Her soft, olive heart shaped face contorted to the twist from fitful dreams having. Nightmares filled with broken promises made from love, and a betrayal that hunts today. Life had played her cruel.
Pleading with the woman "Give me a reason why I have to hurt him?"
"Because you're both of different standing in society," the woman spat out and looked at her, up and down, like she was scum, "and you don't deserve to be part of my family. You're nothing!"
With a start she woke up, panting heavily with a pained heart. She'd suffered in silence ever since that night. Lately, the dreams kept happening ever so often and always leaving her feeling raw. Lifting slim fingers to her cheek, she wiped the tears that could be felt there. With a pained sigh, she acknowledged that she couldn't run from the past, that the past determined the outcome of her future but she truly hoped to never encounter such ordeals again.
Taking a deep breathe, she sat up and climbed out from the bed. Pulling back the covers she tidied her room and got herself ready for the day.
Steffie Lebeau, was now more than ever, a young entrepreneur relying on herself to accomplish the goals she'd set forth to conquer. Despite many obstacles, she'd slowly risen to be known as a professional and one of the best in her field of work, She was a well rounded individual and could be said to be quite the ambitious woman. Looking at herself in the mirror she admired herself a bit.
Dressed in a charcoal dress pants, paired with a peach body suit short sleeve top and black wedge heels, she was professionally attired. Her naturally black curly hair in a ponytail draped at her olive skinned nape. She wasn't one for make up and jewelry, but more of a simple looking girl. Satisfied with the look, she got her bag and keys and left for the office where she immersed with work for a while. A few minutes later, a soft knock on the door and click of heels against the tiled floor informed her of the arrival of her secretary.
"Good morning Ms. Lebeau."
"Good morning Jasmine." She looked up from the document she was jutting notes on and up towards her secretary, giving her a smile.
"You have a meeting at ten with Mrs. Otis lawyer at the Paradise Boutique hotel, so don't be late."
"Why did he say I have to attend? I am not family after all." she grumbled.
"He said that you were requested to be there as per the late madam's wishes."
Sighing, "Okay."
The secretary continued reading the diary, "You have a conference call with a client later at two to discuss the project they emailed you about."
Feeling a bit annoyed, "didn't I specifically told them I am not interested in their project? I don't wish to be tangled in anything that I feel off about."
"Well I suggest you inform them again at the upcoming meeting." Jasmine smiled. Her boss never took projects that she wasn't comfortable doing or felt went against her ideals. She admired her for that over the past years she'd been working for her.
Nodding her head in agreement "I sure will. Anything else?"
"No. That's all for today." she turned and walked out the door leaving Steffie to her thoughts. Why is this company so bent on having me do their project? The more they persist is the more she felt uncomfortable with working with them. She looked at the time and saw she had an hour before the meeting, so she put away the documents she was looking at - tidying her desk - and did a little research on the company and project.
Thirty minutes before the start of the meeting, she stood outside a six story building structure. It's glass windows gleamed in the sunlight. It was a newly completed project in the community serving as a major livelihood to the community and surrounding villages residence. She didn't waste time admiring the elegance of the building, but instead walked towards the lobby and seeked the receptionist for directions. Behind the receptionist was a large sign that read: PARADISE BOUTQUE Hotel.
Seeing her the receptionist displayed a kind and friendly smile. "Good morning."
"Good Morning."
"How may I assist you?"Her voice was quiet and welcoming.
"I'm here for a meeting with a Mr. Jing."
"Oh, sure. One moment please." Checking the diary or computer before her she cited to her, "The meeting is on the second floor, in meeting room 1. Just down the hall after getting off the elevator. It's labeled Meeting Room1."
"Thank you. Have a pleasant day."
"Thank you, same as well."
Walking towards the elevator, pressed the button and awaited the descending lift. She glanced about and saw an open space filled with natural lighting, with a few plants placed along certain corners of the foyer. Suddenly, the ding of the elevator doors opening drew her back to the present. Walking in, she clicked the button for the floor and waited the closing of the door so the lift could ascend.
Soon she reached the floor. It was well polished and designed. Glancing about, she found the labeled room. The door was opened so she peaked in, seeing that there were three men inside. Closing her eyes for a minute and taking a deep breathe, she walked into the room and towards a chair at the circular table.
The room was about 14' x 12'. Seating up to six persons. There was an oval shaped wooden table in the center with six mesh office chairs surrounding it. She paid little attention to the other two men sitting around the desk, and took a seat away from the lawyer. As she sat, the lawyer cleared his throat and spoke.
"Since we're now all here, let's begin."
Suddenly, a phone ringed and all eyes turned towards where it rang. The man sitting at the end of the table seemed somewhat familiar but she couldn't tell. He whispered "excuse me" and left. The other man sitting glanced at her, and she realized it was her cousin's fiancé. She gave a small wave and smile in greeting to him.
"To Ms. Lebeau. I am grateful for the company over the years that you've given me. To you my darling girl. I know life wont be easy for you, but I hope that this will be able to help you in some ways. I leave some finances for you, so that you can establish your own business building.
What? Steffie breathed, not knowing how to feel. She was grateful for Mrs. Otis kindness but how could she accept this?
"Ms. Lebeau, this is what the old lady wanted and wished for you. There's two envelopes here, i believed she explained her wishes in writing." handing over two while envelopes to her, the lawyer smiled at her. She shivered in revulsion at his smile, and quickly snatched the envelopes. Looking at them lost, she was unaware as to when the man who stepped in returned. Only when she heard the next statement that she was truly shocked. Fate knew how to play games.
"This reading of your grandmothers will, she wished that you would be here in person since you're her main benefactor. Looking deeply at Nick, he continued, She was very firm in her request and of sound mind when she had this written. Before she passed on, she ensured her assets were settled with the others, so everything here is in your name.
Nicholas nodded. Arms folded across his powerful chest he waited for what the lawyer was about to say. However, Steffie chose that moment to excused herself.
"Ms. Lebeau, if there's anything you need clarification on, please feel free to get in contact with me."
"Hmm." she left like something was running behind her.
Turning back to him, the lawyer continued. To my grandson Nicholas, I leave the bulk of my properties, my business investments and finances. However, there is one property with a stipulation. And if you fail to comply to her request, then you won't inherit it.
His cold, calculating eyes, never wavered from the lawyer. His face was void of expression. "Stipulation?"
With a shaky smile, the lawyer nodded. Yeah, thats whats she said and had written here.
Calmly, Nick pondered the situation. A stipulation? What was his grandmother up too? She never before intervened or interfered in his life. So, what could she possibly wish to accomplish with a stipulation. Was it to keep him here? Was it to make him return home?
Whats the stipulation? Lucas, his lawyer and best friend asked.
The lawyer fished out two envelopes from his case, and handed them over to Nicholas. I believe she explained it all in there.
Taking the envelope, Nicholas slowly ran fingertips against the scribbled note. Opening the letter, he skim through and got caught off-guard. His cold unemotional face, although showed no emotions, slipped for a minute.
He sat in his office two hours later, trying to analyze what was happening. Of course, he'd asked, "Is there anyway out of this stipulation?
Shaking his head, the lawyer responded, Im sorry, No. If you fail to comply or dont wish to accept the stipulation, this part of the heritance goes solely to someone else.
Nick wasnt so much interested in the wealth left, but he was curious as to why there was a stipulation on the one thing he wanted most. The one thing he always cherished. A thought flashed through his mind and he glanced at the lawyer.
Who would it go too, if..if..I refuse to comply?
Taking a deep breath, the lawyer steadily voiced. Ms. Lebeau.
Why does it all revolve around her? Why her? He fisted his hands and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. Counting to ten, clearing away the annoyance felt. There was history here that hadn't been dealt with.
Two hours later and he still felt ticked. Saying he was pissed was an understatement. He got off from the chair and paced along the room, back and forth, hands in his pants pockets. He stood staring out the floor to ceiling glass window at the scenic view before him. Directly before him was the small community layed quietly, in the distance along the calm ocean. To the left, was
The small townlet, Nets of Reef, along the northeastern coastline, well known for its touristic views, fisher-folks and lively community spirit, was protected by the longest barrier reef alongside the island. Folks of this small town, are quite welcoming and friendly. The population, made up mainly of the grassroots society, a few refined individuals and some expats, all seem to get along peacefully.
While he reminisce on the small community, Lucas walked in and stood beside him to his right.
"Can you find no loop holes with this?"
Shaking his head "No. Your grandmother knew what she was doing when she asked her lawyer to write it up." The lawyer his grandmother trusted with this stipulation was on vacation. The one he dealt with was a stand in - a subordinate.
"So what do I do?"
Looking at Nicholas, Lucas said what Nick already knew he had to do. "You go find your bride."
"But would my bride be willing?"
"It's all worth a try." smiling mischievously, "Didn't you both want to be married once?"
"That was years ago." Nick grumbled.
"Well, here you both get what you once wished for. And both of you have a lot to talk about." Lucas hinted to Nick but said nothing more.
Nicholas looked towards Lucas, wondering what he meant by that. But shook it off. "Call her and make the appointment."
"What if she doesn't want to meet with you?"
"Then i'll go to her." he ground it out.
Lucas smiled at him. "Where do you want to meet with her? At her office or your office?"
For a moment, Nicholas thought of asking her to meet at his office but then thought better of it. "I'll got to her office."
Grinning, Lucas nodded. "Alright. Let me get on it."
"What are you grinning about?"
Lucas quickly stopped. "Nothing. Why?"
Nicholas didn't know why he felt that Lucas was up to no good but he let it slide. He returned back to the view before him and savor the warm sunlight penetrating the glass, that warmed his skin. His handsome face reflected in the glass, making him puzzled at the complicated feelings he saw there.
Steffie had just ended her conference call with the obnoxious client she refused to work with. The meeting was moved up to earlier than the time they'd told her. No she was rather pleased that she let them know she wouldn't be working for them. Smiling to herself, she felt pleased that she didn't have to deal with such a client anymore. A soft knock came on her door and then Jasmine walked in.
"Um...your cousin called."
Rolling her eyes, Jasmine couldn't help but laugh. "What did she want now? She didn't set up another date for me, did she?"
"Actually no. She wanted to ask you to dinner."
Alerted, Steffie perked up. "What was the reasons she gave for this dinner?" Her cousin was up to something.
"She just said that Lucas was inviting a friend home, and asked that you also joined them."
Groaning, "I knew she was up to something." Slouching down further into her swiveling chair, she reluctantly asked. "What time did she say I am to show up?"
"For seven. And she emphasized...don't be late."
"Thank you, Jasmine."
Chuckling, Jasmine left the office. Steffie's glance fell on the envelopes on her desk. She was yet to open them. Reaching forward, she took one, got her letter opener and carefully opened the envelope. As she scanned through the words written there, her eye opened wide, mouth made an oh and she was left speechless.
Looking up from the letter, she couldn't help but be confused. What was meant by this? She grabbed the other letter and opened it too, further being shocked.
At quarter to seven, dressed in a black midi lace bodycon dress with cap-sleeve, Steffie knocked on her door of her cousin's house. A small straw shopping bag in hand. The door opened to display a grinning Lucas.
"Night Steffie."
Lifting her eyebrow at him, she smiled. "Night Lucas."
"Nice to have you over, come on in. The girls in the living room."
When he said the girls, she grimaced, for she knew Ellissa and Julianna was definitely up to something. "Okay, thanks." She handed him the bag and walked past him.
"Hey girls." she walked over to them.
"Heyyy," they each took turns giving her a hug. "Been a while since you last sat with us for dinner." Elissa looked over to Julianna as if for confirmation.
"Indeed." Julianna nodded and pouted like she was about to cry. "Did we do something wrong?"
Uncomfortable, Steffie leaned away from them. "Uh...No. What makes you guys think that?"
"Because you don't come and hang out with us no more." Elissa croaked.
"And if we don't invite you over for dinner with a demand, you try your best to wiggle out of it." Julianna added.
Holding up her hand, Steffie knew she was cornered and definitely in the wrong. "I'm sorry, i'll try to do better."
As if satisfied with that response, they giggled and the atmosphere relaxed.
"Everything all good in there now?" Lucas and Eric inquired with a smile.
"Yep, it's all straightened out."
"Yep, we are fine now."
"Okay. Well dinner will be done in a few."
They all nodded and the men left. The girls, since they hadn't hanged out for a while, talked about almost everything.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Elissa shouted.
She walked over to the door. Jules and Steffie was still laughing over something Steff had said when they heard Elissa proclaimed. "You're here. You came. Finally!"
The girls both peeked out into the direction of the door. Jules burst into a smile while Steffie stood stock still. The handsome, cold face man from earlier was here. She sucked in a shaky breathe, swallowing with difficulty and comforted herself. It's just dinner, you can endure his presence. Treat him like you don't know him. Or you can leave right now, but wouldn't your cousins them be disappointed? She was at a lost what to do.
Nicholas first hugged Elissa, "Yes I came."
"Come on in. Lucas and Eric's in the Kitchen. Jules over there with Steffie."
Hearing her name, Steffie glanced at him, avoiding making eye contact with him.
"Nice to see you after so many years Nick." Jules beamed giving him a hug.
"Yeah it is, he responded with a smile.
"Night Nicholas." Steffie mumbled as he passed by her.
Soon after he responded the guys came out of the kitchen. "Oh, it's good that you finally arrived. Dinner's done." Lucas announced and started setting the table.
Dinner was lively and filled with laughter, but Steffie was quiet and counting down the minutes to when she could leave. She was seated directly opposite to Nicholas and he kept looking at her with those cold eyes. She felt the chill down to her bones but what could she do? Nothing.
She was facing her past and it wasn't easy. Her past had to come back, in the form of Nicholas, to bite her in the ass. Why couldn't he have stayed gone? Didn't his mother say that she would find him someone suitable? That he would never return back here? Why was he here? Why now?
As soon as dinner was over, she helped cleared the empty dishes from the table and made way to leave.
"Steffie, we need to talk!"