Sophera Pov
I rush Jett down into the servant's halls where we could go out the back way and not get caught by Jett's mother. Hoping that no one was down here to tell the queen.
Authors Pov
Footsteps echoed through the small corridor as Jett and Sophera ran down them to get out of the castle. Soon hearing Jetts mother "GUARDS FIND THAT GIRL NOW!" her mother yelled make them move faster down the long dark hall. Sophera started to breathe heavily and Jett looked at her. "what going on with you?" Jett asks very concernedly as they moved down the hall almost to the end.
"I'm good Jett let just get out of here," Sophera Gasp out then moves to the door at the end of the hall "I know a place that we can go to keep you safe just follow me ok." Sophera said looking at Jett before pushing open the door that left the hall.
Time skip a month later
Jett awoke with sweat dripping down her forehead wanting to cry from the bad dream of her father's death that she remembers so vividly. Sophera walked in seeing Jett in the state she was and sat next to her. "You're safe Jett it will get better." Sophera said sadly. Jett looked at Sophera. "do you have someone you love?" Jett asked curiously. Sophera studied Jetts face opening her mouth to answer. "Yes, I do, I miss them."Sophera said looking away to the window.
"Then why do you stay with me?" Jett said getting up. "It's my job unless you don't want me here?" Sophera said sanding up. "Just go be with them I'm not worth it." Jett looks at Sophera kinda yelling at her. "Fine and well, Thank you Jett I'm jet one call away." she says back to Jett giving her a small smile making her way to the door."Thank you too, for saving me." Jett says looking away. "See you soon Jett." Sophera said walking out the door Jett goes to follow. "wait-" Jett says looking around no longer seeing Sophera for she disappeared leavening Jett alone for the first time in her life.