The downpour had let up by the time Claire left work.
Already gripping keys in hand, she dashed across the wet parking lot and chirped the alarm on her pewter gray Mercedes.
Droplets of rainwater covered the car in a mantle which reminded her of precious seed pearls. Claire slipped inside the new leather interior and was soon driving away from her office.
Rain drops sparkled like crystal tear drops on the windshield. She turned the washers on and the moisture was soon flicked away.
Claire sped up to catch the light on Main street.
Traffic was heavy, it was the evening rush when everyone seemed in a frenzied hurry to return home from a hard day's work.
The setting sun was a fine dazzle which stained the washed out sky in fierce colors and a cool breeze swept along the street without a sound. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAPJb9s4A3xe
Claire headed straight to Ashford Heights, which is where the large, gray stone house built by Nick's great grandfather sat perched above acres of rolling green fields, prime forest land and a huge, man made lake.
The red blaze of the sun was reflected in the windows of the house like fire and catching sight of this reflection caused Claire to shudder with unformed dread as she turned down the long, gravel drive leading up to the four car garage.
"Good evening, Mrs. Ashford." Nancy, the elderly house keeper greeted Claire at the door.
"Hello, Ms.N." Claire said, dropping her set of keys back inside the Gucci purse and entering the house with a drawn out sigh.
Whereas most people felt peaceful coming home...this house has never given Claire a feeling of peace.
It was far too large and grand and filled with things that are worth more than the average family made in a year.
Claire much preferred the beach house which was a plain, weather beaten structure which she had
decorated in slightly worn fabrics and thrift store furniture giving it a comfortable and lived in appearance.131Please respect copyright.PENANAOBreLwYNSy
This..this mausoleum of a house oppressed her and yet it was where Nick felt most comfortable. How ironic.
Nick...a bitter taste flooded Claire's mouth and she thought once again of the pornographic pictures of Nick and his whore.131Please respect copyright.PENANA7PtzJujizB
"Is everything alright?" It was Ms. N.
A faint frown had settled between her concerned gray eyes which were peering into Claire's own faraway stare.131Please respect copyright.PENANAAuf7fGUNMd
"Oh? Yes, I'm fine just thinking about dinner..."
"I made a beef stew and fresh corn muffins." Ms. N. said. "Or I can toss you up a fresh salad, bake a chicken breast."
Claire rubbed at the tender skin of her left temple, nodded her head and forced a smile.
"You know what? I would just like to order Chinese." She said, kindly. "But thank you for fixing dinner."
Ms. N looked at her oddly. "It's my job." She said. "Will there be anything else before I go?"
"No." Claire said over her shoulder as she headed for the stairs and the privacy of her home office. "Good night, Ms. N."
Finally, she had the house to herself and after ordering from Ming's, Claire removed the blue blazer which she'd worn with her pant suit and draped it across the back of the chair and then sat behind her desk.
Strange that her mind felt calmer now that she had incontrovertible proof of his latest infidelity.
The first time, Claire had seen red and left scratches all over Nick's fine, tanned skin and he'd promised that it was the last time.
Oh, but Claire had known better because Nick was a hot natured "stud" and a liar and two months ago she'd found red, lace thong underwear inside of his gym bag.
Claire had been too numb to feel any emotion until later that night but instead of confronting Nick she'd decided to be smart about things this time.
So, she'd hired a private detective who had in a very short manner of time delivered the most recent goods on Nick.
Claire thought ; How could Nick return to his old ways so quickly? She was frankly astonished, hurt and fast approaching the stage of bitterness.
Their marriage had started off so well, with such love and passion and for a time Claire had fallen for the fairytale which had been Nicholas Ashford.
Blinking back unwanted tears and setting the alligator skin briefcase on the desk, Claire removed the envelope and once again spread out the handful of photographs.
Her eyes were irresistibly drawn to the face and body of Nick's latest lover.
Along with rage and jealousy there was curiosity, fascination..all of these emotions were pulling Claire towards the woman like fingers made of iron hooks. Instead of anger. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAXxCSI88Tl7
Whomever had said that the wife shouldn't be curious about her husband's mistress had it wrong because all Claire could think about was this other woman who had managed to beguile her husband.
She was gazing straight into the liquid, brown eyes of the "other" woman, who's eyes seemed to leap out at Claire from the high definition photo.
She was idly tracing the shape of the sensual Raquel Welch/Eva Mendes features with the tip of one nail and then abruptly Claire picked the photo up, angling it
closer to her desk lamp until the yellow glow perfectly illuminated the naked body in all of it's firm, lush glory. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAkYsXGRoftJ
"My...god." Claire murmured, biting at her bottom lip as floods of conflicting emotions swept through her rigid body.
Claire blew out a frustrated breath which ruffled her bangs and managed to tear her eyes away
from Venus long enough to glare at the second photo which showed her flagrantly naked husband atop Venus and no doubt humping merrily away.
"If I wasn't already taking anger management classes, I'd gladly claw your eyes out for this." Claire hissed at the photo as if fervently wishing that Nick were actually here in the flesh.
Pulling herself together, she carefully put the evidence away and locked everything inside of her secret floor safe and then she leaned back in the chair, steepled her fingers and wondered what to do about Nick.
His family was staunchly Catholic and so divorce was out of the question; not that Claire seriously wanted a divorce.
No, she still loved him and besides he had made her sign a pre-nup which complicated things further.
Claire had been poor as a church house mouse when she'd met Nick at a party in Reno, Nevada and poor was not a state of existence to which she was eager to return. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAzbbWW2cBzP
No way, thank you very much.