“Lena, you snore in your sleep...”
“Mal, you do too.” Carson complains.
“I do not!”
“Both of you, shut it! I’m trying to sleep!”
I roll my eyes at the princess. It is hot a muggy, being in Nyar or summer as some people call it in the Northeast of the continent, the heat is blazing when you travel out on the road for days. Meaningless to say, everyone is getting on each other’s nerves.
“Ya, you’re not the only one, Princess. Mal snores like a rhino!”
I look at him, the humor seeming to dissipate in his gaze when we lock glances.
“Come on, Mal. I was joking... sort of.”
I slap my face into my hands a couple times and let out a large sigh, dragging it dramatically. Carson rolls his eyes, and the princess closes the sheet of the carriage, so she no longer has to deal with us.
“How much farther is it, Carson?”
“Well, we are leading up to, uh... I guess you can say we are two thirds the way there.”
“Um, ok.”
“Mal, we’re getting close to Kasardis. Kasardis isn’t too far from Rosse or Cherrwarden, Delton only half a day farther from there.”
“Wait, we’re by Kasardis?”
Carz nods and points to our right, smoke in the distance.
“Is it still burning?” I whisper.
“Maybe. I doubt the palace is, but that big of a fire near the city despite the moat it has around it... It could’ve spread-”
“That’s enough!” Lena throws open the sheet and peers up at us with puffy eyes.
“I’m sorry...” Carz and I say in unison.
“Carson, I want to pass by Kasardis.”
Carson looks back at her through the corner of his eye, watching her a moment before nodding, his face solemn. I look to the princess and she stares out, past Carson and I toward the smoke over the trees and hills in the distance.
“It’ll give us a straight shot to Cherrwarden if we pass by Kasardis instead of going around.”
“I hope that isn’t what you were doing...”
“Princess, please. I have a headache and I already said we can pass by it.” Carson whines.
I nudge him and he rolls his eyes. I hear Lena mutter something but can’t quite catch what she says. Between the heat, not bathing in days with the same clothes and only having our sleep deprived company with no proper place to sleep between watching for road robbers and thieves, we have been at each other’s throats practically. When it comes down to it, Carz and I were used to being on our own, having Lena with us brought its own challenges and more sensitivity. At times, I find myself wishing for just a day without company. I am sure they all did, too.
After more time goes by, we draw closer to the burnt city. The smell is what hits us first of burnt flesh and putrid, rotten waste which I assume might have been food. It had been five days since we left Valantis and the traffic from foot peddlers became more and more apparent as we drew closer to Kasardis. I’m beginning to understand they might be refugees of the migrants who left Kasardis.
I look to Lena and watch her, the pit of my stomach turning for her. I can’t help but feel partially responsible in the brought down of her queendom.
She stares at the burnt city, the wall encircling Kasardis ruined in some places from fallen buildings. A few straggling people wonder the premises, even a father with an unnerved babe rapped in his arms in a dirty bundle. The ones who linger by what would be the gate, their faces hallow, staring inside the city for any returning loved ones. Some charred silhouettes scatter the glimpse we see inside.
“Carson, stop the carriage!”
“Princess, we can’t.”
“Why not? These are my people, now. I need to help them.”
“That isn’t possible. Some could still be infected.”
“No! My mother was infected and she burnt with her castle. There is no way anybody else could have been infected.” she turns to me, pleading, “Mal, please?! Tell him to stop!”
I look to both of them and guilt builds in my chest. “I’m sorry, Princess. If she was infected, then so, too, could the servants that may have survived. People run in fear and if the palace was burning, I am afraid some could have made it out.”
She waves her hands in disgust, her face scrunched and tears beginning to wet her flushed cheeks. “You two only care about yourselves! I am in charge of these people now! I can’t leave them to die!”
As she finishes, a carriage adorned in jewels and black stallions come to a halt, blocking us from the view. We watch in angst as some men in similar shades of red and gold come out, ranging in different ages. Some are dressed in a tunic style of service, swords at their sides and others are dressed in robes and caps, more of the aristocrats. They are the Saint Keepers.
“Hello, all.” says an older man dressed in robes and cap, throwing his arms out in a welcoming arch. “Do not fear. In this time of turmoil, we will join together. Come, now...” he gestures towards a third carriage, two of the tunic men with swords standing on standby, open the carriage revealing bags of apples, meats and cheeses, ale and blankets. “Revere that you are now safe with us.”
“Who are you?” a man asks, his arm in bloody rags.
The robed man walks up to him with a smile, puts his hands on either side of the man's shoulders and says aloud, “I am Augustine Ferbello, head of the party here to redeem you. We are a part of the Saint Keepers.”
The scattered people group up in a now forming crowd, whispers of awe spreading louder across the wind.
“Please, dear people of Kasardis... come enjoy the gifts we offer you under the word of our Saint and our Lost Maiden.”
First, one by one, then in smaller groups they all head toward the carriage full of gifts. Augustine stands, holding the hands of grateful refugees and smiles at them as the two men in tunics and swords hand out a share of the gifts.
As soon as most the people have gotten their gifts, Augustine searches the crowd, the same smile plastered across his face. “In light of the dear, fallen royal family of Kasardis, we bring everyone into prayer. We are here in request to your princess.”
Whispers follow the crowd as they all look at one another. Lena whispers to us, “In request? I did not request them...”
Augustine continues, gesturing for a man to come to attention. The man is in a shroud and even from the distance I notice his eyes, standing out from the rest of the concealed, glow amber under the robe. If I didn’t know better, I would almost assume he isn’t human.
I hear Lena gasp and turn to her, but she points at the man, “That! It is the mark of the sparrow!”
I squint my eyes to try and see and sure enough, the man has a gold sparrow embroidered on his cloak.
“This is Amadexxus, our philosopher in our grand cathedral in the eighth province, Landyserie. Come to him if you have any questions. We will now begin boarding you to the eighth province.”
“Wait, you say the princess has escaped? She requested help?” a man says in the crowd.
A woman speaks up, “She has not fallen nor abandoned us after all!”
“Where is the princess, then? Why is she not here, herself?” a different man.
Before long we hear, “She is royal and must stay safe in case of the infected!", “She needs to be here to explain things to us!", “What really happened in the palace?!", “Where are our families? We can’t leave here until they’re found!”
Augustine quiets the crowd and answers, “She barely escaped, as you did. She seeked us first for help in gathering and protecting her people. We will have our Saint Keepers stationed here in any surfacing refugees. They will be brought to the eighth province soon after.”
Grim looks spread across the people but slowly and without much protest, they file into the carriages. I notice seven carriages in total. Some of the Saint Keepers in tunics with swords stay as the carriages packed with the people, Augustine and the mysterious man, Amadexxus, begin to disperse north, to Landyserie.
Carson picks up pace again, having been moving at a crawling speed, we now lurch forward and continue on to Cherrwarden.
“There must be a mistake!”
“Princess, they are probably using you in name only to keep the people in check. They would not have left otherwise, as they chose to stay to wait for loved ones.” Carson states.
“Not only that, but we now know the Sparrow is working with the Saint Keepers. We already know that Carson was being watched by them. We need to figure out why.”
“What if it isn’t in name only and there is an imposter?”
Carson and I look to one another before Lena continues, “We head straight to Cherrwarden and then to Landyserie. We cannot afford any lost time! I must make an appearance before things get more out of hand!”
“As you say, Princess.” Carson agrees and I nod.
We ride in without any more stops, other than once for the horses. Our food stash is getting incredibly low and the remainder of the ride remains in silence. By nightfall, we arrive to Cherrwarden, outside the small city.
“Here we are.” Carson says, I note a small shake in his voice.
“Are you nervous?” Lena asks, peeking out from the sheet.
“I... Yes, I am.”
“Why? Carson, I can’t stress enough how patient I have been. You’ve never been nervous like this, even when you have a knife pointed at you. You’ve never hidden something from me.” I try, hoping he will give me any decent answer as to why he felt the need to hide it from me. Did he lose trust in me, somehow?
“Mal, Princess... I have a-”
“Carson, is that you?”
We turn towards the gruff voice, a tight accent following it. A man with a petticoat and cane comes walking toward us. I see Carson stiffen and immediately ready for a fight.
“My boy, you’ve grown! And...” he puts a meaty hand to his nose before continuing, “how dirty you’ve become. I thought you dead?”
“Maurice, keep your voice down!” Carz puts.
The man, Maurice, looks him up and down then at Lena and I. “Well, come on, boy. Don’t keep your friends waiting. I will have a hot bath and hot food prepared for you as guests.”
It was the bath and food part that got my attention. Lena smiles and I catch her eye, giving her a small smile back. Maurice helps park our carriage and gestures us to follow him. We remain a few paces behind, but I stick close to Carz.
I whisper, “You didn’t tell me you knew nobles. Why?” I elbow him gently and expect a tease back, but Carz looks at me with a thin line expression.
“Don’t mention anything important and let me do the talking.”
Carz then quickens his pace and leaves Lena and I a couple feet behind. I look to her and she mouths a question. I shrug as we continue forward.
As we get settled in, Maurice shows Carz and I to a room, then gestures for a maid to lead Lena back into a room. I give her a short look, but Maurice chides in as the maid leads her away. “Auh, don’t you worry. Your girlfriend I take it?”
“No, Sir.” I say but Maurice laughs.
“She’ll be brought down to dinner when she has finished up as will you two. I will see you both in an hour.”
“Maurice?” Carson speaks up.
Maurice turns and raises a brow at him, waiting. “Please don’t tell anyone we are here yet. We just got here, and I promise I will explain everything, downstairs.”
Maurice snickers then counters, “You sure you remember how to get downstairs, boy? Ten years you’ve been gone, but I will leave you to it!”
We wait for Maurice to turn behind the corner before Carson faces me and then silently storms into the room.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Bullshit, Carz. You’ve been dancing around the whole Cherrwarden trip, despite Landyserie being our destination. Why is that?”
Carson takes a deep breath but continues to rummage through the clean clothes, ignoring my protest.
“Why is it you think now is the time you can’t trust me?”
He stops, his breathing apparent with the rise and fall of his stature. He turns back to me and stamps to me, stopping a mere few inches from my face, meeting my gaze. “I do trust you. I don’t trust this situation. I haven’t been here in a decade and I’m...”
“Afraid?” I finish.
He nods and averts his gaze down at his shaking hands.
“What are you afraid of? It doesn’t seem to be Maurice.”
“Maurice isn’t the problem, Mal.”
“Well it is a small problem. After all, he thought you dead for the whole time you’ve been with me in Kasardis.”
Carz sighs and falls into a chair, rubbing his hands through his roused hair. After a moment he looks to me and says, “I’m sorry. I should tell you, but I am sure you will find out at dinner. Please, give me until then and refrain from asking questions. The less you know at the moment, the better. I promise when this is all over, I will answer your questions.”
I stare into his eyes and we hold the gaze for several long seconds. I nod and reach out an arm to help him back up. “Fine, but after this, no more secrets.”
“I promise.” he says, sincerity shining through his eyes.
We take out time, taking turns bathing and I swear I have to reapply the oils and soaps a few times to get the layers of dirt and sweat off. Carson hands me a pair of fancy, noble clothes of deep blue and silver. He then hands me a more casual set and tells me to stuff it in my bag. I do as he says and we hear a light knock at the door.
Carson opens it and I see his eyes go wide. “What is it, Carz?”
He gestures me forward and I see Lena. My jaw drops a little at the sight of her. Her hair is down with the edges being in an elaborate braid atop her head, with silver pins. Her dress is of silver with blue accents and fancy lace adorning the torso.
“Drool much?” she says, but is unable to hide her blush. “I take it, you two approve?”
I nod, unable to say anything as Carz nods his head vigorously, stammering over that she looks like a princess.
She smiles and looks to me. I clear my throat after Carz nudges me and smile, “You’re stunning.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” the maid chimes in, fiddling with the back of her dress. “We are to head downstairs to the dining hall.”
Carz nods and leads the way, Lena and I behind him as the maid disappears. I whisper to Lena to not act shocked and to keep any questions to herself until the visit is over.
“Not a word.” Carz looks back at us, a weird seriousness taking hold that I rarely see him in.
A moment later, we enter the dining hall and Maurice welcomes us in open arms. A second later, we are sitting. Maurice sits at the end and Carz at the other, I sit to Carz’s right and Lena to his left.
The maids bring out dishes of stews and cheeses, racks of fresh meats and vegetables. “So, young man, how have you managed these last years?”
“Frivolously.” Carson takes a bite of a potato.
“Mm, I see. Your friends look finely refreshed. How rude of you not to introduce them.”
“My apologies; this here is Malachi, and this here is Lanae.”
Lena looks at Carson and he eyes her down. She looks to her food, her jaw set a second before smiling and looks to Maurice, “A pleasure to meet you, Sir.”
“Auh, the pleasure is mine.” he does a small bow, still seated at the table before asking more questions. “Your family doesn’t seem phased you have... disappeared. How is that?”
“Maurice, I was banished. My stepmother did not take kindly to being heir of the family.”
“And your father was ok with this?”
“Yes. He couldn’t stand to look at me in the end.” Carz takes a slurp of his stew, not meeting eyes with anyone.
I look at him and my chest tightens. He is a noble, banished from home.
“Your sister is doing quite well, I hear.”
Carz looks up at him and then to me. I avert my eyes and look down at the stew lying in front of me.
“Do you have a tongue? A voice, boy?” Maurice prods. “You must have questions.”
“I do not.”
Maurice lets out a frustrated sigh but continues to eat several more bites before speaking. “Your sister misses you. Your father has been hard at work and is rarely home. Your stepmother, that witch, has taken over most of the family household. Vara rarely stays inside anymore.”
“Has she been kind to Vara?”
“As far as I know, kinder to her than to you.”
Carson takes a chunk of meat and chews vigorously. “Any news on Delton?”
“King Harion has shut down their borders. Refugees from Kasardis have gathered around and began to try and breach it.”
Lena looks up to me with wide eyes. “Has there, um... been any reason as to why?” she asks.
“They’re all infected.”
Lena’s face flushes and she slowly sets down her knife and fork.
“Explain, Maurice.” Carson states.
“There was a man outside of Kasardis when it burnt to the ground. He rallied up the infected, I guess the violet in their eyes are a showcase sign of infection.” he shakes his head, the fine lines in his face more apparent.
“They traveled to Delton and King Harion closed the borders. Rumor is the king was going to take a jab at the fallen queendom and take ownership. I guess he has had a change in heart.”
“Why try to take ownership?” Lena asks then settles when Carz gives her a look.
“If Kasardis is rebuilt and Delton takes over, they will have more territory and claim. Be able to bully the queen of Valantis and be in control of the major port of the south. He would have more advantage and be able to stand a chance against the kingdoms in the northern part of the continent.”
“Makes sense.” Carson states.
“Why did you disappear, boy? I made my peace when I had heard you had fallen ill and died. You’re like a ghost of the past. No longer a boy and no longer innocent. I can see it.”
Carson looks up to Maurice and they hold gaze. Carson speaks, first. “No, I have grown. Twenty-Three now. I am stronger, faster and more knowledgeable about the world. I’ve lived in a noble's house then to the streets. Mal here, is my friend and a brother to me. Lanae is a great companion newer to the group, but worthy nonetheless.”
I see Lena smile at the words before Carson continues, “We have survived together, lived and shed blood for each other. The only thing-”
We all scramble out of our seats as we hear distant screaming in the background. We listen and the screams grow louder and louder. We all make our way toward the entrance and open it. Smoke spreads to our feet and people scatter around in a rushed frenzy.
A woman and child try to rush past us, but Maurice grabs her and stops her. “What is going on?!”
“Infected! They-they...” she cries and tries to jerk free.
“Woman, out with it! What has happened?!”
“Infected... They’re here...” she jerks free at last and continues to run. Maurice looks up and sees a building go ablaze. I watch it as the front wooden door is kicked off its hinges and a silhouette appears, violet eyes shining down.
“Are they one of the infected that were surrounding Delton?” Lena asks.
“I don’t know, but-” as soon as I begin, I stop, my blood freezing as the silhouette locks eyes with me. My heart begins to race as the figure takes a step outside and begins descending the few steps of the house ablaze.
“Run!” I say, grabbing Lena, but Carson stops me.
“Go to the carriages, I need to grab something, and I will meet you there. If you don’t see me and there is danger, leave me.”
“What?!” I shriek, grabbing his shoulder. “I won’t leave you!”
“Lena, you make him, for your people.”
Tears stream down her face and she nods. I look to her to him and shake my head, but he hugs us briefly before pushing us in the direction of the carriage. “Go!”
I grab Lena and we dart in the direction, heading for the carriage. The figure, as I glance back, follows us. Carson and Maurice are nowhere to be seen.
“Faster!” I shout, trying to get ahead of the figure who runs close behind, their features being illuminated as more fires break out. Almost a normal person, minus the violet eyes and tendrils beginning to snake out of him.
“Lena, run to the carriage, I will be right behind you!”
“No, don’t leave me too! I can’t be alone!”
“You have to! I’ll be right behind you!”
I push her in the direction, handing her a dagger for her own protection. She nods, the tears shining in the flame light. She turns and runs toward the carriage.
I look back at infected and a chill runs down my spine despite the growing heat. Screams flare around me as people scatter around, trying to get away. Some lie dying in the path. I catch the infected’s eyes and lock gaze.
“What do you want?”
He says nothing and takes a step toward me, running about twenty feet away from where I stand.
“Please stop this. We’re trying to find the cure.”
He shutters at the word cure and raises a hand, a tendril following suit. I take a step back as he takes a step forward. Was this it? I can’t be.
His tendril of black and purple smoke snakes around him before aiming my way. I watch it before it shoots forward. I manage to jump out of the way, but it turns back and lands in the space my head was just in-I just barely moving in time to dodge it.
I race to my feet, my heart pounding against my chest almost painfully.
“Stop! I want to help you!”
The infected man’s head tilts to the side in a manner as if he doesn’t quite understand me. A second later, his eyes seem to focus, and he straightens. An eerie chuckle resonates from his lungs as he lurches his head back.
I try to dash and run, but his tendril slams the ground in front of me, making me stumble to the ground.
The infected man strides over to me, a smile splaying that makes me breakout into goosebumps. A second tendril seeps out, taking physical form before it heads straight to me. This time I have no inch to move and instinctively bring my hands up in a hopeless feat to block the oncoming attack.
I sit and it never comes. I feel a shift in the air and slowly bring my eyes open. His face is inches from mine, spider veins creeping through his skin. My hand is out to defend the attack, but his tendril vaporizes at contact.
“There you are.” he states ominously.
He looks at my hand that is wrapped in a bandage and grabs it, bringing it closer to him. He tears the bandage and inspects it, his demeanor curious.
“You’re one of them.” he seethes.
My eyes widen as he grabs my face, the muscles in my jaw tensing at the sudden pressure. He smiles and is about to speak, but black blood splatters from his mouth, speckling my face.
“Ugh...” I wipe it clean and watch as the infected man falls limp to the ground.
“Mal!” Carson grabs me and hauls me to my feet, bringing me into a brief hug. I look to him to a girl, younger than Lena.
“Is this...?”
“I’m Vara.” says the girl, fiery hair to match her brothers.
I look back to Carz and inspect him. He has blood splattered on his arms and face, but he seems fine, otherwise.
“We need to get out of here!” Carz grabs both of us, nudging me forward and lets go, keeping grip on Vara and nearly dragging her with him.
We race past the dead and the others who scatter about in different directions.
“No! Please!” I hear her voice, Lena’s.
I see a man, grabbing at her and outweighing her, trying to throw her out of the carriage. I bring an arm back and Carson understands, setting his black blood, laced dagger in my hand. We continue to run forward, and I leap, just as I am about to make contact and bring down the dagger, deep into the man’s back.
A scream pitches forward and the man flairs aimlessly. I push him backward as he scrambles on the ground, his life slipping. I heave Vara up as Carz grabs the dagger and leaps in, rushing to the front and hopping into the front of the carriage. The horses are ecstatic in fear, but we manage to reign them out in a straight line, away from the burning city.