New Orleans was always thought of to be full of everything dark and mysterious but what those that live outside of the city didn't know was that the dark and mysterious parts were really the areas reserved for tourists. The other parts of the city were quite calm and peaceful. Colorful buildings lined streets filled with people going about their daily lives scoffing at the tourists and the businesses that make their money off the gullible. The colorful city thrived in many ways and was home to more than just mere humans, Bellatrix was just one of those other beings that made New Orleans their home. The young pagan witch had moved to the vibrant city to live with her grandparents after the death of parents in a violent collision with a drunk driver. When the news of their deaths reached the raven-haired female her powers of light and dark were unleashed.
Her grandparents came not long after her outburst of power and brought her to the colorful and vibrant city of New Orleans. Life had moved on for her but not for her parents. Bellatrix sighed softly as she looked out the window of the moving car at the different shops they passed by. The witch had been to the city before but never to live. Everything looked the same but still different.
"So, you want me to believe that witches and the like exist. And that I'm supposed to be one," the sixteen-year-old scoffed as her breath fogged up the window. Lifting a pale finger, she wrote 'I miss you' in the whiteness of the steam. She had been like this since the officers had knocked on the front door of her old house and then three days later her grandparents showed up to bring her here. To New Orleans. They thought she needed a new start in a new place.
Grandpa Esther sighed softly as he turned the corner at the end of the street and onto one that looked far more different from the one they were on. She blinked almost shocked by the drastic difference between the two streets but then New Orleans had two different cultures thriving in its city limits at least that was if she believed a word that came out of her grandparents' mouths. "Believe what you will, though that was no accident back at your old house Bellatrix Blackwood." The old man's voice was gentle yet stern. Just the sound of it now grounded her in the same way it did when he walked through that door and told her everything would be okay. She believed it then but now that she was out of Atlanta, with his high-rise skyscrapers and wild night life, she wasn't so sure.
Pink with blue flecked eyes looked at her then in the rear-view mirror. "Things will get better Bella," her grandmother said in French. The accent and language soothed the young witch in ways Esther's words didn't. "Yes grandma," she murmured back. Raven black hair fell into the female's eyes as she went back to gazing out the window watching the scenery change from colorful to dreary in split second intervals. This was what she loved about New Orleans even when she was closer to the age of a babe. The differences in the city, the fact that no matter where you stood you were on top of a grave site. This was to be here home.
"The pain will fade my dear. Not entirely but it will fade." The old woman continued as they pulled up to an almost Victorian style house that was about seven blocks from the French Quarter. The large house was something out of an old movie its grandeur and French inspiration apparent upon first look.
One heartbeat.
Two heartbeats.
Three heartbeats.
She was still frozen as she stared at the place that was to be her new home. Fear gripped her tight. Fear of the unknown, fear of her grandmother Rosa being right. And still, she could hear the ba-dum of her beating heart as she opened the car door and walked up the stone steps towards the open door, carry-on bag in hand. Stepping over the vestibule the atmosphere changed around her almost as if the world had tilted on its axis. A smile started to creep across full lips as the bag slipped from slender fingers. The entry way had been filled with all kinds of plants and herbs; her grandmother's doing no doubt.
"There is that smile," her grandmother said as the elderly woman walked over to enfold her into her arms. Bellatrix was at home among the various planets and herbs the scents drifting in and out of her nostrils calming her with each breath.
*Lavender and chamomile.* She thought to herself as she felt the limbs in her body relax a grow heavy. "Up the stairs you get. You need to rest; you start school in two weeks." The words were a haze in her mind everything distorted except three words-- two, weeks, and school. *Oh no.* A soft groan left her lips as she was carried up the stairs and into her bed.
Two weeks later she was standing outside the door of Crooked Willow High School, a bag slung over her shoulder and eyes downcast. Before her grandparents had pulled off they warned her to help her eyes hidden. The why if it obvious, naturally pink eyes covered by brown contacts would draw attention no matter what was done. With a grumbled curse about only having two weeks before being shoved back into society, the female in all black pushed open the doors into her new life.
The sight of her new life on the other side of Crooked Willow's front doors floored her when she saw just how crowded the morning was. Students running back and forth but all froze when she walked through and stared at her. The shouts of "New Girl" came next dazing her and making bleed but despite all of the shouting one voice spoke up above the others.
"Everyone settle down. Yes, we got a new girl," he smirked as he looked over Bellatrix with almost a leer in his gaze, "but let her adjust to life here before bombarding her with questions and the like." He murmured at the end as the crowd started dispersing around them. Bella stood still her eyes boring into the boy that was in front of her wondering about his motives for stopping the group from surrounding her.
Angel was taken aback when he saw the hooded figure walk through the front doors of the school. Everyone knew they were getting a new student from Atlanta but no one knew if it was a boy or girl. It was still lost on him if the figure that stood in front of the doors was a girl but apparently, his best friend, Shelly, could see clearly it was a girl.
The screams started a minute later and it took less than a minute for the lithe male to make it to the front before he could start getting the other settled down. Speech made and crowd cleared and headed to classes Angel turned to look at the girl with the hood and noticed she was staring directly at him with a quirked eyebrow.
Suspicious of me already are we?
The blond malechuckled and held out his hand hoping she would take it. "The name'sAngel. Let me show you around." Itwas like this for the next few weeks until Angel felt she got the hang ofthings and then she disappeared from his life after one mistake he had made.One he regretted
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