Moments later…
The group silently made their way through the halls looking for their group members. “So are we
just going to ignore the fact that that room crumbled as soon as Andre got over his fear?”
Matthew said.
“I mean we are not ignoring it, but it's just not the right time to talk about it…” Andre said. “So
please be quiet…”
“Okay…” Matthew said. Moments later, they reached a room that had a bright red door. “I think
this might be a safe room…” Andre said, as he slowly opened the door. Familiar smells fill the
air as Andre opens the door. “Cookies…” Andre said as they entered the room one-by-one.
“This room is an entire kitchen…” Jessie said. “This must be a safe room right?” Jordan asked.
“Should be… I mean, I feel safe here…” Andre said. “This must be Andre’s safe room…”
Matthew said. “Aha!” someone said from behind. The group turned around to find Adrian
standing behind them. “I knew you were going to do this eventually…” Adrian said. “Adrian…
I…” Andre said. “No! You got us trapped in here and for what, finding someone who has been
missing for years!” Adrian shouted. “My fault?” Andre scoffs. “I don’t remember telling you to
follow me… You're welcome for finding him because me and my friends are the only ones to
continue searching…” Andre shouted. “You gave up after a day… mom gave up after a year…
Matt left and I couldn’t get over this disappearance…”
“You're welcome to find a way out, but… I’m not leaving here without Matthew or any of my
friends…” Andre shouted. “Fine, but…” Adrian was suddenly stabbed by a leg from behind. “I….
“I…” the leg removed itself as Adrian fell to the floor. “Adrian!” Andre shouted.
Andre went and slammed the door shut, locking it.
“Adrian… please… stay with me…” Andre said, picking Adrian up. “Please… Stay with me…”
“I’m sorry… for everything…” Adrian said. “I never gave up on finding matthew… I just… gave
up hope that he was alive…”
“I never wanted this…” Andre said. “I just wanted to find Matthew and bring him home…”
“I know…. And… I’m sorry…” Adrian said, before her breathing stopped entirely. Andre sat and
sobbed for a bit before standing up. “We need to get everyone out…” he said, with tears still in
his eyes.
“But, where do we find Jayce?” Connor asked. “And Laney?” Jessie added. “Bennet as well…”
Devyn said. “We need to hurry up and find them… there might be more creatures in this
place…” Andre said. “Devyn… You, me, and Jordan will go out and look for the others… Jessie,
Connor… protect Matthew…”
“Okay…” Jessie said. “We will…” Connor said. Andre, Devyn, and Jordan all left the roof quickly
and quietly. They quickly noticed something odd about the air. “Something feels off…” Andre
said. “I don’t think you're wrong Andre…” Jordan said, pointing at Devyn’s arm. A tiny version of the giant demonic spider sat on his arm. “Ah!” Devyn said, tossing the spider off his arm. The sound of flames filling the air rang out from down the hall.
“We have to run… now!” Andre said, grabbing Devyn and Jordan and dashing off away from the
flames that lit the air. “Where is the next door…” Andre asked himself as he ran down the hallway. The giant demonic spider came into view along with the librarian. “BE QUIET!” the
librarian screamed.
The spiders near Devyn as the three ran from them. “Stay away!” Devyn yelled, trying to keep
up with Andre and Jordan. Andre suddenly grabbed Jordan and Devyn and jumped into a dark room.
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