Love's POV
We arrived back on earth but immediately I knew something was different.
"Where are we now?" Chris said as a butterfly pasted by.
"Is this still heaven?" "We call this Eden." Two people were standing in front of us, both naked.
"I am Adam." The male said.
"And I am called Eve." The woman added.
I then noticed Gizmo looking away as he covers his eyes.
"Psst!...Why aren't they wearing any clothes?"
"I don't know, just deal with it!" Joy replied. Gizmo then takes a small look at Adam and Eve to edit their looks as if they are wearing clothes.
"Okay! I'm good now." Gizmo then lead the way as everyone walked on. Although Tarte still hid behind Gizmo to shield his eyes. I casted Inori a glance, even more confused now.I heard her whispered "I'll explain later." fore she walked away to join the others. I quickly went to catch up to them.
"When I was naming the animals God put here for us..." Adam began when we stopped. "I must have missed you."
"I'm Chris!" "And I'm Joy!"
"Love Momozono!" I did a small twirl causing Buki to giggle.
"Inori Yamabuki." She then bowed. "Though my friends called me Buki."
"And I'm -"
"No, no, wait. I will come up with something." Adam interrupted Gizmo. "You're -- aaa..." He tried to come up with a name for Gizmo.
"I'll give you a hint." Gizmo replied. "I'm GIZMO." Tarte slowly peaked out from behind Gizmo fore going back into hiding.
"GIZMO! That is perfect." Eve smiled.
"'Gizmo' it is!" Adam added.
"Yes, it is." Gizmo sounded proud of his name, I noticed Buki-chan and Joy sharing a glance and couldnt help but giggle. Then I heard a noise.
"Um...guys-" Fore I could finish Gizmo jumped scared. I guessed he figured out what the noise was.
"Now what's your --" Joy stopped when she noticed where the sound was coming from. A lion was coming directly at us. We slowly moved back till we, ended cornered in front of a tree. I quickly took out my Linkrun ready to transform. Buki did the same and moved joy and the others behind us.
"Love! Inori! What are you two doing?" Chris asked, it was clear they were confused and scared. However, there was no time to explain things now. I opened my Linkrun.
"Love-chan wait!" Inori had stopped me right fore I could begin to transform. I was about to shout to her that should transform when I remember that she's a veterinarian. I looked at Buki and she nodded back at me.
"Its not gonna hurt us." The two kids looked at me like I was crazy.
"What are you talking about Love, that's a lion!" Joy shouted at me.
"Hey guys look." All of us turned to where Gizmo was pointing. The lion was being petted by Adam now. We all just stood there confused.
"Uh, why didn't it eat us?" Chris asked confused.
"Why would it?" Adam let the lion leave.
"Cuz that's what wild animals do?" Inori nodded in response to Joy's comment.
"Not here in Eden." We all turned to Eve. I'm sure we all had the same question. Huh?
"God has filled this place with many wonders." Adam stated. "Come, let us show you." We all then followed Adam as began to show us around Eden. I walked over to Buki-chan right fore Tarte poked his head from behind Gizmo.
"How did you know hat lion wasnt going to eat us Buki~ya?" Inori shrugged.
"I could sense it in the lions gaze. It didnt looked like it was going to hurt anyone once I saw it up close."
Time Skip
Adam had showed us all the majority of the garden. We then stopped in front of a small cliff. The sun was setting beautifully over four rivers.
"Its beautiful." I gazed at them in awe.
"And from here, you can see Eden's four great rivers." Adam said as we continued to stare at the rivers.
"Ah, yes. The Tigris, the Euphrates, Pishon and Gihon." Gizmo pointed to each river as he gave off their names, Adam looked surprised.
"How did you know their names?" A small panic appeared on everyone's (Joy, Chris, Gizmo, Inori and Tarte) faces. I quickly covered Gizmo's mouth and gave off a light chuckle.
"Uh, he..."
"Lucky guess?!" Gizmo shrugged. Neither Adam nor Eve questioned it.
"Adam! Eve!" Someone shouted. Wait. Why did I recognize that voice. Could it be.....
"Miki!" Inori and I said in unison as we turned around. Miki looked surprised.
"Love-chan! Buki-chan! Is that really you?" I quickly gave Miki a tight squeeze.
"Okay...Okay...Um...Love?" I then noticed that I was choking her. I quickly let go after realizing it.
"Eh!?! Sorry Miki-chan." Joy and Chris and Gizmo stared at us surprised.
"You know her Love?" Joy asked. I nodded, a huge smiled covering my face.
"Yup! Miki is one of my dance partner's back home." I then went closer to Joy. "And she's a famous model-"
"Love-chan!" Miki grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Joy.
"Miki...." I groaned.
"Wait if your here-"
"Does that mean?" Tarte interrupted Inori.
"Setsuna didnt want to leave camp." Miki explained.
"That's great!" I exclaimed. "The four of us can all get our happiness together again!"
"It would be nice to see her again." Inori began.
"Well I was just about to-woah!" I grabbed Miki's hand. I got a bit too excited after hearing that Setsuna was here.
"I cant wait to see Setsuna again!"
"Love-chan! Wait for us!" Tarte shouted as the others tried to catch up to us.