Harry’s morning had started out spectacularly; he had made it downstairs to breakfast rather early when a familiar grey owl arrived. Eagon landed on the table before him and held out his leg. Harry removed the small rolled up piece of parchment, gave Eagon a small piece of bacon before he took off. Eagerly, he opened the parchment and found a very simple note.
Mother will apparate me to Hogsmeade at nine. Meet you outside the Three Broomsticks. – Fleur
It was twenty to nine. Harry grabbed the two pieces of toast from his plate, downed his juice before rushing out of the Great Hall. He got a few odd looks as he took off running to Hogsmeade.
Harry had expected Fleur and her family to come to the Quidditch match. They had all enjoyed the last game they had come too, and Allard had insisted that they couldn’t miss the final game of the year. Allard had always expressed interest to see how Harry would play against his own brother. But besides the excitement of the coming game, Harry had been excited to see Fleur. He had thought their time together would be among both of their families and that the alone time would be brief moments they could find. But Apolline was dropping her off four hours before the game, which meant they had three hours to do whatever they wanted…alone.
The trip to Hogsmeade wasn’t that long. It normally took about twenty-five minutes to walk from the castle down to the village at a normal pace. That would have made him late, and if there was one thing Harry truly agreed with when it came to females, you never kept them waiting.
Harry thanked Quidditch for his fitness and breathed a happy sigh of relief when he skidded to a stop as he saw Fleur and Apolline approaching the Three Broomsticks. Fleur was captivating; her long blonde hair was tied back in a delicate braid, and the floral patterned sundress seemed to make her skin glow.
Harry smiled widely before making his way over and calling out to her. “Fleur!”
She turned to see him, and her already glowing face beamed with her smile. “Harry.”
She launched towards him, Harry catching her in his arms, spinning them around, causing Fleur to giggle before placing her feet on the ground. Their lips met in a soft kiss, Harry lifting one hand to feel the soft skin of her cheek.
The gentle clearing of a throat pulled the two teenagers back. Fleur smiled and turned only her head to look at her mother. She kept her arms wrapped around Harry’s neck and said, “Thank you for bringing me, Mother.”
Apolline smirked. “You are welcome. Harrison, enjoy your morning. I shall see you at the match.”
Harry nodded. “Absolutely, Mrs Delacour.”
Apolline waved goodbye before walking away.
Harry squeezed Fleur’s waist and said, “What made you come early?”
“I missed you,” she said.
Harry couldn’t hold back his grin. “I missed you too.”
He captured Fleur’s lips in a much deeper kiss. With no one of concern about, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling her body flush against him and pouring every ouch of emotion he could. Their lips moulded together, parting so their tongues could meet and small moans could escape. When Harry pulled back, they were both slightly breathless and a tad giddy.
They didn’t stay in Hogsmeade for long. Harry led Fleur from the town and walked her to his favourite spot by the Black Lake. It was still early in the morning, so no one was around, and they could enjoy the quiet and the view.
Harry transfigured his jacket into a blanket and laid it down on the sandy shore; he sat down and spread open his legs so that Fleur could nestle herself in between them and press her back to his chest. They looked out over the dark waters, Harry enjoying the feeling of having the girl he loved in his arms.
He pressed a kiss to her shoulder and said, “I cannot wait for this summer; we won’t have to wait for a Quidditch match to see each other.”
Fleur leant her head back and pressed a kiss to the underside of Harry’s chin. “It will be nice. And maybe we can spend the night at each other’s houses.”
“Would your parents allow that?” asked Harry.
Fleur chuckled. “Please. My father has already started planning our wedding.”
Harry joined her laughter. “In that case, let him know I like things simple.”
“Good, because I said the same thing.” Fleur laid her arms over Harry’s that were wrapped around her waist. She asked, “How have things been?”
Harry nodded. “Good. Really good.”
“Harvey?” she asked.
Harry smiled; he said, “It’s like we were always close. Besides his affiliation for trouble, things have been really normal.”
“Trouble? You never mentioned anything in your letters.”
“It’s nothing, really. Harvey got busted out after curfew with his friend.”
“Is this the friend who hates you?”
He nodded. “Yeah, Ronald Weasley.”
“Why were they out after curfew?”
“Harvey wouldn’t say. I think it has something to do with that bloody stone.”
“You said Harvey had promised to leave it alone.”
“Harvey did. But Ronald wants to prove me wrong more than anything. The boy has some serious issues.”
Harry had considered mentioning the issues to Harvey; he had hesitated initially because it wasn’t really his place to be talking about someone else's private troubles. But if those issues kept getting Harvey in trouble, Harry thought it might be appropriate to step in.
“Pot meet kettle,” said Fleur.
Harry sighed. “Yeah, I know.”
“Maybe you could help him,” she suggested.
Harry huffed. “I hardly think that I am the person to be helping others with their emotional issues.”
“You might not be someone who can help him work them out, but maybe you can give him a nudge in the right direction.”
“For that to happen, he would have to stop and listen to me. It’s more likely that Carlisle would tell me he is gay.”
“You never know.”
“I would love to hear you say that to his face,” said Harry.
Fleur giggled. She asked, “Things with your Dad still going good?”
“Yeah. He’s been the best. I think he was always trying, more so than Mum. I sometimes wonder if I just didn’t let him be my dad to the point that he just stopped trying.”
“Maybe. But don’t dwell on that too much. After all, you can’t change what happened.”
“I know.”
“How’s your Mum? You said that she gave you a birthday present?”
Harry hesitated. Fleur had learnt about his birthday only after he mentioned the gift. He had forgotten that he had intentionally not mentioned it when the day came and went, and Fleur had actually gotten more annoyed with him than he had originally thought. It didn’t last, but he didn’t want to upset her again.
He said, “She did.”
“Does that mean I can buy you something?” she asked.
“My birthday was in February.”
Fleur turned her head to look up at him. Her eyes squinted in a frown. “Yes, and you didn’t tell me that, so I missed out. And then when your Dad told me, I was informed that it was highly illegal to buy you anything.”
Harry sighed. “That is because I have never liked my birthday.”
“Well, I’m going to change that.”
“Are you?” he asked. Harry was kind of intrigued to see how she would do such a thing.
Fleur nodded. A determined look in her eyes. “Yes. So you watch out next year; your birthday is going to be the best day ever.”
He squeezed her waist and pressed his lips to her cheek. “Careful, you might actually make me change my mind, and then I’ll have high expectations.”
Fleur’s smile returned.“Good. It’s your birthday; there should be high expectations.”
“I shall look forward to it then.”
He pressed his lips against hers, his intention was a short kiss, but neither of them pulled back. Fleur’s lips caressed his slowly, her tongue dancing out to find him and lure him into her mouth. Fleur brought both her hands up to grasped both sides of his face, one hand slowly sliding back into his hair and gripping the ends.
A small flare of annoyance sparked inside Harry’s chest; that was twice that morning, someone had interrupted his kiss with Fleur.
He pulled back to see Harvey and Hermione coming towards them.
“Harvey?” asked Fleur.
Harry nodded. “Yes.” He squeezed her waist. “Hey, Harvey, Hermione.”
“Hey, Harry.” Hermione smiled and waved her hand. “Sorry if we are interrupting.”
Harry offered a warm smile. “It’s fine.”
“Your brother is cuter than I imagined,” said Fleur.
Harry frowned at her.
She giggled and kissed his cheek.
“Behave yourself, missy.” Harry poked her rib, causing her to squirm slightly. “Harvey, Hermione, this is my girlfriend Fleur.”
Harvey smiled. “Hi Fleur, Harry told me all about you.”
Fleur reached out and shook Harvey’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Harvey.”
“You go to Beauxbatons Academy, don’t you?” asked Hermione.
“What’s it like?” asked Hermione.
Fleur smiled at the young girl's question. Harry chuckled slightly.
“What?” Hermione looked confused.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Fleur. “It’s just that when Harry mentioned you in his letters, I thought he was exaggerating how much you enjoyed learning about Hogwarts. But I see now that he was accurate.”
Hermione still seemed unsure.
Harry said, “It’s a good thing, Hermione. Fleur loves history herself.”
“You do?” she asked.
Fleur nodded. “When I started Beauxbatons, I spend much of my time in the library reading about it. I loved learning about all of the amazing people that had walked in my footsteps before me.”
Hermione seemed to glow. The two girls quickly started discussing Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, leaving the brothers a little lost. Harry decided to give them both a moment to chat. He pressed a kiss to Fleur’s cheek before standing up and walking a few paces away with Harvey.
Harvey said, “She is really pretty.”
Harry chuckled. “I showed you her picture.”
Harvey flushed. “I know. But in real life, she is even more pretty.”
“That would be her Veela genes shining through,” explained Harry.
“I thought Veela’s were more powerful than that?” asked Harvey.
Harry nodded. “They are. Fleur is only a quarter.”
Harvey nodded in understanding.
“How is Ron today?”
His brother frowned and turned away slightly. “Being an ass.”
“Nothings changed then.”
Harvey huffed. “I don’t know. Ever since the night we went to Hagrid’s, I’ve just wanted to punch him in the face.”
Harry bit back the laugh that wanted to jump out. “Yeah, don’t do that. I don’t think Mum could handle another letter home.”
“No, probably not. Dad was really pissed at me.”
“You did sneak out after curfew.”
“I know. But then I got sent into the Forbidden Forest for detention. How does that make sense?”
Harry did laugh that time. “Yeah, that’s Hogwarts for you.”
“Harry…” Harvey seemed to hesitate.
“What’s wrong?” Harry could see something was bothering him.
“When I went into the forest with Hagrid, we got separated. It wasn’t for long; he rushed over to Ron and Malfoy when they sent off red sparks, which was the danger signal. I tried to keep up but fell into a ditch.”
“Well, when I climbed out, I found this creature. And they were feeding off unicorn blood.”
An ice-cold chill went through Harry’s spine. Only certain things had ever been allowed to be used from a Unicorn, their horn and their hair. The ingredients weren’t rare, but they could be tricky to collect. But one thing that Harry had learnt quickly as a part of his obsession with potions was that a Unicorn’s blood, while powerful, was extremely dangerous. The power of the blood came from the ability that drinking it could keep anyone from death, no matter what the cause. But the cost was that the person who killed a Unicorn and then consumed its blood would be cursed with a half-life.
“Are you sure?” asked Harry.
Harvey nodded. “Hagrid showed me what Unicorn blood looked like. It was dripping from the creature's mouth when it looked at me.”
“Did you tell Hagrid?”
“What did he say?”
“Nothing really.”
“Did you mention this to anyone else?”
“Only Ron and Malfoy, but that was because they were there when I told Hagrid.”
Harry felt sick. What kind of person would be so desperate to survive that they would drink such a thing? But then again, it seemed strange that there would be a creature in the forest that borders the school that was currently hiding a very powerful stone that could create an elixir that would give someone an immortal life.
“Harry? You alright?” asked Harvey.
“Not really,” he said.
“Did I do something?”
Harry shook his head. “No, you did nothing wrong. In fact, I think your right.”
“Huh?” Harvey looked confused.
“Unicorn blood is extremely powerful, Harvey. If someone drinks it, it will keep them from dying.”
“The creature that you saw is clearly in need of something that would keep it alive. The problem is, when anything kills a unicorn and then drinks its blood, they become cursed with a half-life.”
Harvey nodded as Harry spoke, but he still looked confused.
“You don’t find it strange how the year that Dumbledore hides the Philsopher Stone, the one thing that can give someone an immortal life, in the castle is the same year that a creature appears and begins to kill and drink the blood of unicorns?” asked Harry.
It took a moment before realisation flooded Harvey’s face. “So someone is after the stone?”
Harry nodded. “Yeah. I think they are.”
“But you said Snape wouldn’t go after the stone.”
“Not Snape. Someone else.”
“Who?” asked Harvey.
Harry clenched his jaw. It was a question that they needed to answer and quickly.
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Harry led Fleur back up to Hogwarts, Harvey and Hermione trailed behind. Now knowing about the creature drinking the Unicorn’s blood, Harry couldn’t just ignore the facts. Dumbledore clearly believed that someone was after the stone; why would he move it to Hogwarts for any other reason? There had also been the break-in at Gringotts back at the start of the school term; Harvey had mentioned that Hagrid had emptied a vault that same day. It was all too coincidental.
When they reached the castle, Harry told Harvey that he would deal with it. He didn’t need his younger brother getting involved; he had been in enough trouble that year. Harry promised to let him know what happened, and with Fleur’s hand in his, headed down to the Dungeons.
Harry’s first thought had been to speak to Dumbledore, but the Headmaster had never been someone Harry completely trusted. Snape, however, Harry did trust.
Forcing himself to knock before entering, Harry, with Fleur in tow, entered Snape’s brewing lab. The man was standing over a potion, sleeves rolled up, hair tied back, and a look of annoyance on his face.
The man sneered at being interrupted. “Black, I don’t have time for a social call.”
Harry ignored the greeting and said, “Call me crazy, but I think there is someone after the Philosopher's Stone.”
Snape sighed and waved his wand. “You have sixty seconds.”
“Harvey told me that during his detention with Hagrid, they were looking for something that had been killing Unicorns. Harvey stumbled upon a dead Unicorn and watched as some cloaked creature drank its blood,” said Harry.
Snape’s annoyance faded, and concern appeared. “Is that so?”
“Yes. I find it a little too coincidental that the same year that Professor Dumbledore decides to hide the stone within the school, a creature shows up and feeds of Unicorn blood.”
Snape rolled down his sleeves. “You think this creature is after the stone?”
Harry nodded. “For some reason, it needs the blood to survive, but we both know that the stone will heal anything.”
The Potions Professor didn’t argue. He pulled the band from his hair, letting the strands fall in his face. “It’s possible that the thing after the stone isn’t a creature but a wizard.”
Harry frowned. He felt Fleur tighten her grip on his hand. “What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say that I have had my own suspicions this year.”
“You suspect someone?”
Snape nodded. “Not that Dumbledore listened.”
“We need to tell him about the blood; he needs to move the stone.”
Snape sighed. “Dumbledore isn’t on the grounds. He was called into the ministry.”
“The day of the final Quidditch match.”
“What if that was intentional?” asked Fleur.
Both Harry and Snape looked at her.
“What if the person who is after the stone planned to have Dumbledore called away. Everyone will be at the match distracted, and the stone will be left vulnerable,” she added.
Snape frowned. “I will send an owl to Dumbledore.”
“Are we just going to wait for him to return?” asked Harry.
“We have no other option,” said Snape.
“They could take the stone before he gets back,” said Harry.
“No. I will head over to the third floor and guard the entrance until Dumbledore returns,” said Snape.
Harry frowned. “And what? I’m supposed to just forget that this isn’t happening and go and play Quidditch?”
“Yes,” snapped Snape. “This has nothing to do with you or your brother. Let the adults handle it.”
Harry wanted to argue, but Fleur pulled at his arm. “Come on, Harry,” she said.
He sighed and gave the Potion’s Professor one last look. The nagging sensation in his chest was telling him to go with Snape. But he let Fleur led him from the room.
They walked in silence back towards the Great Hall; Harry’s mind was running wild, unable to really think about anything other than who could possibly want the stone. Who would need the stone that badly?
“Not exactly the morning I imagined,” said Fleur.
Harry sighed. He stopped in place and pulled her against him, his arms wrapping around her waist. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to spoil our date.”
Fleur smiled and cupped his cheeks. “You didn’t spoil anything. Any time that I get to spend with you is worth it.”
Harry leant forward to kiss her, short and sweet.
“Black! The match starts in an hour; get your ass down to the pitch!” yelled Roger Davis. He was standing near the entrance of the Great Hall dressed in his quidditch gear.
Harry ignored the Ravenclaw but broke the kiss. “If someone else interrupts up, I am going to hex them.”
Fleur giggled. “Why don’t we just find a room with a door we can lock?”
Harry smirked, his hands gripping her hips tightly. “Now that sounds like a plan.”
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They never found a room with a locked door. Roger Davis hadn’t let them. He had pestered Harry until a hard heel that belonged to Fleur had slammed down on his foot. The Ravenclaw team captain had hobbled away and left them alone, but the pair had decided to head down towards the pitch.
Everyone was overly excited for the final game of the year, and it would also definitely be the decider. Both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had won all of their games, leaving both of them sitting fairly close on the scoreboard. Ravenclaw was thirty points ahead, which meant it could be either of the houses win.
Harry wasn’t nervous as he pulled on his gear. He had watched his brother play and understood that he was a risk-taker. No doubt something he had inherited from his father. Last-minute turns, risking dives; Harvey wasn’t scared to crash. Not that he had. But Harry felt good, he had four years of playing up his sleeve, and he hadn’t missed a snitch yet.
Davis spent twenty minutes going over the plan. Apparently, the first ten times he had already drilled it into the Ravenclaw team hadn’t been enough. But when the Captain finally let them relax for the next few minutes until the game started, Harry stepped outside.
He stretched his limbs as he stood and watched the last few stragglers head into the stands to get their spots when he noticed Harvey come out of the other Gryffindor changing rooms. Harvey started pacing, running his fingers through his hair.
Harry walked over and said, “You alright?”
Harvey stopped and frowned. “I don’t know.”
“You nervous?”
“About the game?”
Harry nodded.
“Hadn’t really thought about it.”
“Is it the stone?” asked Harry.
Harvey sighed. “More Ron and the stone.”
“What happened?”
“Hermione and I were talking about what we all discussed. Ron overheard us and got all hyped up about it. He was more than ever determined to try and get the stone before the other person does, whoever that is.” Harvey crossed his arms and but couldn’t stand still. “What did Snape say?”
Harry frowned. “He has contact Dumbledore; it seems he was called to the Ministry.”
“But if Dumbledore isn’t here, doesn’t that mean the stone is vulnerable?”
Harry nodded. “Possibly. Snape is guarding the third floor just in case Dumbledore being called away was planned.”
Harvey seemed to relax. “Why did they have to hide the bloody thing at this school in the first place?”
“I’m with you,” grumbled Harry.
The two lapsed into silence. Harvey rubbed the back of his head; something else was still on his mind, and Harry wondered if someone had tried to get past Snape.
A horn sounded calling the beginning of the match, and Harry glanced back at Harvey. “Good luck,” he said.
Harvey smiled. “You too.”
Both of them went back into the rooms to join their teams. Harry collected his broom on the way through and followed his teammates towards the entrance of the field. Closing his eyes for a minute, Harry tried to forget everything else. Fleur would be cheering him on, along with his friends. He had a game to win, a cup to win, and a girlfriend to celebrate with after. As Snape said, the stone wasn’t his problem.
Mounting his broom, the gate opened, and Harry followed his team out onto the field. The crowd roared with excitement, and he took a moment to scan the stand he knew his family would be sitting in. Fleur was the first one he spotted; sitting with her parents and sister, she was waving his Ravenclaw scarf around above her head. In front of them was his parents; Sirius and Lily were sitting side by side, Remus was on Sirius’ right, and James was on Lily’s left. The four of them looked on excitedly. Seeing them all together, knowing that they were cheering him on, felt good. Harry knew they were here for Harvey too, but he didn’t think they had all been at a game together before.
Harry flew past them and spotted Harvey hovering around above the centre of the field. He flew towards his brother, shooting over his head, and chuckled when he noticed Harvey jump from the unexpected pass. Harvey shook his head but couldn’t keep the smile from his face. Harry knew that Harvey had always wanted them to play together, and now they were.
Madam Hooch stepped out onto the field, and all players moved into their positions. She looked up at them all and called out, “Nice and clean game like always.” She kicked the chest, and the bludgers took off, swinging up and past Harry and Harvey. The snitch followed, dancing around both of them before taking off towards the Gryffindor goals.
Harry locked eyes with his brother and smiled. “Winner has to clean the loser gear?” he offered.
Harvey smiled and nodded. “Your on, bro.”
Harry chuckled and looked back down. Hooch threw up the quaffle, and the chasers dived in. Harry didn’t focus too much on his teammates; he trusted them to score as quickly as they could. His job was to find the snitch. Moving towards the Gryffindor goal where the snitch had first flown, Harry scanned the pitch. He didn’t move too fast, not wanting to draw any real attention to what he was doing.
Harvey seemed to be watching him or the quaffle, his eyes jumping back and forth. Harry was planning on uses his brother’s distraction as an advantage to get a jump on the snitch. He passed the Gryffindor goals as Davis threw the quaffle, scoring the first goal of the game. He glanced around but couldn’t see any light reflecting off the small golden ball.
Harry headed back towards the middle of the pitch as Ravenclaw scored another goal. He noticed Harvey huff and chuckled. The first goals of the game could make a difference to the final result.
The game went on, Ravenclaw scoring the first two goals, then Gryffindor scored, then Ravenclaw, followed by Gryffindor scoring three goals, and then Ravenclaw again. They were tied, but the snitch hadn’t made an appearance yet.
Harry was getting annoyed. He hated waiting around. Harvey hadn’t had any luck either. Besides having to dodge a bludger that came flying towards him, the brothers were slowly gliding about.
Ravenclaw scored another goal, and as they did, Harry spotted it. Just behind Davis, as he started back towards the centre of the field, was the snitch. It was buzzing about low near the ground. He glanced at Harvey and noticed that his brother was looking in the other direction. Without hesitation, Harry shot forward, diving down towards the pitch and sliding around one of the Weasley twins who jumped in surprised as he passed. He flew across the pitch and towards the buzzing snitch when he spotted Harvey out the corner of his eye. He was diving down towards the snitch. Harry tried to push his broom faster, and they both were quickly coming upon the snitch.
The gold ball shot off away from them. Harry had to pull a hard right, but Harvey was forced to pull up and then around to give chase. Harry had a small length as he flew after the snitch. He followed it as it bobbed and weaved through players and the stands, flying down and then suddenly up. Harry kept his eyes trained on the snitch and tried to ignore Harvey, who was probably very close on his tail.
The snitch flung itself through one of the Ravenclaw hoops and headed towards the stands. Harry followed, dropping beneath the hoop as Harvey sailed over it. They were side by side, and Harry caught the delighted grin on Harvey’s face. Harry smirked and nudged his brother’s arm. Harvey nudged right back, but neither of them looked away from the snitch.
The snitch shot back down, hovered barely an inch from the ground of the pitch. Harry and Harvey both pulled up sharply, their toes catching the grass as they chased. Harvey stretched out his arm first, his fingers moving closer to the snitch. Harry smiled and wondered how it would feel if Harvey did manage to grab it first; he somehow didn’t think he would be jealous or angry. Harry hoped that he would be proud, but he knew one thing that Harvey didn’t. The snitch liked to play games.
Harvey’s outstretched hand missed the snitch as it shot suddenly to the left. Harry had anticipated the sudden twist and shot out his left arm and caught the ball in his grasp.
Harry couldn’t stop the wide grin that took over his face as he looked over to Harvey, who looked shocked but impressed.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle. “Ravenclaw wins!”
Harry lifted up his hand, holding the snitch and flew up as the crowd cheered. His teammates celebrated, cheering for him and each other, and as Harry did a quick victory lap around the field, he did something he had never done before. It was probably something he would get in trouble for, but he didn’t care at that moment.
Harry flew over to where Fleur was cheering in the stands with his family. She smiled at him as he brought his broom low enough that he could reach out for her. Fleur gave him a look but took his hand and let him pull her up onto the front of his broom. She wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled as he took off.
“You did it,” she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“All for you, my love.” He wanted to cup her face and kiss her deeply, but he kept his hands firmly on his broom.
Fleur squeezed him and giggled as he flew them around the pitch before landing down on the ground, where he was swamped by his teammates and friends. It felt good to win; it always did. As he pulled away from the smothering hug of his teammates, Harry pulled Fleur back into his arms and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Then he spotted Harvey; he was standing with the Weasley twins, and they were patting him on his shoulders.
Harry kept hold of Fleur, and they walked over to his brother. “I except my broom to sparkle when you're done with it, little brother.”
Harvey turned around and frowned. “I don’t know how to knew the snitch was going to do that.”
Harry smirked. “The snitch likes to mess with you. It was either going left or right; I just got lucky.”
Harvey’s frown faded, and he sighed. “Yeah, sure. Luck.” He held out his hand.
Harry shook it. “You played well; you should be proud.”
“Thanks, but we didn’t win the game or the cup,” said Harvey.
“Get used to it, while I’m here, Ravenclaw won’t lose,” said Harry.
Harvey rolled his eyes.
“Next year, you can stick it to Ravenclaw,” said Fleur.
Harvey smiled.
“Whose side are you on?” asked Harry.
Fleur kissed his cheek. “Yours, of course. But I like your brother, and it will be good for you to lose.”
Harry shook his head, a mock frown on his face.
Harvey laughed. “I like you too, Fleur. You make Harry bearable.”
Harry looked shocked. “Wow, feeling the love right now.”
Fleur and Harvey both laughed.
Harry did feel good. It felt good to banter with his brother and have his girlfriend tease him. It felt normal and something he wanted to experience for as long as possible. Last year he had celebrated the win with just his friends, but now he had a lot more than just that.
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The celebration continued back at the castle. The feast that night was celebrated with Ravenclaw’s colours decorating the Great Hall, and Flitwick handed the cup to Davis and Harry. Fleur hadn’t been able to stay for the feast, but she had stolen Harry for a few minutes—like thirty—behind a locked door. They hadn’t done more than kiss, but every single moment had been perfect.
It wasn’t till the feast had ended, and Ravenclaw students moved back to their Common Room to continue the party. Harry had made a detour before joining his friends; Snape was still guarding the third floor. He had given Harry a wordless answer to the question he knew he had been thinking about since the match had ended. Did anyone try and get past Snape? No. No one had even appeared.
So even while Harry celebrated in the Common Room, and even after as he climbed into bed. He couldn’t stop thinking; who was it that needed the Philospher Stone?