I wake up to my alarm in the morning. I scramble out of bed and go to my closet to get changed. My clothes never really liked bright colored cloths but I had a bagy light blue sweater that I always wear on special events. Today was a special event but not one I wished to wear the sweater at. Sadly to my luck I had to portend to be happy about it. My family is having dinner with a family friend, that in my 13 years of life I haven't meet even tho thier. "Such good friends to my father". Wich is a long way to say a business partner. The dinner isn't fancy thank God, but I still have to pretend to like it. Shaking my head I grab the sweater and take it off the hanger. Putting the hanger back I take off my shirt throwing it into a basket in the corner of my room. I put the shirt on and grab a thing of tan jeans. Taking off my shorts throwing them in the basket. I put on the jeans and roll up the sleeves of my sweater so my hands are free. I go and grab my belt. I put it on with a pitiful amount of struggle. When I get the damn thing on I head to the restroom to brush my teeth. I open the door to my room and as quietly as humanly possible go to the restroom. I open the pulling it shut behind me locking it when I hear it click. I grab my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it I start to brush my teeth and think about the day to come. Why are my parents making me go to a unfancy diner with their coworker and them. Is this one of those hidden "my kids so great" hire him kind of things? Does the coworkers have a kid? Please lit this not be a arranged marriage! I take the toothbrush out of my mouth and rins it under some water before putting it back where it was. I grab a towel and whip off and toothpaste that may of gotten on my mouth. I put the towel in the laundry bin and go and unlock the door. I open the door walking out closing the door behind me. I com my hair with my fingers as I walk to the main room. My sister's there to dressed up for the event as always. We're going to a casual meeting not Broadway, Tina. I say making fun of her. Ok AdIaN! She replys making fun of my name. What you doing after the diner, sleep with the "family friend". I say spitefully. How dare you! Tina says being a drama queen. Our parents walk in before Tina can throw back a insult. I give her a wolfish grin and she huffs. Ok kids go get in the car! My dad says walking to grab his keys. Me and Tina run to the door. I pull it open and run out the door. I end up being the first person in the car. Ugh no fair you win every time. Tina pouts. Try getting good. I reply to her proudly. Try getting your own catch lines! Tina retorts. I don't say anything seeing mom about to get into the car. When we finally, start to drive Tina and me theorize why our parents are bringing use to a casual meet up with a business partner. When we get there Tina and me get out of the car and wait for our parents to lead use to where we have to go. We follow our parents into a diner and sit down at a table with a old grouchy man and a man that looks 2 years older then me which means he's around 19 years old. My heart flutters when I see him and Tina nudges me. Oooo do you like um. Tina whispers to me. He's a man, I can't like him. I whisper to her. Our parents sit down and we follow suit seating down next to them. Tina makes me sit on the side the weird man is on. I feel my ears heat up and the weird man looks at me with a smirk. Hello I'm Michael, what's your name? The h-wierd man named Michael says. I'm Adian. I say sounding shyer then I normally do. Our parents are talking to their business partner and Tina gives me a wolfish grin. I'm going to go to the restroom. I say getting up from the table leaving. I head over to the restroom opening the door running in. I go to the sinks and turn on the foset. I cup my hands under the water and lean my head over the sink. I splash my face with the water and grab the sides of the sink tight enough for my hands to go white. I look at the mirror and see Michael leaning on the edge of one of the stalls. I jump and turn to face Michael. What are you doing in here I say looking at the floor so I don't have to look at him. I hear foot steps and suddenly my heads being pulled up and I'm looking at Michael. You know your pretty bad at hiding your feelings Adien. Michael say with a smirk pulling my face closer to his. I pull back and grab his arm. We are both men we couldn't be together not in this life, not ever. I say throwing his arm down. Our parents are just buissnes partners that's it. I say going to the door. Even if we could my parents would never allow it. I whisper before throwing the door open and I go back to the table and I act like nothing happened. That was the last day I ever saw Michael and my heart still hurts. Maybe one day we will meet again. That time we may have a chance.