Jetts Pov
I Kinda regret telling Sophera to leave, I miss her but she had someone. Now this stone cabin seems so lonely and cold just something about her made it so warm and homie when she was here. Like how the wooden floor creaked seemed normal for her and how the old smell didn't bother her, she was something else but in a good way. "Damn" sigh "I really shouldn't have let Sophera go." Man, I was a mess after she left.
Time skip 2 days
I awoke to the smell of rain and made a choice to go into town for food, well I was also out so.
Athuters Pov
Getting out of bed Jett made her way to the bathroom grabbing clothes before going in. coming out with fresh clothes on which was a black top with a skirt nothing too nice but just right. Sighing once more she made her way to the front door of the cabin opening it and walking out into the rain-smelling air that was crisp and cold.
Jett walk down the dirt road passing a few people making her way to the food market, has she walked her way people looked at her angrily and some of the women she saw looked at her caring and scarred. Jett walks into the brick shop called Pepin's Fresh Fruits. Walking around Jett came across strawberries picking some up and walking to the counter seeing an old man maybe around 75 years old, Jett looked at the man for some time. Finally, she set the strawberries on the counter making the man look up at her from where he sat.
"Hello there darling, how are you? I don't get many young folks around here." speaks the old man. "I'm doing good. What about you?" Jetts says looking at some pictures behind the man. "Doing just fine, the name Pepin, Pepin Gray the 3rd." speaks the old man once more. "Well Papin, I'm Safire." Jett says "How much?" She asks Pepin. "Free just for you, as long as you come to visit?" Pepin looks to the back hearing his wife cough. "Thank you Pepin see you soon, take care, sir." Jett picked up the strawberries and head to the door. "Will do Safire, see you soon." The old man reopened as Jett left the shop.