her tongue out and threw a carrot at him.
“Oh, very mature,” said Harry.
Jenna shrugged.
“Harry, when will you ask the girl out and stop flirting.” Millie Fledgling, a sixth-year Ravenclaw who was sitting across from them, asked.
Jenna laughed. “Oh please,” she said, “Harry is too busy having a relationship with his potions.”
“Better potions than the mirror,” poked Harry.
Jenna squinted her eyes in a teasing glare.
“Don’t either of your dare to start dating,” said Dylan.
Jenna leant forward and asked, “Why? Do you have a crush on me?”
Harry chuckled. “Or maybe me?”
Dylan shook his head. “Neither. But if I am forced to spend the rest of my years at Hogwarts being the third wheel, then just give me advance notice so I can find two new friends.”
“No need to be concerned, Dylan; Harry is like my brother,” said Jenna.
“Speaking of potions,” said Jenna, “what is happening with your apprenticeship?”
Harry smiled. “I forgot you didn’t know. It starts as of Monday.”
Jenna gasped. “That’s fantastic.”
“It is because now I will be the best at potions in our year,” said Dylan.
Jenna threw a carrot at him. “Enough of the competition, seriously.” She picked up her drink and took a sip. “You excited?” she asked Harry.
He nodded. “I am. Excited but concerned.”
Harry sighed. “I suppose that now it is happening. I am worried that I will either fail or my other studies will suffer.”
“Harrison Black doesn’t fail,” she said. “Nor does he allow his studies to be affected by other things.” She squeezed his shoulder. “I think you should forget about what might happen and just focus on whatever Snape gives you.”
Harry smiled. She was right, and he had been trying to tell himself the same thing. But what Jenna didn’t know was that Lily was concerned about Harvey. All of the adults were. Voldemort hadn’t been seen for ten years, but that didn’t mean he was gone for good. Not only did Harry have to focus on his studies and apprenticeship, but he also had to make sure Harvey stayed out of trouble.
The welcome feast came to an end, and the tables were cleared. Professor Dumbledore stood, and the hall fell silent again.
“Ahem – just a few more words now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First-years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well. I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death.”
There were a few chuckles from a few students before they took in the serious tone. Harry frowned.
“Is he serious?” mumbled Dylan.
“Apparently,” said Jenna.
Harry found himself intrigued. Dumbledore, while stranger, normally would give a reason for rules. But he also never did anything without reason. As Dumbledore led the students through the school song, Harry couldn’t help but glance at the other teachers, who were all sharing the same strange smile on their faces. Something was going on, and Harry wondered what it could be.
They made it back to the Ravenclaw common room, and Harry couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he entered his room. Each house held a different system for sleeping arrangements. For years 1 to 4, Ravenclaw students shared a room of up to four, depending on how many were sorted that year. In years 5 and 6, the rooms changed to sharing with only one other student, and when a student reached their seventh year, they would get an individual room.
He had been waiting four years to finally have a room where he could focus on the things that mattered. At the end of the following year, he had been assured by Professor Flitwick that he would share with Dylan and not one of the other boys in his year.
Harry stepped into their room and dropped onto his bed. The room was large enough that it fit two single beds, sitting against opposite walls, a desk for each of them, and a small set of draws each.
“How many all-nighters should I expect from you this year?” asked Dylan.
Harry smirked. “More than last year. If Snape has his way, I won't be sleeping at all.”
Dylan knelt at his trunk and started pulling out his books.
“But then again, who needs sleep.”
Lying back on his bed, Harry felt his eyes become heavy.