Feeling watched has always been normal for me, I've felt that way my entire life. I always get the feeling of eyes following me from the shadows.
But lately I get a bad feeling that's something wants to hurt me, I feel like my childhood nightmares of monsters under my bed are real.
I get a cold shiver down my spine, goosebumps all over my body and strange things happening around me.
It's the middle of summer and it's a bright sunny day, I walk into my room and see a claw like hand come from under my bed. I freak and run to safety of my mothers arms.
I'm a 14 year old girl seeking comfort from her mother. I feel something watching me like a predator and it's prey. Like I'm being hunted for a feast.
Months pass by and everything goes fine, I feel okay but I get gifted a porcelain doll in a handmade case, I add it to what's left of my childhood collection. I place it on a table in my room. It's beautiful with piercing blue eyes and lovely strawberry blond hair. Pale complection complimented by a forest green Victorian dress.
After an hour or so of it being in my room, I feel uncomfortable. I get the feeling something dark is watching me, I carry on playing my video games till late. I settle for bed and watch a film till I fall asleep, I keep waking up to a burning feeling that you get from Sharp scratches on my body.
I just think of it as a nightmare and go back to sleep. I wake up hours later to my alarm and head down stairs and my mum looks at me and asks where I got the stratches from.
There all over my arms and face. Some on my chest and neck and then down my torso.
Is this a monster in my dreams or is this a dark spirit tormenting me? Am I in danger or is this my imagination?
Few weeks go by nothing happens, I feel okay and think nothing more. It's a weekend and I Skype with friends and play call of duty for hours and I start to get sleepy and pop on a film and get settled for sleep it's about half past midnight. I drift off go a sweet bliss, a couple hours pass.
I'm awaken by what feels like slimy claw hands wrapped around my ankles and pulling be abruptly down my bed. I scream and my mum rushes to my room. We see nothing is there with the light on, but I notice the head of the doll in a new position.
I grab the doll and lock her in a storage cupboard. Away from sight and away from my scared self.
Am I crazy? Or is there a monster after me? Maybe it's just my imagination or something more demented is after me............