Several thoughts shot through their head, faster than a crossbow bolt could, a wheel of 'is Vex alright?' and 'What do I do?' as they stare at the shield-bearing opponent. Snow crunches as a metal grieve stomps onto the surface, and they take a reflexive step back, a softer groan rising from the icy slush.
A stuttered breath, and several more steps are taken; one forward, and the other backward, until they finally flick their wrist, conjuring up a small ball of flames- a quick series of steps, and they fling the bolt. The bandit raises his shield to block it, and the crimson fire sputters, flowing outwards in wisps and sparks. They back peddle more, but the captain smirks, and then he's thundering towards the mage.
The distance is eaten up in seconds, the bandit's strides much larger than the short mage as they spin on their heel, planning to race away- all they needed was distance, just enough to fling another spell or to just give them time- and the metal shield slams into their spine. With a terrified and pained yelp, they slam into the snow, sprawling and quickly trying to get back up.
In a flurry of panic, they grab at a handful of the icy powder, turning onto their aching back to pitch the slush at the bandit's face, but this did little as the shield is slammed against their body again, pushing them back down and probably bruising their raised arms as they cry out. Arms coming up to defend their head, they try to kick out, trying to get out from below the towering bandit, but the attempt is stopped as the bandit's armored foot stomps onto their midsection.
Coughing and choking and gasping, they curl up on their side, one arm around the area and their other hand trying to pull them forward or throw snow, the attempts of defense futile as blows from metal boots and shield pummeled them, bruising and maybe even cracking bones. The cat who captured the canary, their mind supplied, the canary that was going to be lunch soon.
When the blows subsided temporarily, they try to push themselves up on an aching, shaky arm, the other hand sputtering with flames- and the Captain kicks them in the chest, pinning them to the ground with a noise of pain. The Captain smirks, and they couldn't help but muse the situation as time seemed to slow; how sad, they decided, finally leaving home only to die on the first real mission. How ironic, them claiming to their family that they'd be fine.
Something appears in the corner of their eye, a shadow, and time pushes forwards once more as the figure hurtles into the Captain, shoulder slamming the bandit hard enough to send both tumbling to the side, shield dropped in startled surprise. For a moment, they think it's Vex, but seeing a shock of brown hair and sun-kissed skin, the thought is out the window.
Kicking the shield away, Jeff drew one of the swords strapped to his body, getting into a fighting stance as Raven struggled to their feet, body threatening to give out from the prior torture, breath puffing in shaky gasps.
With a snarled comment of, "Stupid Traitor!", the Bandit Captain spins around, slashing his great-sword towards Jeff, who parries and blocks the raining blows. Eyes flickering from one strike to the next, they try to formulate what to do- magic was too risky, worry gnawing in their gut that it might hurt their ally, so they fumble with their satchel, pulling out a knife from the bag. Finding a small opening, they dart forward as the Captain prepared another blow, trying to cut into the section between the armor on his leg. With the ground slick from all the movement and legs barely obeying the command, they stumble, and a large hand snares their wrist. Before they can fight to pull free, the knee guard is slammed into their stomach as he legs go, allowing them to crumple into a curled ball of agony while the weapon flies a foot away, Jeff moving the fight so that they didn't get trampled.
Through blurred vision, they see the two continue, Jeff receiving a fist to the midsection and doubling over in pain, the Captain interrupting an attempt of a quick slash. They whimper sharply, dragging themselves towards the fallen weapon, grasping the handle with shaking fingers, eyes flickering to the side as the Captain raises a blow that would kill. 'Just once,' they pray, 'let me do something useful just once,' and they fling their arm to the side, pitching the knife forwards while their other hand presses to their chest, whispering words of magic.
Sailing through the air, the knife slams into the Captain's side, point driven into flesh. A fresh sprout of blood, and they weren't sure if they felt relieved or not as the Captain hisses in pain- a painful wound, but one nowhere near fatal. A final burst of healing magic shoots through their body, making the numb limbs reluctantly respond as the Captain takes a step forwards, Jeff trying to get his attention back once more instead of allowing the bandit to approach the mage, albeit the blow is parried, and Jeff is forced back.
Getting to their feet once more, they dart forwards, reaching for the knife. Only inches away, and the Captain slams the pummel of the great-sword against their temple, and they stumble in bleary disorientation as a hand comes up to press against the hit- the sword flicks, and searing pain rockets up from their upper thigh to their bony knee. With a cry of pain, they land on their backside, leg giving out once more- they still get up again, fueled by adrenaline despite the agony. Another attack from Jeff is parried, pushing the human back once more, and the Captain grows more frustrated and annoyed.
Kicking up a bout of snow to create a short distraction, giving enough time to earn a quick gash in the Captain's shoulder while the second slash is dodged, and the man rains down more heavy blows that force Jeff to back up, if only to avoid slipping. Ducking forwards once more, their small hand grabs the hilt of the embedded knife, tearing it away and backing up as the great-sword is slashed in their direction- they barely feel the pain well up across their throat, a miracle that the cut wasn't a gash that tore their jugular in twain, though the surprise made them land back into the snow.
The weapon is raised over the Captain's head, and their arms come up to protect their head, eyes squeezed shut, as Jeff cuts into the Captain's chest-
A crackle of fire fills the air, and a heat passes close by- and then there's a thump as a body collides to the ground, right by their feet. Shakily, they move their arms from their head, opening lavender eyes to stare at the burned head of the Captain, body sprawled out in the snow before them, neck at an awkward angle. He was dead.