As you may remember in the last [LOG ENTRY] I transcribed, [FROG]’s [CASE FILE] mentioned [LARRY]’s wife. Her name was [SHELLY]. [LARRY]’s mentioned her since I was a kid, when he would tell us stories about how he was a brave soldier fighting in the war during World War Two. From what I can tell from occasions [LARRY] brings up the topic, she must’ve been lovely wife apart from his first love. When the topic is brought up, it’s usually when [LARRY]’s off his pills. It didn’t used to be so severe with his thoughts spiraling so fast, but [LARRY] speaks so fondly of her that I wish I could have met her. However, [LARRY] never mentioned he had a [DAUGHTER] until I found out recently. This case file...It opened my eyes. I’m not so [BLIND] anymore, aren’t I? I can [SEE] it now, I CAN SEE IT ALL!...I should stop writing this before I have another [INFORMATION REACTED] in my [OFFICE] again...
[FYN]: Question; What is O.S.S.F, Larry?
[LARRY]: Well, It’s two places; both the O.S.S.F and the O.S.A.F. The Ocean Side Sanatorium Facility, and the Ocean Side Asylum Foundation. The difference being; One is a normal Asylum and the other is privately owned.
[FYN]: Which one did you place your daughter in then?
[LARRY]: The privately owned one. [The O.S.S.F]. Something happened in that [CAR ACCIDENT] that knocked her...It knocked some bolts out. She was a danger to herself and others around her, I’m too old to look after 24 hours a day.
[FYN]: Makes sense. Hm... Have they been interrogating you recently...?
[LARRY]: Such a great question. I might own the place, but they can still interrogate whoever they want.
[FYN]: Have they?
[LARRY]: Maybe.
[FYN]: I’m just surprised you act so naturally to this conversation, given you don’t know where I got any of this information from.
[LARRY]: Isn’t it obvious? You’ve been speaking with the guys in my office.
[FYN]: Wait-There are multiple of them?! Would that mean you’re the one who told Frog to give me the case file...?
[LARRY]: Fyn, I may seem like the one giving the orders, but remember; I’m not the one pulling the strings. I’m just dancing the dance of a puppet.
[FYN]: Right...Then who-
[LARRY]: That, I cannot answer, or bad things will happen. That car accident that killed my wife...wasn’t and accident.
[FYN]: Oh dear...
[LARRY]: Project Masquerade was made to keep me distracted, but from what? They don’t want me doing something, but they haven’t the slightest clue about Frog. Until that, I’ll be dancing.
[FYN]: Something doesn’t sit right...
[LARRY]: Everything doesn’t sit right.
[FYN]: True enough since nothing ever quite seems to add up with the logic...But until the truth be told, I must keep searching.
[LARRY]: The world of Winston is a world of strange happenings. Like they say; Everything has a reaction.
[FYN]: Indeed.
[LARRY]: You dig a hole, the hole fills with water from the rain, you drive over a nail, you’ll have a flat, you forget to replace a part, you won’t have a working car, the list goes on.
[FYN]: I guess it does...Thanks.
It feels like there’s too much to talk about, everything feels so [OVERWHELING]...But I guess I should [EXPLAIN] all of this. After [THE LINRICKS ACCIDENT] in [1978], everything went haywire. I’m guessing that [LARRY] passed down ownership to [LENNY], and the restaurant was rebranded as [LENNY LAWENCE’S LASAGNA]. After that, the [CAR ACCIDENT] happened. Something, or someone, [REACTED] his wife, causing his [DAUGHTER] to have mental problems. [LARRY] admitted her to the [O.S.S.F]. where she was tested on. During one of the [EXPERIEMENTS], she got trapped in the [BOILER ROOM], where I’m assuming she [REACTED]. Although [LARRY] owns [O.S.S.F], they were able to take him in and start [PROJECT MASQUERADE], which was made to help him [FOGET] possibly an important [FACTOR] that could help me determine the [END] to this [MYSTERY]. Then [LARRY] went on to adopt [ANDERSON] and start [LARRYBURGANSTAN]. That was all in [1978]. Now as I recover the [PRESENT], I need to approach the fact that there are multiple [CREATURES] in [LARRY]’s office who have been using him to talk to me. The case of [WONDER HEAD] [LARRY] has. has [FORCED] him to tell me some of this [INFORMATION] without his own [CONSENT]. Not only this, but his [OFFICE] is strictly designed to snap him back into [REALITY] whenever this happens. How do I know who to [TRUST], how do I know who the [PUPPETEER] is? [FROG] needs to [SAVE] them, but who ARE THEY? What lies [BEYOND] the [VEIL] once the storm comes? So many questions, but never enough time for them to be answered, it makes my head hurt...I don’t think I’m [SANE] anymore. It’s been SO LONG since ANYTHING made SENSE! I CAN’T TRUST ANYONE! What if I was LIED to...What if FROG BECOMES THE TRAITOR? What if LENNY WAS THE PUPPET MASTER ALL ALONG?! ROUND AND ROUND THE SONG GOES...But I can’t hear the [VOICES]. Not just yet. Not like [LARRY] who can [HEAR] the [MUSIC]. The day of [RECKONING] is upon us, and I don’t have the [GOSPEL TRUTH] out yet.. None of us will, except for [LARRY]. My [NATION]...Everything that I worked for...what if this is all a [DREAM]...? [LARRY] told me the [AL]’s don’t swing like they used to...No... I shouldn’t [REVEAL] it too much yet. It feels like I’m getting [NOWHERE] with this journal...What if I’m doing this for nothing...? But I’ve come so [FAR] from the [START], I’m not [BLIND] like he says I am. Not anymore. Each time I write, I feel a wheel turn, and a piece of my brain falls off again...
I should’ve gone on a killing spree today before I wrote this... 119Please respect copyright.PENANAkr9PKGFUAV
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[Round And Round On The Merry-go-round, Time Is Ticking Away Lad~]