A deadly Gift
─We are going to have a very long night. ─ says Oliver
Detective Hackman enters the house; as he walks in the hallway, he can see the pictures of Billie. He had short brown hair, light skin, black eyes, and prominent cheeks. He looked healthy, happy, young, and full of life.
─Where are his parents? Has anybody manage to get in touch with them?─
Another agent walks out of the kitchen, and he says that it looked like someone was cooking but left before the food was ready.
─Have you found any cellphone numbers or emergency contacts? ─ asks Oliver
─Nothing at all. ─responded the agent
─What kind of parents hire a nanny but don't leave an emergency phone or a way to contact them. ─ says Hackman.
─Everything is digital these days; she must have had the parent's number on her cellphone. ─ says Oliver.
─We need to find something about the parents; there is got to be something in this house that we can use to tell us who the parents are. Keep searching, I don't care If we have to turn this place upside down. ─ says Hackman.
You could hear more sirens in front of the house. The CSU has joined the search.
─Agent.....?─ says Hackman
─Carter. ─ Replay while waiting for what Hackman was going to say.
─Agent Carter go outside and tell the other agents to widen the search, knock on doors, and send two more agents to help us process the house. ─
Carter went outside, told the other agents what to do, grabbed a pack of gloves in his car, and went back inside. He handed a pair of gloves to Hackman and Agent Oliver.
─Carter keep searching the kitchen, check every drawer, trashcan, and even check the refrigerator and the fridge if you have to. I will go upstairs with Oliver; I want to take a look at the room where the kid apparently got kidnapped. ─
Two more agents walked up to them while they were talking.
─I am Agent Rosado, and this is my partner, Agent Harris, Crime Scene Unit; how can we help? ─
─There are two other rooms upstairs; each of you can take one. Agent Oliver and I will go to Billie's room. Make sure to be very meticulous Billie's life depends on all the evidence we can gather in this house. ─ says Hackman
Hackman and Oliver go up the stairs while the other three agents proceed to their respective areas in the house.
─Billie's room is the last one down this hallway. ─
Hackman stops before entering the room, inspects the door frame, and sees the marks caused by the forced entry.
─It looks like this door was kicked open. By looking at the impact, the suspect is a male or a powerful woman, but I am confident that it is a man. ─
─If it was kicked down, how can you explain the absence of a shoe print?
─He must have used something to cover his shoes just like you are doing. Nice trash bags. ─
─We can say goodbye to any prints on the door handle; this animal busted in like it was his house. ─
─We will not discard anything; tell the crime scene unit to dust all the doors in the house for prints, even this one. ─
Oliver leaves the room and goes down while Hackman stands in the room, looking at everything in that room. Something catches his attention; the room is empty. There are no toys, the room is spotless. He finds a ball with tiny dots of blood he immediately calls one of the CSI and asks him to bag, tag, and send the ball to the laboratory.
"The ball was in the middle of the room; the most logical explanation would be that the perpetrator hit the kid and took him, but these blood drops are not consistent with a blow to the face. The kid most have had cut himself playing or something." Hackman thought
The detective opened the desk drawer; there were a couple of drawings. One that looked like a train, another one of a house, and the last one a family drawing. Dad on the left, Mom on the right, and him in the middle. Each person had a title on top, Mommy, Daddy, and me. He put the drawings back and proceeded to check the computer. Before he did anything else, he walked down the hallway to one of the CSI and asked him for some tools to lift prints.
Dusted the outside, it was clean, opened the computer, dusted the screen and the keyboard. Nothing was found; everything was immaculate, not even partial prints. He turned on the computer, and the start menu said, Welcome, Miss. Walker. He pressed enter and logged in to the computer. The Wi-Fi was on, so he took a look into the search history; the search was deleted. It was not a surprise to him. There was a file named Billie Walker, he clicked on it, but it was encrypted.
Hackman tried to open another file named Allan Walker and wife. The file was encrypted too, the detective was getting frustrated. Its 8:00 pm; he had been on the scene for two hours, and the case was going nowhere. He closed the laptop put it in a bag and tagged it. At this time, he was about to move to check the closet when Oliver walked in.
─Detective, you need to see this I got a present for you. ─
─What now Oliver ? can't you wait a couple of minutes? I got nothing in here, Billie's clock is ticking, and there is nothing on this room that leads me to his captor except for this laptop, but it is encrypted. ─
─ This is very important, Sir. ─
─Alright, show me what is so important. ─
Detective Hackman grabbed the bag and got out of the room with Oliver. On the hallway near one of the other rooms was Agent Rosado. He gave him the bag with the laptop and told him that he needed to know everything that was inside, but it was encrypted, and he needed to know now. After that, they kept going downstairs and outside.
─Oliver, where are you taking me? ─
─Just a little bit farther, Sir, in the tunnel. ─
As they got closer to the tunnel, Hackman started to get goosebumps, a strong smell of death hit him. The animals were not making any sound; everything went quiet for a split second; it was like something dreadful had happened inside there.