Gnarled trunks and roots of trees broke through the earth, twisting branches reaching for the grey, cloudy sky; leaves have long since fallen from the lengths of wood, leaving the bark bare as snow hangs heavy on the limbs. Down on the white landscape, wet brambles covered in thorns rose from the snow, the peaking roots of trees awaiting for a poorly-timed step to snare while small outcroppings of poking stones sat patiently as powdered snow dusted its head. The dead-like area was spotted with fallen oaks and pines, having rotted at the base of the trunks years ago or struck down by people and animals alike.
Over one such fallen tree leaped a dark shape, landing on the other side of the covered path with a resounding crunch as ankle-high boots slammed into the packed snow. Silver hair that ended in pink was brushed away by a pale hand, what seemed to be a girl with unsettling grey eyes missing the dark pupils of other races. Peering back over the log, she makes a 'come on' gesture with the wave of her hand, another figure scrambling up the log, slower and more clumsy. Only dressed in a knee-length black dress, the girl didn't seem phased by the chill as she waits patiently, watching the sad excuse of acrobatics from the other.
As the second figure dropped into the snow, their head turned one way then the next, eyes flickering from one spot to another like a skittish deer expecting a predator to lurch from the small shadows or out from behind the bare trees. "Vex," They say nervously, voice a pitch that neither matched male or female, "Are you sure we are going in the right direction?" Their eyes, the color of pale lavender, searched for something, anything, that might say where the two were besides endless snow and trees. The girl rolled her eyes, grabbing onto the long sleeve of the other's coat and tugging, towing them along in a jog that made the second figure stumble.
"Vex-" They attempt to stay upright, trying not to trip on their own feet while keeping an eye out for the upturned roots along the ground as the two jog, though is barely able to skid to a stop without slamming into the Changeling as she stops. Not far from the tree line sat a towering wooden wall, bandits lining the top with crossbows and swords in their hands or on their sides. Behind the wall was probably the village, placed at the summit of the climbing mountain at the back- there was probably another section of wall blocking what would be the mine, according to the Dwarves.
The two edge closer to the tree line, cautious, before the girl puts her arm out across, the other stopping short of it to peer over her shoulder. From the visible gateway, they could make out a squat stone building, carved into the shape of a dome. Flickering flames dyed the snow before the dome in shades of gold and crimson, shifting and waving. A furnace, they decide, based on the flames and the smoke rising from a chimney at the top.
None of the guards at the wall were facing the outside, all chattering to each other or looking towards the mountain- an odd occurrence, but a lucky one nonetheless as Vex gestures to the furnace with a motion of their head, darting across the field as the other opens their mouth to refute, the words dying in their throat as she dips away to go with the reckless idea, much to their dismay.
A sigh of exasperation leaves their lips as they run a hand through shoulder-length curls that glowed a faint purple in the sunlight instead of solid black or dark brown. They go to follow, making it halfway across the snow as the rogue reaches the building- and the soft underside of their boot catches on a hidden ice patch, causing them to fall with a barely contained cry, thumping onto the cold snow and laying stock still as the snow crunches loudly under their back. Heart pounding with the power of thunder, it was a miracle the organ didn't leap out of their chest, eyes squeezed shut while waiting for the yells of battle or for a bolt of a crossbow to bury itself in their flesh.
Nothing happens, none of the bandits having heard the noise or noticed anything amiss from their lookout points. Peeling their eyes open once more, they shakily, slowly, get back to their feet as Vex comes back, tugging them along by the coat sleeve and into the furnace room.
The room was wide, several stacks of boxes filled to the brim food and gear crammed against the opposite wall as fire billowed from the furnace, the smell of burning materials filling the air. Close to the furnace itself was a stack of coal, most likely as fuel instead of using the snow-covered trees and withering logs.
With a short, shaky breath, they press their back to the solid side of the furnace, feeling the heat radiate from the stone and into their bones, pleasant against the icy water and snow that clung to their body from the fall- a constant, pleasant warmth against the winter frost. Vex follows, investigating the boxes for a moment.
"Damn, I don't get paid enough to sit in the snow all day," A voice grumbles from the entrance, and the constant heat isn't able to cancel the horrid chill that runs down their spine as terror surged forth.