Kaycee was still shocked at the previous tree-falling incident that she didn't notice a person is standing in front of her. Her eyes still locked down onto her two feet, genuinely surprised that she's still alive.
Amber decides to stood there for a second in order to examine the girl, Kaycee finally realized a person is looking down at her, so she lifted her head up
"H-help me" The girl sobbed
"Ah!" Amber halted up due to the sound, she alarmingly stare down at the girl before deciding to reply "Who are you?"
"Help me~" The asked girl continued to whimper, this time she even grabbed the other girl's legs.
Although Amber just met her, she had to admit this girl looks pretty childish and hard to handle. How she had a star hair pin on one her fore locks and the way she pulled up her hair, it all looked like what an elementary would do. Now, with her current personality adding in, Amber without doubt could confirm this girl is a literal child in a disguise of a high school student body.
"Get..." The girl bended down as she strugglingly pulled the sitting girl u "..up"
"Ahh thank you for helping me! I could never stand up again if it weren't for your heroic act earlier"
The girl who just got saved sighed in relief while fixing her dark-blue uniform skirt.
"What in the world is she saying" Amber perplexing looked at Kaycee
"Oh, my hero let me give you a huggg" The brunette girl without any hesitant ran to Amber and was about to hug her if Amber didn't dodge it in time.
"Hey, don't go around hugging a person you just met!" The annoyed girl berated
"But we're not strangers though we talked onceee"
"It's still the same thing!"
Kaycee continued to attempting to hug Amber, making her back-pain came back because she had to dodge too many times, the pain snapped her back and before she knew it she is already lied face down on the muddy surface.
"Oh..." Kaycee blandly agaped "Are you ok?"
'At least make it sound a little more sincereeee' Amber sobbed to herself
Now that the brunette noticed, this girl really have a nice hair, it's covered with a light blond color, every strands of it seemed like they could glow and they're also welly combed. Kaycee mouth widen and before she could control herself, she leaned down and poked the top of Amber's head.
"Ohhh, your hair is so smooth~!" Kaycee admired while poking Amber's head for 10 more times.
"Ow ow stop!" The poked girl raised one her hand and shrug the annoying girl of "You stupid-"
"Wait what's your name?" The blonde haired girl asked, lifting her head up to face the other girl.
"Your mom" Kaycee grinned mischievously
"You-" Amber grunted through her gritted teeth
"Hahaha, just kidding," Kaycee pleasingly laughed as she observed Amber's ludicrous face "You should get up first though"
The reminded girl troublingly got up, putting both her hands behind to support her body, she raised her leg, standing up with her back straight. A pissed expression visibly shown on her face. Both her eyebrows are frowned together while her teeth gritted tightly, although Kaycee is a carefree girl, she can still sense an uncanny feeling spreading out from Amber, like she's about to explode it all out after just a few more seconds.
The angry girl, after finally managed to got up, stare her eyes fumingly onto Kaycee while asking, "Your name?"
"First stop with that stare as if you're gonna eat me alive!"
Amber shrugged, "Sure"
Kaycee inhaled in before fixing her hair pin and smoothen her top, she pulled one of her legs up, pointing a finger at her face, she winked, posing an idol pose as she ardently grinned "My name is...Kaycee~!"
The other girl looked at her with disbelief. Her lips parted due to the shock that the too-friendly speech earlier gave her. A wind suddenly blew by before Amber decides to berate "What type of idiotically introduction is that"
The scolded girl titled her head in confusion, she thought that was a good enough introduction, that what was her family taught her before too, when everything was still normal and-
"Ahem-" Amber cleared her throat sternly, breaking Kaycee out of her upcoming chain of thoughts, she tersely introduced "The name's Amber"
Kaycee sparkled up as she heard the name, she whipped closer to Amber and agaped "Amber! It's such a cool name, I envy you!"
Amber promptly backed away from the girl, she perplexingly looked at her as she sighed in defeat "I can never understand your actions"
"It's best you don't"
"Huh?" Amber confusingly uttered
"It's nothing~" Kaycee playfully winked, her hand formed into a peace sign whilst she pulled it closer to her face.
'It was probably just some bullshit' What was Amber thought at that moment, little did she knew, that moment will be the one she regretted the most in her life. If only she asked back what Kaycee was implying at that time, if only she dug a little more into her friend's backstory.
Maybe there could still be hope...