The movers had left and hour ago and Mom had me on the couch watching tv with an ice pack on my perfectly fine foot. “Mom can I take the ice pack off now?” I asked when she brought food into the living room.
“I suppose, are you sure your foot is okay?” She asked. “Yes! I’m just so weirded out by how that happened all of a sudden.” I said. I took the ice off my foot, it felt fine even before ice was even on it. “I probably just startled you when I yelled.” Mom said. Her blue eyes seemed to have a shadow over them, like she was lying about something.
”You’re not telling me something, you took us out to the place you grew up, it’s surrounded by water but big surprise, we aren’t going anywhere near it. I’m only aloud to look out at it from the sand. Tell me Mom, what was the point?”
Mom sighs, “you’re right, I am hiding something. I wasn’t sure how to tell you, o made sure you were never around water enough to figure it all out but, I needed to be back here. I miss it so much.” She said. I tilted my head, I was confused by what she was leading onto.
“The thing is Mira, I didn’t grow up the way you did. I grew up in a totally different world. I grew up, I grew up in the ocean.”
”Huh? That doesn’t make any sense.” I said.
“The thing is, it doesn’t to you because, because I grew up a mermaid.”
”Mermaid? You? Those only exist in fairytales.”
“Where do you think fairytales come from? They’re all just made up? They have to be based on some real fact Mira, don’t be freaked out by this. Just let me explain, it might make sense then.