Inori's POV
We all quickly ran after Love and Miki so we didnt lose them. Love's excited sometimes can get a bit out of hand. Although I found it a bit strange how they didnt question how Tarte could talk. Why didnt they freak out or got confused? It then hit me. Could it be that....
"Buki-chan!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Love calling me and rushed over to them and then I noticed her.
"Setsuna!" I quickly gave her a big hug.
"Buki-chan! I missed you too." Setsuna returned the hug and we both shared a smile. It had been a long while since her last visit from Labyrinth. We all missed her. I then noticed the coconut that was in her hand. Well that cup that was in everyone's hands except Gizmo's.
"Ahhh! Mmm. That's my fifth Gizmo-liscios-blendtastic-fruit smoothie!" Chris said sipping from his coconut.
"Want one Buki-chan?" Love then hold out the one she had.
"No need for that Love. I can make more." Gizmo then quickly made another and offered it to me.
"No thanks." I politely declined.
"Are you sure Buki-chan?" Love turned to me.
"I would be lying if I said it wasnt good." Chris added.
"It's perfect!" Miki proclaimed fore finishing up hers. "More please."
"Right away Miki-chan!" Gizmo then began to make more.
"Mmm," Joy was still sipping the cup she had from when I came. "How come food doesn't taste this good back home?" Gizmo then appeared next to her putting up the rest of the smoothie for later.
"No preservatives."
"God has given us everything here in the Garden." Eve said walking towards us.
"Which we may enjoy as long as we do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil." Adam added. We all turned to a tree which was in the center of the garden, it was a only a few feet away though.
"Why is eating that fruit a problem?" Gizmo said confused.
"It is what God told me." Adam replied.
"He only wants what is best for us." Eve added.
"So whatever He asks of us, we do. Anything else would be -"
"Disobedient?" I noticed that Joy had a small smirk on her face as she finished Adam's sentence. I then looked back at Chris, he seemed to feel guilty about something.
"Yeah. Disobedient. That's the word." Love then sprung up.
"Alright we shall not go any near that tree so we can keep our happiness!" I couldnt help but smile. Love-chan was always the cheerful one.
"We'll do our best." Setsuna added. Adam smiled.
"Come! Let us show you our favorite waterfall!"
We all then got up to follow Adam and Eve. I then realized something. Wait, did we time travel to the beginning of the world? I need to tell the others about this.
"Buki-chan!" Oh right the waterfall. I quickly ran to catch up to the others.
Setsuna's POV
I was about to go follow the others when I noticed that Chris wasnt with them.
"Huh? Chris?" I then began to walk around till I spotted Chris in front of the rock. I slowly walked towards him trying not to scared him. He seemed to staring at something. What is he..... A small cloud of smoke suddenly appeared a few feet away and when it cleared I noticed a figure in the distance. Why do I have the feeling that this isnt good. I have a very bad feeling about this, literally. Wait, why is that?
"Chris-san?" I called out to Chris causing him to jump fore he turned and noticed me.
"Setsuna?" He looked confused. "What are you-"
"I noticed you werent with the group when we left so I went to look for you." I explained. "Who was that, Chris?" Chris didnt answer. "Um...Chris-"
"Chris? Setsuna?" Oh no, I forgot that the group all about the waterfall. Everyone must be worried sick. I then noticed that Chris was gone. Please tell me he went back to the group. I then headed over to where Love-chan was calling me from.
Time Skip
Adam and Eve had went to go talk to God like they do every evening meanwhile, the rest of us, decided to set up and go to bed.
"This has been the most amazing day!" Joy was resting her head on the lion.
"It has, hasnt it?" Love began. "Everyone has their happiness!"
"Today was perfect." Miki rested her head on the other side of the lion. "I wish we could stay forever!"
I looked at Chris, he still seemed worried from since we came back.
"I wish we didnt have to wake from this dream~ya!" Tarte said fore jumping into Gizmo's 'stomach', tiny pillow in hand.
"And I wish you'd stop jumping into me." Gizmo moaned causing everyone to laugh. Joy then sprung up realizing something.
"What is Joy?" Inori asked.
"How come he could talk?" Joy began. "You never really told us about that."
"Or about that transforming stuff you guys were talking about back there." Both children turned their attention to the girls. I could feel the tension as we all stared at each other. I took a deep breath.
"That's because he's from the sweets kingdom." Miki said calmly. The kids both shared a glance, obviously not buying what Miki said.
"S-sweets Kingdom?" Joy asked.
"What are you talking about?" Chris added. A voice then came from Gizmo's 'stomach'.
"Awe I see you finally told them about the Sweets Kingdom~yade." Tarte then leaped out of Gizmo, startling the robot and landing in front of Joy and Chris. "The sweets kingdom is the home to wonder fairies such as myself and the legendary keys~yade. I was sent by the elder in order to find the legendary precure that would stop Labyrinth~yade." The kids just stared at Tarte in disbelief.
"Hold up!?! Fairies!?! Pretty Cure!?!" Joy exclaimed.
"Your joking." Chris told him. Tarte shot him a look.
"Do I look like I'm joking~ya?" The girls all shared another glance. For some strange reason they could hear each other's thoughts.
"We didnt even tell them about Chiffon." Miki thought.
"Or that this is a dream for us." Inori added in her head.
"Nor what Labyrinth even is." Love put in.
"There's no way they'll believe us." Setsuna finished. Gizmo sighed.
"Can this day get anymore unbelievable?" As if on cue, Gizmo and Tarte started to float grabbing everyone's attention.
"Whoa!!" Gizmo exclaimed. Tarte grabbed onto Gizmo.
"Did we seriously need this~yade?!?!" Suddenly the stopped floating and were plummeted back to the ground. We all ran over to them to make sure they were okay.
"Gizmo!" Joy shouted.
"Are you okay?" Chris added in concerned. Gizmo got up and shook himself.
"Fit as a fiddle."
"Wish I could say the same thing~ya." Tarte's head was spinning like crazy. Good thing Adam and Eve werent hear so we didnt have to explain that. Then again, its a miracle they didnt notice all this noise.
"What happened just now?" Suddenly a very pale yellow with a tiny, sheep-like nose and large pink fluffy ears and tail came flying through and landed in Joy's arms starling her.
"And I was hopping that she wouldnt be in this dream~yade." Chris and Joy looked at Tarte confused. I then went over and took Chiffon from Joy's arms and rocked her.
"Guys this is Chiffon, also known as Infinity." I explain, now it was my turn to get those confused looks.
"Chiffon is another fairy from the sweets kingdom." Love explain walking over to me and playing with Chiffon.
"Labyrinth wants her cause they need her in order to finish they plans." Miki added.
"But what's so special about this baby?" Joy asked.
"Apart from the fact that she could float people." Chris added.
"Chiffon is actually a entity with an unlimited memory." I explain to them still rocking her. "Labyrinth wants her so that they can enact their plan to take over all parallel worlds and register them under Moebius' rule." The two children were even more confused than they were at first.
"Awe, I see the children are confused~yade." Tarte hopped onto Joy's back.
"Y-y-yeah." Chris managed to let out.
"I still cant believe this...." Joy was astonished, I could tell.
"It takes a while to sink it." I said, trying my best to help them.
"What if you all are lying to us?" The three girls exchanged a glance fore looking back at Chris. I could tell they were a bit surprised for by Chris asking that.
"Perhaps we should transform?" Love took out her Linkrun, preparing to transform. "Change!"
"Wait!" Chris shouting causing her to stop. "Perhaps you should wait till you need to transform." Chris then looks away. Joy looked surprised.
"Um....Chris. What do you mean, they may need to transform?" Chris looked at me, then at the girls, then at Joy, then at me again, and then at Joy fore taking a deep breath.
"Joy, remember that Angel we saw in Heaven? The bad one?" Everyone except for me and Miki shared glances at each other. Miki turned to me confused while, Chiffon was resting peacefully in my arms.
"Was he talking about the figure we saw fore the others left to check the out that waterfall?" I wondered.
"You mean Lucifer?" Inori asked.
"What about him?" Love added.
"He's here, in Eden! And I think he can shapeshift!" The group then exchanged another glance. This time, it was worry. Joy walked up to him.
"No way, Chris. He fell into a fiery pit. Remember?"
"Wait what are you guys talking about?" Miki asked. Love then explained what happened fore they arrived in Eden.
" sounds like he's gone Chris." Miki told him.
"Yeah dont worry Chris!" Love tried to encourage him. "He wont be able to bother us."
"Yeah Chris, you've been seeing things." Joy added.
"That's what worries me..." I looked at Chris, I can tell he's still worried. I was too.
Huh? What was that. I looked around, but I didnt see anything. It was probably nothing.
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