Unknown POV:
Here I sit, listening to Raven describe recent events of the fallen palace, Kasardis. It has only been a few days and already there have been small breakouts of the plague. Kasardis, residing in the south west of the continent, was originally accompanied with the smaller cities of Cherrwarden, Caldaris-to which was the cause of the outbreak in the palace city- and Rosse. Only Cherrwarden remained viably untouched, bordering the central west palace, Delton-thank the gods!
“Raven, get to the point.” I say, annoyed at how slow this information has gotten to me. A few days ago, a palace fell and I am only now learning of the more recent outbreaks.
“Yes, Sparrow. Some of my spies have confirmed their downfall. We were told by Crow to track the princess and the two boys accompanying her.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, the tall doors down the ebony isle bang open, and Crow storms in, accompanied by Parrot and his spy, Amadexxus. “Well, speak of the devil.”
Crow walks hastily towards the span of the steps surrounding the throne to which I sit. Parrot and his spy stand below, facing me and bow. They whisper in respect, “Sparrow,” and rise, looking up at me through their shrouds. I notice the inhuman glow in Amadexxus’s eyes, glowing a bright gold in the darkness.
“What took you so long?” I ask Crow as he stands to my side.
“I’m terribly sorry. Parrot has informed me of more recent news.”
“What is it?” I look out in the direction towards Parrot and his spy.
“My Sparrow, as you know, Yuran has made his way out of Tendron nearly a month ago. I believe keeping Amadexxus stationed in the Landyserie Library Cathedral is of our best interest. It seems the three have made contact with Yuran’s early research.”
I rest my chin on my hand in thought, going over his words in my head. If the two street rats and the princess have gathered Yuran’s notes, then they were doing exactly as I instructed Crow, being my second, to manage.
“Where are they heading, now?”
Crow takes it upon himself to answer, “Cherrwarden. They are residing in an inn in Valantis, off the Black Shores. They escaped Jarvis’s grasp like we planned.”
“Excellent. Parrot, anything else to report?” I ask.
“No, Sparrow.”
“Good. You are dismissed. Amadexxus, you will report to Parrot under the indication of when those three make their way to your post. I expect within the next couples weeks.”
“Yes, Sparrow.” The two bow and head back the way they came.
I wait until they are out of the room before I turn to Raven. “Jarvis is of small nuisance, but be sure to keep tabs of the three.”
“Yes, Sparrow.” Raven bows and retreats down the isle.
“Crow.” I state. It is all I need to say before he reaches a hand out to me to respectfully help me up.
“Ladies first.” he says, bowing.
I stride over to a dark, wooden door behind the throne and Crow follows me in. I walk over to the opposite side of the obsidian long table, covered with parchment and figures of different palace colors, representing the people of whom we were following.
I point to our palace of Tendron, being stationed in the central west of the map and straight north of Landyserie. A small mark represents my underground city of Sardrine, just under the royal palace of Tendron. I trail my fingers below to a small village which no longer exists, being taken over by the plague. Crow tracks my fingers until they reach Landyserie.
“This is where we will make our move.”
He thinks before asking, “How do you propose we do this?”
“Yuran gave us the maps to the tunnels, leading from Landyserie to Tendron; you will station Hawk there at the entrance to the tunnel leading into Tendron.”
He soaks in the quiet order, nodding with his arms crossed, but still at attention.
“What about Delton?”
“Don’t worry about them. They won’t be the major threat. We have some of Raven’s spies stationed there. If they decide to move in, they won’t get far.”
“The king of Delton will be looking for new trading routes. What do you have planned for Landyserie, Sparrow?”
I smile. “We aren’t the only ones watching them. This will give us opportunity for an alliance.”
“An alliance?”
“Crow, being my second you have to think a little.” I press my face wrap down and sigh, annoyed. “If we confront them in Landyserie and offer aid, when say... some more unfriendly persons give them trouble...”
“It will make things easier when they trust us.”
“Exactly. Tell the spies their orders. We will be heading to Landyserie in a couple weeks.”
A half smile edges at the corner of his lips and he nods, but doesn’t take his eyes off me. “I love road trips.” His eyes look me up and down and he takes a step closer, his gaze catching my lips.
I can’t help but smile. This is his usual reaction when he gets a peek under the layers I wear to shroud my identity. “You can’t tonight.”
“Can’t I?” he says, taking another step closer in a large stride, already on my side of the table.
“Is that an order?” he asks softly, peering down at me with ebony eyes, his black rustled hair framing his cheekbones. He takes his thumb and gently smoothes it over my bottom lip before taking his free hand and undoing my shroud.
It falls free and I stand there in my leather, laced suit, knives and a variety of smoke bombs at my sides and all as he closes the distance between us, my breath and heartbeat betraying my usually neutral demeanor. He takes his hand and lifts my chin up, my sapphire eyes peering briefly into his ebony.
He wipes my platinum blonde hair from my face, before tracing my cheek and weaving his fingers into the back of my hair. A small noise of anticipation escapes me as I allow him to sweep in, giving me a deep kiss. I place my hands on his chest, my finger tips touching the warmth of the leather from out of my gloves. He wraps his free hand around my waist before holstering me up and pinning me down on the head of the obsidian table, away from the war map.
He pulls my hair and the hand around my waist moves to pin my arm to my side, our kiss going heavier, faster. I use my hand to move his jaw forcefully out of the way, kissing and sucking the sweet spots on his exposed neck. He moves the hand from arm and begins feeling around my jaw line, tracing my collar down to the peak of my breast over my clothes, releasing an appealing gasp.
I move to unbutton his pants and whisper after nipping his ear gently, “Make it quick. We still have work to do.”
A guttural laugh resonates through his chest before he leans away to unbutton my pants and leans back in, whispering, “You got it, Love.”
I giggle as he presses down for another kiss, gasping when we have a second to breathe in between. He undoes my blouse and sets a steady rhythm, grabbing at my breasts and squeezing and twisting. He rocks, my body in the motion with his below, in-out-in-out as he leans down, breaking the kiss. I catch my breath as he traces all the way down to my breast, taking the peak and nipping and biting gently, resulting in a warm sucking sensation.
I arch my back in response, grabbing fistfuls of his rustled hair. He chuckles at my reaction, bringing his thumb down, between my legs, rubbing the top of my spot that isn’t quite occupied, shooting me into pure ecstacy.
I gasp and moan and he quickens, his length pulsing, his breath rasping. I feel beads of sweat, cool against the warmth of my forehead. I grab the back of his arms, the muscles flexing under my touch as I push him deeper and deeper.
“Mm.” He stops, shooting his head up and he holds position. I feel the pulse inside me as his essence releases in me, bringing a halting sweet sensation as I breathe, loud and audible. He pulls out and bends down, kissing me softly before we cool down.
We sit for a brief time, small touches I have over the years come accustomed to needing. It was always a comfort, after all, Crow was more than my second. He’s my best friend and always seems to know how to detour me from my over contemplating and plotting. He is my partner in many things and always has been ok with the idea of being the crow.
Our ranks work in intricate ways. I, the Sparrow, am the leader of a group of spies. Crow, my second, takes my place as “Sparrow” and goes in my stead to the royals or our lower network as spies, for the real sparrow and my safety.
Directly under Crow, are Raven, Dove, Pigeon and Hawk. Fowl was a part of the favored five, but corruption runs deep in this world. Now an enemy, Crow and I work hard to keep the network and the safety under keeps. All the spies underneath our four, discluding Amadexxus and Parrot, believe Crow is the sparrow. He is the red herring of our spy network, in case of an attack.
Then, there is the Owl. The old Sparrow, if alive, to help give advice and guidance to the current Sparrow. Still under rule to the Sparrow, but having their experience, the Owl is allowed many pardons. We work closely to the royals of Tendron and try to associate the better of the kingdom with the current king, Tremaine. The king knows Crow and we often get leeway under the cover of shadows to help in their politics or spy for them in a reward system. That is just how it is here.
I snap back to reality and look up to him, sitting up from the table. I trace his lips and mumble, “Hm?”
“Back to work, shall we?” he smiles and I roll my eyes, fitting back into my slacked clothes. He does the same and we head to the exit of the room.
“After you,” he says and opens the door, towering over me. I raise a brow, my nose and below hidden behind my face wrap and I know he realizes I smile when his answer in reply is a wink.
I walk back to the throne and sit, Crow walking ahead, turning around to make a quick bow before heading out, down the isle and out the large doors. I huff and say aloud, “You can come out now.”
A figure emerges from the shadows, his face shrouded as he walks slowly towards the throne, stopping at the bottom of the shallow steps before bowing.
He does and I see a smile appear beneath the hood. Everything above is blotted out, invisible beneath the shadow. “Hello, Sparrow. Fairing well today?”
“Owl, I am. What do I owe this visit?” I lean my head against my arm, appearing bored before him.
“Dear Sparrow, I hear that you have been watching. Do you mean to toy with them?”
“I will do what I believe is necessary. You have given me enough direction. I believe this is a matter for myself to attend to.”
“Why are you sitting upon that thrown then, dear girl?”
I furrow my brows together and bite my tongue. He answers, throwing his hands up in truce before apologizing, “I do not mean to offend. I have faith you will do good with this task.”
“If you wanted to be the puppet master, Owl, then you should have not handed the title down to me.”
He chuckles, keeping the same ominous smile to him. I glare at him but say nothing more.
“My dear Sparrow... I am proud to see you have taken my advice following them. You will need those three to reach your goal.”
“I am aware.” I mumble.
“William Everett has appeared once again, in the broad of day.”
My eyes snatch up as I peer down at him. “Where is he?”
He laughs almost maniacal, and it isn’t until I clear my throat that he continues. “Sparrow, you don’t mean to ask me of such a request? Have I not taught you well?”
“You have taught me many things,” I straighten up and stand, taking a step at a time towards him. “but what I don’t understand, is why you taunt me with such news and defy telling me.”
“This is your journey. If I were to tell you everything you wouldn’t be who you must be in the end.”
I come to a stop, a foot separating us. I raise a brow and he shakes his head. I slowly pull down my face wrap, clenching the words as I speak slowly, “Get out.”
His smile drops and he turns, walking a few steps. I watch him before he stops, half turning back to me. “What is to come is brutal. You will leave your position soon enough. Keep up the good work.”
“Get out!” I shriek, my echo fading through the room as I take a strapped throwing knife, and launch it at him. He quickly maneuvers, chuckling as he disappears down the isle, and out the doors.
I retreat back to my throne, sighing in relief to the much needed quiet. I will leave my position? Ha! I do not intend to. I can still go through my journey and stay, leader of the spies.
“Ugh, why do you always have to ruin my mood...?” I mutter aloud, closing my eyes and letting the thoughts of possibilities consume me.