What a Way to start
─ What is going on? Who's blood is that?─
─I don't know. It can be Billie's blood or the person who took him. ─
One of the officers leaves the room and walks down the stairs to start securing the rest of the house and making sure no one else gets on it without the proper equipment. Undoubtedly, something wrong would happen to Billie if they don't move fast. The officer walked outside to his car to grab something to help him make a perimeter around the house and in Billie's room.
As he is doing so, he grabs his cellphone from his jacket and calls the missing person unit:
─Hello, this is Agent Oliver, two other officers and I responded to a call from dispatch saying that a kid was freaking out, crying, and saying that he saw something. When we arrived, he was gone. ─
─What is the address? ─
─I am at Beach House Bradford Road, Hawthorn, Corsham SN13 0NY. ─
─Thank you, Agent; the Detective will be there as soon as possible; he just got notified. ─
Agent Oliver hangs up his phone, goes into his Glock compartment, gets some trash bags, gets out of his car, and walks towards the house entrance. As he gets close to the house, he starts putting the bags over his shoes and shouting out:
─Richard, don't move; I don't want you to contaminate the scene before the Detective arrives. I will walk over to you and hand you two bags for your shoes. ─
Oliver walks into the house, retracing the same route he took down. He walks over to Billie's room again, where he finds his partner having problems breathing. At this moment, there is a rush of blood and adrenaline running through his body. He has a kid who got kidnapped, a scene to maintain until the proper personal gets there, and now his partner is in a fight for his life.
─Call for help! ─ scream Oliver at the top of his lungs.
─You will make it; man, where is your inhalator? ─
Richard touches his pockets while he struggles to breathe; the inhalator is not in his pocket.
He must have left it in the car, Oliver Thought.
The other two officers heard him screaming and ran into the house and up the stairs. He told one of them to run to the car and grab Richard's inhalator. In the meantime, the other officer was calling an ambulance.
─We need to get him help now. ─ says Oliver
─I found him like this, but it has been almost one minute since I found him. After three minutes, he will go unconscious, and his brain will start taking severe damage. In five minutes, he will die; we need to do something. ─
The officer sprinted back through the house with Richard's inhalator in his hand and got up the stairs as fast as he could. They put the inhalator on Richard's mouth and pressed the button. They all looked at each other as Richard was still struggling to breathe, the inhalator was empty. They could hear the sirens getting closer and closer; the help was there. Richard had gone unconscious at that point; it was up to the paramedics.
They got into the house with a stretcher, and one of the officers escorted them upstairs. Richard was sitting down on the floor unconscious. The paramedics put him on the stretcher, tied him up, and moved him down into the ambulance, where they put an oxygen mask. They checked his pulse, but it was feeble. As they were heading out towards the hospital, they hoped for the best for Richard. He had been without oxygen for too long; they don't know how much brain damage he had suffered.
A few minutes later, another police car pulled up in front of the house; the man opened his car door and got out. He was around five feet ten inches tall, skinny but looked strong. Long black hair on the top but short on the sides. Small ears with one earring on the right side and three on the left side, skinny eyebrows, dark brown eyes, pointy nose, small lips and he was well shaved. He was dressed in a black suit with a red handkerchief on his left breast pocket, and his blouse was open. You could see his badge on his belt, and around his ribs, there was a holster with a Colt .45 handgun. Oliver approaches him, asks for his name, and asks to see his badge.
─I am Detective Michael Hackman, the missing person detective. ─ He says as he shows his badge.
─Nice to meet you, Detective─ says Oliver while they shake hands.
─I need a full report on the situation, starting with why there was an ambulance at my crime scene. ─
─That was my partner; he got an asthma attack while I was calling you guys and grabbing some tools to secure the scene until your arrival. I am not sure how much the scene got compromised with everyone running around and the paramedics walking into the house. I tried to keep a specific walking area, but it was chaotic. ─
─Okay, you are done with the ambulance; now tell me what is going on, why you got the call, what the operator told you, what happened when you arrived, how long you have been at the scene; I need as many details as possible. I hope your partner recovers, but I will need the clothes of every person who came in contact with the house. ─
─We got a call from a kid; he said that he saw something terrible while playing outside. The kid went out to play while the nanny prepared dinner. The kid told the operator he went back home again, but the nanny wasn't home.
─How old is he, and what is his name? ─
─His name is Billie, and he is six years old. ─
─I got to admit Billie is a brave kid. ─ says Hackman
─Anything else, Agent Oliver? ─
─We got here around 5 pm; call in the door, no one answered, so I sent officers to the back, and I went in with my partner. There were no signs of the nanny downstairs, so we went to the second floor, where we found a door that was forced, I got in, and I found a ball with tiny dots of blood. It's possible that was Billie's room, and that's where he got kidnapped. This is all the information I have other than that; it's all yours, Detective. When I was trying to secure the perimeter, everything went south. ─
─Thank you, Oliver
─ Can you take me to Billie's room? I want to see it and ask for more agents we will need more hands-on-deck. ─
─Yes, Sir. ─
Oliver walks with Detective Hackman while he signals one of his officers and tells him to call the CSU; we will need all the help we can get. Before entering the house, he orders to start a search of the house's premises for anything suspicious, don't leave stone unlifted.
─Oliver, for how long was the kid on the phone with the operator before the call was interrupted? ─
─The call lasted twenty minutes, Detective. ─
─You got here at 5 pm; it is 5:30 pm now; the perpetrator has approximately one hour on us.
─What are we supposed to do, Detective; we don't have any leads yet; we don't know what direction they are heading. ─
─I want you to call the state police and close every road, train station, and airport within a 20-mile radius. He has an advantage over us; we might not be lucky to find anything on the cars, but we go to try. Notify every airport, train station, and port. I don't want anyone leaving the state without me knowing. It is almost 6 pm; the parents should be home by now. Has anyone tried to contact the family? ─
─No, we took a look as we were going into the house, but it wasn't anything too detailed. We were making sure that no one was in the house. There are some pictures of Billie around the House; we will use one of them to make the bolo and pass it around. ─
─A missing kid, missing nanny, missing parents, and an empty house just the way I was planning to finish my day. ─ Says Hackman