Making her way down the old halls staff rushed up and down them, Looking at the ocean view with hills on the horizon with the sun just over it. Snapping out of her trance at her mother's voice "JETT GET IN HERE NOW!" Her mother said making her jump. Running she made it into the throne room "Yes Ma'am?" Jett said looking at her mother. "You little bitch where were you?" Her mother said grabbing her hair. "Ow mother plz let me exsplan." She said trying to get away from her mother's grip. "No, you disrespected me." Jett's mother throws her to the floor and grabs the whip, hitting Jett over and over again.
Time skip Arther pov
Jett awoke in pain and almost burst into tears Jett cried out in pain as she try to get up failing. "Shit" Jett said under her breath trying to get up once more this time getting to her feet. Jett looked down at her now ruined clothing she put on this morning, and now Jett was now walking back over to the tiny closet she had to change. That's when a thought hit her, Just run away no one stopping you.
A few days past and Jett was still thinking about running away from home to get away from her btich of a mother and the other who tried her like shit but she didn't know where she should go. Jett sat in her room looking out the window with the night sky with stars that shined bright, and then so one started to take to her which made her freak out.
Jett pov
"Hello, Jett." A voice said. "w-who a-are you and where a-are you?" I asked freaking out inside. "The name is Sophera I'm your guarded angle or whatever you want but moving on hi." Sophera said showing up right in front of me. I jumped up from the windowsill "what the fu-" I almost said then remembered that mother had just walked by.
"Shh, your mother might hear you, Jett!" Sophera said to me in a low whisper. I looked at her "ok ok I get that but why are you here?" I said walking to grab my bag to hopefully get out of here. "Jett, yes I can that's why I'm here duh." Sophera said laughing at me. "Oh?" I looked in my closet as she spoke some more "Yes now hurry up we don't have much time since you wanted to take up 10 min talking." Sophera said hurry around and help out.140Please respect copyright.PENANAMCEL2eI2q0