The streets teemed with bodies making their way to different places within the Quarter, the midday rush nothing to the young witch as she watched people fly by her on the street. She said nothing as she was bumped and jostled, her slender fame taking the most of it with no problem; it was the way things went in the small part of the city where all of the occult shops were. Spirits Occult was one of those shops and it was the only one that was closed to the tourists. It was a shop for only true witches and their familiars.
The raven-haired female smiled as she took in the Gothic style of the store front. High arched windows were covered by silk blackout curtains and hid the interior of her shop. It was a small shop not much on the outside but then everything a witch or even a vampire needed was on the inside. Tossing the hood of her cloak off, Bellatrix reached into a pocket and fished out her skeleton key.
Once the door was open and she flipped the sign to open the witch sighed softly and let the stresses of the night before going. As she moved around the shop she untied the long black cloak that adorned her body from around her neck and hung it up behind the high-top marble counter before she started taking the lids off of the barrels that were scattered about the shop, taking an inventory of all the things that were in stock and what needed to be reordered. Foxglove. Wormwood. Need more candles and daggers. Hmm and I'm out of blank grimoires. She thought to herself as she went from shelf to shelf and barrel to barrel glad she wasn't out of the gemstones and other herbs. They were her best sellers other than the candles. With a small nod at her mental checklist the lithe female carries herself over to the corner and started working on the shipment order when the bell above the door jiggled. It was a hollow sound as the bell was spelled sound almost like a gong so she would hear it in the back. Pink eyes lifted to watch the group that had entered the shop; five teenagers from the looks of them and it brought the cheerful mood that had colored the store owners mental state to a grinder halt. Teenagers and the occult were a bad mix, especially around Madi Gras. Everyone started to think they were the best at everything and knew what they were during when it came to Ouija boards.
"Hey miss, we want to buy this Ouija board," one of the boys called out much to her annoyance. Plastering a false smile on her face the raven-haired female walked over to where the group was and studied the board they had picked. Upon seeing it she wanted to curse and ban the group from her shop but she did no such thing believing in them learning the hard way about summoning dangerous spirits. The board was blood red in color with a pentagram in each of the corners and a devil's skull in the middle, the letters curved around the head and that was it. The board wasn't even supposed to be in the collection let alone on the shelves but being the vindictive witch she was known to be she gently lifted the board and carried it over to the counter. "Okay." She murmured softly to herself as she looked back up at the group and watched them carefully. "Anything else you would like to buy today," she asked the false soprano of her voice grating on her nerves as she watched the clueless wander about her shop picking out multiple black candles. Bellatrix groaned though it wasn't loud enough for the teenagers to hear.
Once the candles were picked out the group made their way to the counter and placed them before her. She forced a smile as she grabbed the candles and started ringing them up one by one and placing them in a small brown bag. "Do you kids know how to use an Ouija board," she asked in the most dulcet of tones. The girls in the group giggled at the question. "I'm sure we can figure it out, lady." One of them said and Bellatrix almost hexed her because of the tone and the underlying rudeness of the other female's statement but she refrained, barely.
"Alright then," the witch said softly in the same tone she used when she asked the question as she added the cost of the board to that of the candles, "your total today will be forty-seven dollars and sixty cents. Will that be cash or cred-" she started to say but stopped when the blonde female in front handed her a debit card. A twitch started to happen on the side of her mouth but she hid it well as she took the card from the other and finished the checkout process before she moved to put the board and a separate bag along with the planchette in another. With a bright false smile, Bellatrix handed over the card and receipt and then the bags. "Thank you for shopping at Spirits. Please come again." But I would very much prefer if you didn't. I don't like teenagers who think it's fun to harass the dead. The somewhat harsh words were said in her mind but she wanted to say them aloud for they were true. She really disliked those who thought magic and spirits were a game but they would learn as they all did that magic is not a toy or a game.