She stared at the ground, absently using a tree branch to draw circles down the muddy dirt, sighed when the recent circles she drew are starting to go out of shape. Thus, she snapped another branch from the nearby small tree and began to draw something different: stars. Meanwhile, the crackling sound of burning woods resounded in front of her, the fiery yellow color feel like it's slowly eating the burned woods alive. Every single physical touch of it's heated temperature towards the branches burned them into crispy pitch black stick.
"Oi Kaycee, snap me a branch"
The stern but somehow gentle voice of a girl demanded
She drowsily nodded, pulling out a branch and gave it to the other girl who's sitting on the opposite side of her
"If you need to sleep just do it you know. I can guard this place for us" The blond haired girl reassured the brunette girl with a concerning sort of voice as she threw in the branch she received earlier. Her eyes can't help itself but to follow the orange sparks as it wispws itself into the pitch black sky above, there were oddly no stars today. Weird, stars should appear almost everyday if they're currently at the place she think they're residing at.
The girl who's sitting on the other side of Amber wearingly yawned, she placed a hand under her chin to support it as she dropped down the branch she used to drew a while ago. She stared not at the fire, but at the woods which is being slowly but viciously burned into a black coal color. Her eyes start to turn hazy the more she looked at them, she steadily loosened her hand grip which is supporting her chin and fell lightly down onto the ground, drifting into unconsciousness as the sound of her friend worryingly ran towards her resonated into her ears.
'Seems like she's asleep' Amber stared at Kaycee, who's sleeping carelessly next to her 'What a carefree girl'
At first, Amber was gonna let the girl sleep on the opposite side of her like what their sitting position was originally arranged, but an uneasy feeling kept peaking on her, making her have to let Kaycee lay down on a pile of leaves next to her. Her sleeping face was unaccustomedly relaxing the blonde girl suddenly want to sleep too, but she had a duty to carry, so, maybe next night. She stretched her back and stared up onto the starless sky, thinking about the thing they both just experienced.
They just finished their introduction. When Amber thought she could finally relax her mind and shelter somewhere to sleep, loud, heavy stomping noises start running through the ground, causing the whole forest to shake violently. The stomping got closer and closer by minutes, trees began to fall down from afar, the 2 girls were too stupefied to react, both by different reasons, for Amber it's because she was too frightened to move, she had never encounter a giant in her whole life, for Kaycee, however, she was excited to see what the owner of the stomping looks like and couldn't hold herself to go hide.
At the moment the giant visibly appeared itself in front of the two did Amber broke out from her shock, she quickly grabbed Kaycee by her collar and whipped to a nearby bush. It was a pain, she recalled, a true pain to kept Kaycee to not shout a loud or peaking her head up the bush to look at the giant. Amber had to use her hand to push the other girl's head down till it wasn't hopefully seeable by the giant the WHOLE TIME. It luckily didn't last long till the giant decides to continuing it's walk.
Amber heavily sighed 'Thank god it is gone'
On the other side, Kaycee, however, seems pretty pissed due to missing out the chance to examine the new creature more. She irritatingly complained while standing up
"Ughh, I was gonna look at it a bit more~"
"You're gonna die"
Amber shook her head in confusion, as said before, she could never understand this weird girl.
The silence covered them before Amber and Kaycee both spoke up as the exact same time.
"Putting things aside-"
"I have a question-"
The blond girl glared skeptically at the other girl whilst she asked, though it sounds more like an interviewer asking the interviewees a question "What"
"Aha~ don't worry it isn't something weird!" Kaycee nonchalantly laughed as she continued "I just wanna ask about your true identity"277Please respect copyright.PENANAM4lkyZW60I