It’s innocence when it charms us, ignorance when it doesn’t.
There is always an answer to the questions no one dares to ask. Caroline had a multitude of questions and not a lot of answers to them. When she would receive those answers is the question she didn’t dare ask, for the answers she sought were not the ones she was ready to hear. Such notions caused her grip on the slippery cocktail glass she held in her hands to tighten slightly. Her eyes watered a little bit as the odor of sweat mixed in with multiple scents of colognes and perfumes from the thick crowd. Bodies pressed against her from all directions as she tried to navigate through the sea of dancing patrons in her club of choice about twenty minutes outside of Mystic Falls. The dim lights hanging overhead provided just enough illumination for her to see through her drying tears as she headed toward the back where the standing tables were positioned. Placing her drink on the tabletop, she watched as people danced their lives away through the music blaring from the speakers. It was a vision of hedonism, the manner in which the dancers moved. Grinding low and slow, wrapped all up in each other. Caroline was tempted to join them but a cold feeling in her belly kept her from doing so. Here she stood, drinking a beverage she had no business having, all alone. She sipped from her cocktail glass and closed her eyes, a frown pinched at the corner of her lips as her thoughts turned sour. It was wonder that she could charm herself into an alcoholic beverage but couldn’t manage to get the same result from the actual people who meant something to her. People she had known since she was a child that appeared to be friendly to her face but acted differently once she was no longer in their presence. Making friends was the easy part, catching a guy’s attention was even easier than that. What she really wanted was for the guys she liked to stay, for the friends she made to make an effort like she did, those were the hard parts. Her grip tightened on the glass as she knocked the rest of the drink back, taking it to the head.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, pretty lady.” A voice said from her right. “Delirium is an exclusive club, how’d you get in?”
Trying not to choke on the liquid as it slid down her throat, she glanced to the side. There, about two feet away from her, stood an attractive man in an all black ensemble that did him all sorts of favors. Letting a smirk pull at the corner of her lips, she shrugged nonchalantly before placing her glass back onto the table.
“No words for me?” The man asked. “Cat got your tongue, sweet thing?”
Where the lights were dim out on the dance floor, by the standing tables, it was much easier to see. Turning to fully face him, Caroline got a good look at his face. It was his eyes that captured her attention the most, brilliant baby blues with deep purple outlining his irises. She was caught in his snare. As she continued to stare, she could see his pupils dilating slightly and frowned.
“Is something—
“Dance with me.”
His voice rang out in her thoughts. It rattled back and forth against her psyche, as if it were ricochetting off the hills and valleys that made up her brain.
Charming devil, silver tongue. Leave my mind alone.
Another voice that sounded as if it were her conscience rang out in her thoughts. The effect this mystery man had on her was rendered null and void. She cocked her head to the side, smiling slightly when his right eyebrow quirked in confusion.
“I’ll dance with you,” she said, stepping toward him. “But only because I want to, not because you demanded it of me.”
Leaving her glass on the table, she grabbed his hand and led him through the sea of people moving to the beat of a somewhat familiar song. She couldn’t remember where she heard it before. Coming to a stop in the middle of the dance floor, she settled into a slow groove as his hands made their home on her hips. The singer’s gritty voice slithered into her ears compelling her body to move as she back leaned against her dance partner’s chest.
“You see I cannot be forsaken, because I’m not the only one. We walk amongst you, feeding, raping. Must we hide from everyone.”
The lyrics caused Caroline’s body to still for a moment before she continued dancing. The violins seemed to put her into a trance as she was turned in her mystery man’s grip. Her hands slid around his neck as he tugged her even closer.
“Wanna get out of here?” He asked, his lips right next to her ear.
“I’m game if you are.”
She watched him smirk as he trailed his hand from her shoulder down to her hand, tugging her through the crowd. Upon making it outside of the club, the crisp air somewhat cleared her senses as she followed the mystery man toward his car. She felt him squeeze her hand as he led her around to the passenger side. She squeezed right back as he pressed his body against hers, the both of them leaning against the door. She watched as his gaze dropped lower before coming back to rest on her eyes. She tilted her head back slightly and grinned at the feeling of his lips on hers. They moved together finding a steady rhythm before his lips left hers, trailing a burning line to her neck. She sighed and dropped her head to the side to give him more access. She felt him chuckle against her before a sharp prick shattered the mood. She gasped in shock and pushed her hands against his chest. Her neck was burning, it felt like a million little needles were tearing into her skin. She couldn’t even scream, her voice was caught in her throat. Her grip on reality shattered and her vision faded to black.