In a world of magic someone has to protect the poor citizens of this greet city so he have took the spot of this city's protector even if it may be illegal in the country he lives in, buts that's fine he can do this! All he knows right now tho is he needs to get the fuck out of here before the "heroes" get him. He really don't know why their called heroes. Their more like police that can use their powers freely. He's snaped out of his thoughts by a brick the size of his head flying by him. Stop right there Blood you aren't going to be able to run forever! One of the "heros" yell and he wants to laugh at how many times he has heard that one by now, because it's just so pitifully. He stops and turns around to face the "hero". First off I told y'all to stop calling me Blood after my fucking power and second it's getting a little. He says before another "hero" spits fire at him. He uses his own blood to make a wall to block the flames. He likes to do a test with heroes by doing this where if they worry how he got the blood they deserve the title of hero and if they don't they don't deserve the title if hero. Like most of the time the "heroes" don't seem to care all that much. Suddenly out of nowhere he hears a voice. Where did you get that blood from Blood? The one the only Phantom says. Phantom is a ex-hero but he always passed his test even after becoming a self ponouned villain. I see you are still worrying about things that don't matter Phantom. He says to the ghost man. Well when my favorite vigilant is seemingly hurting themself I'd like to say it's my problem! Phantom says with the weird voice that comes with one of his powers because lucky bitch has 2 good powers that don't block each other out. I make a thing of ear plugs and put them in. Ok bitch if you want to play let's play! He yells making a wall of darts and throwing them at the "heroes" and the villain. Phantom does as his name would suggest and fases throw them like a phantom. Oh your on kid. Phantom say running to him.