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  • Contest Holder
    Hey! I'm Riya, a young author who aspires to create quality narrative material for your enjoyment. Completely open to receive any constructive criticisms that will help me advance further. I am also interested in beta reading, reviewing or co-writing, and will be happy to help a fellow writer.

    So I humbly thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy my works!
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  • Challengers
    Challengers CalicoCarterChallengers HomelessinwalesChallengers K. GraysonChallengers Ratna DksChallengers Nicole Armas
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
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Our Home Countries!

Hello everyone! I've noticed that the contest section seems to be devoid of any actual contests... So I'll go ahead and give it a try!

Here's what you gotta do:

Create any piece of literature about your country. 

You might be from USA, India, China, anywhere! But write something that relates to your homeland. It could be a haiku or a short story, even a brief description, whatever you please. There are no limits, just write away!

Good luck!

Hello everyone! I've noticed that the contest section seems to be devoid of any actual contests... So I'll go ahead and give it a try!

Here's what you gotta do:

Create any piece of literature about your country. 

You might be from USA, India, China, anywhere! But write something that relates to your homeland. It could be a haiku or a short story, even a brief description, whatever you please. There are no limits, just write away!

Good luck!

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