Andre, Devyn, and Matthew slowly crept towards the dusty door and opened it. Inside appears
to be a room full of books and old dusty laptops. “Seems safe enough…” Andre said, walking
inside the room.
“Psst…” someone called out next to the entrance. Andre looked over and saw Jessie sitting
next to the entrance holding a book on marvel. “It’s good you guys found me…” Jessie said. “I
have been hiding in this room for who knows how long…”
“We don’t know either…” Devyn said as he slowly made his way into the room and closed the
door behind him. “Shh… not too loud…” Jessie said. “Why?” Andre asked. “We are in a
library…” Jessie said.
“So?” Devyn said, out loud. “Be quiet…” a voice said from across the room. “Is someone else
here?” Andre asked. “Not that I know of, but I think it wants us to be quiet…” Jessie said.
A book suddenly fell where Matthew had been studying the dusty shelves. “Oops…” MAtthew
said. “I said… BE QUIET!” the voice said, getting louder. “We have to go…” Andre said. “Why?”
Jessie asked. “Now!” Andre shouted.
A demonic librarian came around the shelves and went straight for Matthew. “BE QUIET!” the
librarian yelled as her eyes went pitch black and her teeth became razor sharp. Her hair grew as
long as repunzel’s and her nails were as sharp as knives.
Andre quickly grabbed Matthew and the four left the room running. “Hurry!” Andre yelled as the
librarian exited the room. “BE QUIET!” she screamed, heading towards them.
As the three ran down the hall they started to hear the sounds of music fill the air. “What’s that?”
Devyn asked. “It sounds familiar…” Andre said, as they ran. “Do you think it’s…”
“The song Strange Humors…” Devyn said. “Maybe someone is where the music is…” Matthew
said. “Let’s go…” Andre said, running and following the music.
Moments later…
“I think we lost it…” Andre said. “That’s good…” Jessie said. Sounds of music filled the air. “The
music is close…” Matthew said. “In there maybe…” He pointed to a door embroidered with
music notes.
They carefully entered a room to find a familiar face holding his ears. “Make it stop…” Connor
begged. “We don’t know how…”
The music slowly started to fade away and a much more familiar song filled the air. “The music
is changing…” Jessie said. “It sounds like…” Andre was suddenly interrupted. “Circus music…”
Devyn said.
A wall slowly faded to reveal a familiar area. “The circus room…” Andre said in disbelief. “But
where’s Jordan?” Devyn asked.
They looked up and saw something demonic staring down at them. The clown had teeth and
nails similar to the librarian. Its eyes were lit up with flames and its smile was as big as the sun.
“Oh my….” Andre suddenly fell down in fear. “I can’t… I can’t do it…” Andre got up and ran
towards the door they had entered which was suddenly locked.
“Oh shoot…” Andre said, trying to open the doors. “Help me!” a familiar voice yelled from above.
The group looked up and saw that the demonic clown was holding Jordan.
“Hold on!” Andre called out. “We’re coming!” The clown looked down and gave a sinister smile.
Andre started digging into his bag. “Grab this!” Andre pulls out a blanket and hands it to Devyn.
“You, Jessie, Connor, and MAtthew will use the blanket… I’ll find something to make it drop
“Good idea…” Devyn said as Andre walked off to look for something. “Hmmm…” Andre turns
around at the sound of a scream. A circle of fire surrounded Connor, Devyn, Jessie, and
Matthew. Andre gulps down the fear he was feeling.
“Andre! Don’t worry about the clown…” Devyn called out. “It’s not as scary as it seems…”
Andre looked back at the clown then back at his friends who were in danger. Andre then
proceeds to pull out something from his bag. “I’m no longer afraid of you!” he called, throwing
the extendable skewer at the clown.
It hit the clown’s hand and it let go of Jordan, causing her to land safely in the blanket the
trapped group was holding. “I will get you for that!” the clown said in a shrill voice.
Just then, the room started to slowly collapse, and the room door opened. “Everyone run!”
Andre said, putting out the fire with his remaining water.
Everyone scrambled to the door as quickly as they could. “Get back here!” the clown said. As
the clown reached for them, his arm fell off as the room got smaller. “No! This can’t be!” he
called out as the group left the room. “Noooo!” The clown’s screams faded as the room door
slowly vanished.
“That was close…” Andre said, as the group looked at him in disbelief. “What?” Andre asked.
“You got over your fear and saved us…” Devyn said. “You were so afraid, but once you saw us
in danger, you got back up and saved us…” Matthew said.
“It’s just something that had to be done…” Andre said. A sudden screech rang out from down
the hall. “Be Quiet!” a familiar voice called out. The sounds of flames also filled the air.
“We have to go now… The spider and the librarian are coming…” Andre said, pointing towards the dark end of the hall. “Let’s go…”
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