Miki's POV
I get and stretch myself. Another day of work. Perhaps I can show Love-chan some of the animals we've named. Well more like Adam named them and I just helped watched them. I went over to one of the trees that were behind us and pick a fruit off of it so I cold start eating.
Just as I finish eating, I hear Joy yawning fore stretching and walking over to where I was.
"Morning Miki." She then picked a fruit and started to eat.
"Any other perfect day ahead of us." I tell her. "Happy to work today?"
"Work?" Chris groaning came from behind me causing me to jump as he picks another fruit off the tree. "Why do we have to work?"
"Adam said that God told him to take care of the garden and I think we should help out the best we could while we're here." Chris groaned after I had finished.
"Shouldn't we be more focused on-"
"Ready to work Miki-chan!" Love jumped in with her usual enthusiasm as she finished her fruit. When did she get here? "Today we're gonna work extra hard and get to make sure every animal gets their happiness!"
"I cant wait to talk to all the animals." Inori adds. "When do we start?"
"As soon as we finish eating." I throw my core to....who knows where. And take out my planner.
"Can it wait a little bit longer Miki?" Chris moaned.
"Nope, and that's extra for complaining Chris." Chris shot me a glare. "Everyone will have an important role in helping today." I flip to the page where I mapped out everyone's post. It was very sloppy, I know. But it was neatly sloppy.
"Everyone knows there posts?" They all nod. "Good. Today's gonna be perfect."
Sestuna's POV
Miki had paired me up with Chris. Well, I guess she wants me to make sure he doenst slouch off instead of work. But still, I didnt blame Chris for acting the way he did, he was still worried about the angel. At least this way I could talk to him.
"Chris-san!" I run over to him, his mind is elsewhere. "Christopher Quantum."
"Gah! Joy I-" Chris blinked twice in confusion. "Setsuna?"
"Your partner for today." I explain. "Come on." I motion for him to follow me.
Love's POV
Alright today we're gonna make sure that all the plants get their happiness! I look and notice that Joy's already besides me, waiting.
"Come on Love, let's go." She grabs my hand and pulls me over to a nearby tree.
"Joy-chan slow down, we might crush a flower!"
Inori's POV
Gizmo and I went to where Adam was counting the animals.
"Oh hello Gizmo and Inori." He waved. "What brings you here?"
"We wanted to help with the animals." I explain.
"And I'm here to make sure nothing goes wrong." Gizmo exclaims. I giggle a little.
"We can take care of ourselves Gizmo." Gizmo looked a bit disappointed after I said that.
"But if you want, we could use help counting the animals." Adam suggested. Gizmo then smiled.
"I shall be the best animal counter you have ever seen." We watched as Gizmo began his work, only for him to step on a branch causing him to jump.
"GAH! Inori! Adam! I am detecting a strange creature!" Adam stared at the robot which was now in my arms.
"Gizmo, you tripped on a branch." I explain letting him down gently. He then turns to notice the broken branch, realizing his error.
Love's POV
"Okay that's 7 blueberry brushes," I point to a small bush that was in front of me fore looking at Joy. "How's everything going with apples Joy-chan?"
Joy was counting the amount of apples she had found on an apple tree nearby.
"Good, so far there's" She stopped to count again. "17 apples."
"Dont miss any Joy-chan." I tell her. "We'll make sure all these plants get their happiness!"
"Be careful what you choose..." Huh? What was that? I slowly walk towards the strange voice and find Eve picking one of the fruits from a tree we havent counting yet. She then turns to the tree where a serpent was in.
"What do you mean?"
"How was the serpent talking to her?" I wondered as I hid behind a tree.
Sestuna's POV
Chris and I were helping Miki gather fruit for tonight. I wonder if that voice I heard as anything to do with the figure we saw.
Dont worry Setsuna....soon you wont have to worry about Labyrinth anymore....
I gasped. How did it know-
Oh Setsuna, I know everything about you. I also know that you dont belong with those cures. Why dont you join me?
I grab a hold of my head, trying to snap out of it.
"No....." I practically scream. "I wont...who even are you?"
Oh Setsuna....you'll find out soon enough.
I grab hold of my head, when Chris rushes over.
"Setsuna, you alright?" I look at him, and I could tell he was worried. Something very bad's going to happen. I know it.
Well arent you a smart one.
I get up and take out my Linkrun.
"Chris, we need to find Love and the others." I get into my transformation stance.
Transformation POV
First, she opens her and touches the button. Her face is showing, and she shouts "Change..!". Next, her full body is showing, her hair ornaments disappears, and she shouts "..Pretty Cure!" She falls to her feet on the ground, raise her hands in the air, and shouts "Beat Up!". She spins around and dives into the water. Her Brooch appears, then her dress. Her hair changes and her other clothes and ornaments appear in step by step. She jumps out of the water. Cure Passion flies down, and then introduces herself.
"The crimson heart is the proof of happiness! Freshly-ripened, Cure Passion!"
Chris' POV
I stood there, shocked. Okay so what they were saying, really was the truth. But-
"Chris, something very bad's gonna happen." Setsuna- I mean Cure Passion says. "And I think it has to do with the figure we saw."
I gasped. I knew it! But - Oh no.
"JOY!" I dash over to where Joy and the others said they were working.
Love's POV
I stood behind the tree in shock as I watched Eve grab one of the fruits that was on the tree. I wondered in I should do something for a minute for Adam and Miki came towards me. Wait, where's Joy-chan? Did I lose her?!
"Love-chan? Are you okay? Joy said that she lost you." Miki asked. I nod.
"I'm alright." Adam then notices his wife and ran towards her, so did Miki.
"Eve... What is the matter?" Eve looked at her husband, then at Miki then back at the fruit that was in her hand. The two slowly realized what had happened. Miki is petrified.
"Eve, is that-" Eve nodded fore turning back to her husband.
"Adam, I feel -- everything..."
"God told us not to-"
"I know, Adam... I know." Adam slowly looked at his wife who simply gave him the fruit.
I stared at my Linkrun and then at the snake who was watching patiently. I need to warm everyone.
"Adam, dont-"
I spirited off, transforming as I dash back to camp.
Inori's POV
A storm kicked in not long after Joy came back and told us about Love.
"I hope Love and the others are okay." Joy says.
"I'm sure they'll be alright." I pat her on the head. Not sure why, but I felt like it would help. Suddenly I hear the sound of running.
"Ngh! What was that?!" Gizmo and Tarte both hid behind Joy, I took out my Linkrun, glaring at the bush only to notice..
"Chris? Setsuna?" I asked. " Why are you transformed?" Joy seemed surprised.
"That's Setsuna?"
"Cure Passion in this form actually." Passion told Joy.
"It was so cool-" A clap of thunder interrupted Chris. "Man, this gonna be a bad storm." Another thunder clap.
"Um...guys?" Joy spoke up. "Isnt there something you should tell us?"
"Why did you come over in that form in such a hurry?" Gizmo asks. Passion and Chris exchanged a look, it was worry.
"Buki-" The sound of the rumbling bush had caused Setsuna to stop mid sentence. She got in a ready stance, pushing Chris behind her. I took out my Linkrun. Suddenly Peach bursts from out of the bush crashing straight into Joy.
"Joy!" All four of us rush over to her and I help Joy up.
"You two alright?" Passions asks. Joy nods as Peach got up.
"Peach, what's wrong-"
"Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the forbidden tree!" We all turned to Peach.
"WHAT!?!" Another thunder claps rips through the air. We all turned to each other.
"We'd better find Adam and Eve." Gizmo took out his tracker.
Cure Passion POV
I watched as Gizmo took out his tracker. I knew something bad was going to happen. We need to stop this.
But why stop it?
That voice again, I suddenly felt something, almost like the atmosphere was shifting. I look at Chris who was cautiously looking around. Something tells me he felt it too. We turned to Inori who nodded fore taking out her Linkrun.
Transformation POV
First, she opens her and touches the button. Her face is showing, and she shouts "Change..!". Next, her full body is showing, her hair ornaments disappears, and she shouts "..Pretty Cure!" She fell to her feet the ground, raise her hands in the air, and shouts "Beat Up!". She spins around and drops down. Her Brooch appears, then her dress. Her hair changes and her other clothes and ornaments appear in step by step. Cure Pine flies down, and then introduces herself.
"The yellow heart is the emblem of faith! Freshly-harvested, Cure Pine!"
Joy's POV
I was shocked, I looked at Chris, who didnt seem as shocked as me. Oh right...He saw Setsuna transform already. But still....
"This is no time to be shock you two!" I felt Inori who was now Cure Pine, grabbed my right hand and Chris' left hand fore dashing along with Peach and Passion as Peach led the way.
Passion's POV
We all stopped when we were at the center of the garden only to find that Miki was already transformed and staring into the eyes of a serpent. Wait a second.....
"You! I knew it!" I turned and noticed that Chris was glaring directly at it. I looked a the serpent who was grinning devilishly at us. Joy walked over to Miki who was staring at the fruit that was on the ground. The two of them then looked back at us and I glared at him once I caught on fore putting Joy and Gizmo behind us.
"You were that voice!" I shouted glaring at him still, his expression didnt change.
"Why arent you a smart one." He slowly slithered towards us, I didnt take my gaze off of him.
"We're not afraid of you!" Chris got into a defense stance as he came closer.
"Why should you be? After all, I only wish to help you reach your full potential." The serpent then stirred up the small puddle in front of us. "Watch, and learn."
Chris then looked into the puddle to see himself happily flying a jetpack.
"Follow me and you can have everything you want." Chris just stared into the reflection, clearly tempted.
"You humans can be masters of your own destiny." Joy and Gizmo looked at each other, worried, so did Peach and Berry. Too shock to even to do anything.
"Chris no! He's trying to trick you." Chris then looked at me, then back at the puddle.
"No!!" Chris then slash the puddle making the illusion go away. "You don't want us to be masters! You want us to be slaves. Your slaves!"
"We're not going to fall for you tricks!" Peach glared at him taking out Linkrun, ready for an attack. Berry did the same thing. Pine however gasped fore looking at the kids. He then took Joy and Gizmo and leaped into the air leaving us behind.
"Buki-chan!" Peach and Berry shouted at the same time. The serpent then hissed at us and I felt Chris run and hide behind me. I cant risk him getting hurt. I sighed fore looking and Peach and Berry, hopping they'll understand. The two just gave me an confused expression fore looking at Chris and nodding. They then went into the direction we all saw Pine go. I quickly grabbed Chris' hand and lead him away, but I can still feel the serpent staring at us.
I were you Setsuna, I pick my side very carefully. Or should I say Eas...
"Ugh ....get out of my head!" Chris then stopped and looked at me concerned.
"Setsuna, are you-"
"I'm fine Chris. We need to get back to Peach and the others." I grabbed his hand and dash ahead fore he could retaliate.
Choose wisely Eas.....
I ignore the gripping pain that bursts through my head. I will not give in. I'm never going back there. Never...
We'll see......