I’m sorry I’m a downer
I’m a mess now, it’s true
Searching for a feeling
When these feelings can kill you
A book with moons on it, a wolf writhing in pain in the woods, and red energy ravaging everything in its path was all that consumed Caroline’s dreams night after night. It had already been a few days since exploring the caves beneath Mystic Falls with Bonnie and she was still plagued with visions from the great ash tree. She tossed and turned as the voices came back to haunt her continuously as she slept, in her waking moments, in her time, all the time. She couldn’t stop thinking about what the manic version of her said either. She touched a tree with a hand laced in blood and now she had supposedly discovered the means to free herself from the shackles of man. It was still mind boggling at times that all this was real but she was long past denying it, she wanted to embrace it all with both arms outstretched. She wanted to hold on tight to this new version of herself that was just beyond her fingertips. She could feel the change in the air and just knew this transformation she was undergoing would be for the better.
Of course, with all of these changes, Caroline was still grappling with the knowledge that she had a twin sister mixed up in all of this. It further proved to her that all sorts of things were real. She couldn’t stop thinking about what Kalanthe said though, her interpretation about their consanguinity… or rather, their ancestry. Kalanthe said that the answers lie with the demon and the wolf but that didn’t make any sense. The only time she heard those words in that particular order was… was when she and… when she and Bonnie connected at the bonfire!
Beware the witch with the blood of the demon and the wolf, for with it she shall bring Armageddon.
Caroline acknowledged at the she was probably a witch but did that mean she was connected to this demon and this wolf as well? The wolf from the vision the world tree gave her? Was she connected to both of them by blood even? That fates did mention that her home was already infested with chaotic blood, so were chaotic and demonic interchangeable in this sense? Did she really need to take a deeper look at her mother and father to make sense of any of this? She wasn’t ready to open that can of worms just yet. Dealing with her parents always left her feeling empty. All she knew for sure at this point was, although Kalanthe told her she should seek the demon and the wolf for those answers, Bonnie was the first person to ever mention it. Perhaps her witch sister was still the best place to start. Caroline smiled as she thought of Bonnie. Exploring the caves with her that night was quite the experience. They got lost plenty of times but when they finally found their way back to the stairs leading to higher ground, they were in stitches with laughter. It was a nice feeling to be able to just be themselves out in the open. Caroline experimented with her red mojo, as Bonnie liked to call it, levitating stones and pieces of rotted steel that was still somehow extremely heavy. Bonnie practiced with water from a bottle, creating controlled fires here and there. They talked endlessly about all the possibilities that seemingly could open up for them with their growing abilities. Caroline felt on top of the world, especially with the Founders’ Day Party coming up tomorrow evening. It was at the Lockwood mansion and if she played her cards right, she might even get the chance to witness the fallout of the mayor realizing that he had been robbed. She snickered to herself at the thought as she flipped through the dress options at this cute little boutique she found a few months ago, before all of this started. She was looking for something on the classic side to pair well with the talisman belonging to the white witch out of time. She still wasn’t sure how it would sting her enemies, or who that figure was, but figured it would need to at least be visible in order to do so. The chimes from the front of the shop rang out causing her to look up in surprise when Bonnie came inside.
“Bonnie!” She excitedly hugged her friend when she got closer to the rack. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve been to meaning to tell you I might have a solution for your vision recall issues.”
Bonnie raised a brow and hummed curiously. “And what’s that?”
“Well,” Caroline whispered. “My memory used to be top notch before all the witch business because I’m neurotic and a control freak, I’m cool like that, ya know? But now, my focus is spreading a little thin. I started writing about everything I find and hear in a journal. It might be a good idea for you to start one too!”
“Oh, you’re talking about a grimoire.”
“A what now?”
“A grimoire is another term for a book of shadows or a spellbook,” Bonnie said lowering her voice. “It’s basically a tome where witches can record all of their spells, rituals, potions, herbal remedies, and pretty much any magical experiences and knowledge that comes with time and growth. It’s one of the things Grams told me about, even showed me her own.”
“Well, that settles it then.”
“Yeah, I probably should have been jotting things down since the day I touched you or else I wouldn’t be in the pickle I’m in now.”
“What do you mean?” Caroline asked.
“I have a date to the Founder’s Day Party now. A vampire,” Bonnie whispered. “His name is Damon—”
Caroline zoned out at the name Damon. Her hand stilled on a dress she was looking at before it began to tremble. She took a deep and calming breath before turning to fully face Bonnie, taking in her facial expressions. Her pretty caramel skin went ashen as she continued to speak. She was touching dresses but the shake of her hand was obvious. She realized that Bonnie was scared.
“Bonnie, that’s who attacked me.”
“Shit, this is bad.” Bonnie stopped perusing the clothes to fully face Caroline as well. “Black hair and crazy blue eyes? That’s him?”
“I wish I would have thought to draw his face before I forgot the details of the vision. I feel like I failed you, Caroline. I’m so sorry. I never would have agreed to be his date if I remembered who he was. How did you figure out his name?”
“The voices I hear aren’t always leading me to keys, what I hear isn’t always from the present either. I am certain that some of it is from the past,” she said. “I heard his voice on the wind and he was talking to Stefan, who in turn said his name. Not only do they know each other… but, I think they’re related.”
Why are you here, Damon?
That’s for me to know and you to dot, dot, dot…
Keep the white witch around, she will prove to be a useful ally.
“But… maybe all this can work out in my favor,” Caroline said thinking about some of what she had previously heard. Bonnie’s brows shot up into her forehead, it would have been pretty funny at any other time.
“What are you planning?”
“Well, let’s just say a little birdie told me to play the long game.” Caroline shrugged as she turned her attention back to the dresses. “The world is changing around us, Bon, faster than we can keep up with. Like chess, there are too many moving parts. If we want to survive, we need to familiarize ourselves with all the players. Vampires, witches, werewolves, and whatever the hell else is out there.”
“Keep your fucking voice down!” Caroline wildly looked around. She let go of the breath she didn’t realize she was holding when no one came over to bother them.
“Sorry!” Bonnie exclaimed, looking around too.
“Yes, dear sister witch, werewolves are real too. So go on that date with Damon, learn things, I don’t mind. He’s here in Mystic Falls for a reason and we need to find out what it is. Perhaps he’ll end up being a pawn on our own chess board.”
“We’ll need a game plan, then.” Bonnie picked up a dress that brought out the color of her eyes, holding it against her chest. “Dealing with Damon will be dangerous.”