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    Hey! I'm Riya, a young author who aspires to create quality narrative material for your enjoyment. Completely open to receive any constructive criticisms that will help me advance further. I am also interested in beta reading, reviewing or co-writing, and will be happy to help a fellow writer.

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Down Memory Lane

Say you have the ability to travel back in time to one point in your life, and have the opportunity to see your past self and their life. Where would you go? Why would you revert back to that memory? What would you say to past you?

Be creative with this one! It can be as descriptive as you want. It can even be as simple as a paragraph. Do whatever you please!

Can't wait to see all the entries!

Say you have the ability to travel back in time to one point in your life, and have the opportunity to see your past self and their life. Where would you go? Why would you revert back to that memory? What would you say to past you?

Be creative with this one! It can be as descriptive as you want. It can even be as simple as a paragraph. Do whatever you please!

Can't wait to see all the entries!

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