I had to hop back into bed before anybody would see me, I heard my door open and closed my eyes as I pretended to sleep. I felt the door close as the wind draft from the hallway brushed across my face. I waited until the door shut, and I could see darkness with my eyes closed. Then, I heard a pitter-patter of feet in my room. The feet ascended closer to my bedside and sat down in the chair. I heard the chair being moved from the side of my bed, my eyes still closed. I was too scared to open my eyes, as I didn't want anybody to know I was awake.
"Hey, Travis, it's Ness," she whispered in my ear and nudged my body to try to wake me up. I had to pretend that I was sleeping and I woke up.
"huh?" I said groggily as I pretended that I was sleeping.
"sh, we cannot get caught!" she whispered close to me because she didn't want the hospital to know she was there. I peeked open one of my eyes to see her. She was dressed in a nurse's outfit, and it looked sexy. I really enjoyed checking her out in that outfit.
"Why are you here? It's 2 am, and I want to go to bed."
"I am here to get you out of the hospital." She pulled the covers off of my hospital outfit and grabbed a pillow. She put the pillow under the blanket to cover up the fact that I had left the hospital.
"I got some shoes for you, and some clothes that my brother had left behind. They may not be perfect, but that way they will not see you as a hospital patient and I can get you out of here easier," she said to me.
"how long have you been planning this?" I questioned, while I smiled.
"Well, I was able to tell that you don't like hospitals, and I don't know why. However, you flinched with every touch the doctors did, like they had a knife or something like that." she clarified.
"Y-Yes" I stuttered.
"You do not have to tell me why, your business is your business."
"O-Okay," I said, as I put one leg in the pants that were a size too small. I tried to slip the other leg into the pants and put them over my thighs. They wouldn't go over my thighs and I fell to the ceramic tile in the hospital room.
"Travis? are you okay?" she questioned me.
"Yes, I'm just a little dizzy," I concluded, I had a bit of pain. but, it made sense. I just fell and hit my head. I thought nothing of it, so I did not mention it.
"We need to hurry up and get out of here. Somebody would have heard that," she replied.
"Okay, can you help me get my pants on" she turned around and I could see her cheeks getting rosy while she looked at me.
"Okay, on three, you jump in the air and I will help you pull them all the way up," she concluded.
"One, two, three" she counted quietly. I jumped and I had never felt a wedgie as bad as that before. These pants made me look like I had been wearing butt booster yoga pants.
After we finally got the pants up all the way, we decide to leave. Nobody was saying anything, which was a relief. Until we got by the door,
"Hey sir, can I see ID?" the guard questioned.
"Absolutely" I reached in my pockets to find something like Identification, but I couldn't find anything.
"I don't think I have it on me!" I said, hoping he would just allow us to pass by without commotion. I was wrong
"Sir, you have to come...wi" he said as he was interrupted.
"Oh darling, I'm sorry I must have grabbed your Identification again," Ness said to me, as she reached into her purse to grab it. she kissed my cheek and handed the guard my ID. My name according to the Identification was Lionel Jackson, but the picture was definitely of me.
"Why are your eyes closed," the guard interrogated.
"It was a very busy day at the DMV and they wouldn't allow me to retake it. There were too many people in line." I responded promptly.
"Okay, you're good to go," said the guard as he grimaced at me.
"We have to act natural, then we make a run for it towards my car once he lets us through" she whispered in my ear, so the guard wouldn't hear. She grabbed my arm and once we were out the doors, we sprinted to the vehicle. It was raining outside so we made the excuse that we didn't want to get wet.
"The door's locked" I yelled.
"Just give me a second" she smiled and laughed as she looked for her keys
"hurry, I'm going to melt! You know I'm a witch right?" I said to her.
"haha very funny," she said as the dimples of her cheeks became visible.
"got them." She exclaimed happily. She unlocked the car and I hopped in, then she hopped in and started the engine. The beautiful car revved with perfection, the blue of the car was complemented by the black tires which rode down the road smoothly. The car went from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds, and we were off.
We had to get out of the town, but the tank wouldn't have let us travel that far. We made a pit stop at a gas station on the way. We picked up some essential items such as a road map and food. You could not have a road trip without some junk food from a gas station.
"Okay, where to now?" she questioned.
"you're asking me?" I clarified
"Yes," she claimed.
"I have not a single clue, I am not good with directions!" I concluded. I grabbed the map and held it upside down.
"that is not the correct way to hold a map you doofus." she proclaimed while driving. She pulled to the side of the road and put on her hazards. She turned around the map and told me where we were and where we were headed to. She told me that she wanted to take me to California and to the area where she was born.
"So, I'm meeting your parents," I said, jokingly.
"Yes, I guess, so." She started to laugh hysterically.
"what's so funny?" I questioned.
"I have never brought a guy home to meet my parents!" She continued to laugh.
"Oh, then maybe we shouldn't go," I said.
"No, I don't know how to explain, but you mean a lot to me, in just the little time that I have known you. I feel different about you, you're special to me. You make me feel different than any boyfriend I have ever had." she continued to talk, but all I could think was that I felt the exact same way. I loved her exactly as she loved me.
I was so excited to spend time with her just cruising, but as a navigator, I was not the best idea. I had decided that the time we spent together we should listen to some music. I turned on the radio, and I scrolled through the stations. I turned on a popular channel and it played Cruise by Florida Georgia Line. I looked at her, and I felt butterflies come up from my stomach. I looked out the window and I did not know where we were.
"We need to take route 66 to get there don't we?" I questioned, curiously.
"Yes, why are you asking?" she looked at me back and forth as she paid attention to the road.
"Well, as a navigator it would probably be the best idea to tell you that we are not on Route 66." I looked at the map that I was holding in my hand, and I looked to see where we were. We were by an interstate, the wrong one. We had to take a couple of left turns to get to Route 66.
She pulled over on the side of Route 66, The ending of Florida Georgia Line's Cruise song was playing and Ness told me to get out of the car. She turned on her hazards and came to my side of the car. She pulled open the car door and grabbed my hand. The song was coming to an end and she pulled me in for a hug. I felt her heart pound on my chest and I felt at peace with the embrace she had given me. I was listening to the sound of the music and I swayed with her in my arms to the song that was playing. Everything was perfect, and I felt safe next to her. She was going to show me a whole new world that I didn't even know existed. I pulled her into my arms and I gave her another embrace. Now, we were on the Route to a new life, where we could start over.
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