The night sparkled with starlight, like a blanket of midnight cascading over the hillside. I breathed in the salty air as a stream of the ocean's wind combed through my short hair. The leaves rustled loudly as they fell together like confetti and, together with the crash of the waves, formed an orchestral harmony. With each step forward on the rocky pathway, I gave a little skip as a smile made its way onto my lips.
Indeed, what a beautiful night it was.
It was then something caught my eye. Amidst the sharp cold of darkness above me, there was suddenly a shimmer of light. Alert, I raised my head, only for my eyes to widen as the shine of a glowing jar slowly came upon me, hovering its way down.
Startled, I held my hands out in reflex and watched in amazement as the jar settled on my palms. It was as if the winds grew harsher, circling my body while the glass touched my skin.
I let in a sharp breath at the sight before me.
A... fairy?
It was a small figure similar to a person's but with delicate, dragonfly-like wings on its back. No taller than my forefinger. Its skin emitted a soft ray of light. It stared back at me with wide eyes flooded in the same darkness as the night sky, as its tiny hands rested on the jar's glass.
"Who are you, little one?" I whispered under my breath, eyes never breaking contact with the fairy's own.
But when the fairy opened its mouth, what came out were not words but whistles. Whistles akin to the wind that flowed through the glass caves underneath the hill. A beautiful and serene melody.
"I've heard of your tales, but to think you'd appear before me like this... how enchanting." I looked around us, the sound of the ocean, the sky, and the forest slowing to a calm. "Is this your doing?" I questioned, eyes returned to the fairy.
The fairy only tilted its head at my query, responding in another round of whistles.
"Of course," I chuckled, "You may not understand me."
Even though I held the fairy myself, tucked carefully between my hands, I still could not get over the disbelief I had over the situation.
Was this a dream?
I placed the jar on my bedside, settling three books at the top. The fairy seemed to huff as if upset.
I smiled helplessly and said, "I'm sorry little one. I can't help but fear your escape. Perhaps the tales were true, and a fairy would whisk me away in my sleep."
Sharp whistles came my way.
I laughed and climbed onto my bed, covering myself with the thick quilt. "Or perhaps you'd take a bite out of me?" I gazed once more at the glowing jar, watching as the fairy sat down and looked back at me.
My eyes felt heavy with sleep, like in the fairy tale wherein fairies would sit on your eyelids to bring them to a close and sprinkle sand from the moon to harness dreams.
Fairies much like the one before me.
I raised my hand and softly made contact with the jar's surface. I blinked at the feeling. "It's warm..." I slowly dragged down my finger, seeing it become a silhouette from the fairy's light. "Is this from you?"
The fairy placed their hands-on my finger. The only thing separating us was the jar's thin glass. It gave off a soft whistle, like a soothing lullaby a mother would sing to their child.
Slumber was slowly creeping up behind me, my breathing calming. "Please..." I mumbled, "When I wake up, let this not be a dream."
The fairy's whistles continued, lulling me into a dream.
For one night, I met with a piece of magic. A creature of warmth, light, and melody. Why had they descended onto me and me alone? I can only hope that the fairy, this ray of moonlight, would stay by my side until the sun returns to its place in the skies.