As a young boy, I’ve always feared the unknown like all of humanity has. Shadowy figures lurking around dark corners, or killer clowns with a craze for blood, I feared it all. That day I became a citizen of LARRYBURGSANSTAN, was the day I took fate into my own hands.
It was a day like any other, nothing had really changed; nor had any news of sorts that interested me come to reach my ears. During this time, I barely knew Larry, he was only a friend of my father whom he called Billy. He would come to visit our house sometimes and stay long after hours in his wheelchair, telling my many siblings and I stories about the times of war. That’s how he earned his nickname of being ‘Everyone’s Grandpa’. Anyhow, I received word from one of my older brothers, Lizzy. He had brought me an invitation to the nation you know as LARRYBURGANSTAN. Of course, I knew by the title who owned the country, and I humbly accepted it for I was glad to have something to replace my sheer boredom.
When I got there, I was greeted by my fellow brethren and Father, who then Introduced me to the main members of LARRYBURGANSTAN. There’s President Larry himself of course who own The Winston Corporation along with many other companies, and his son Anderson. You don’t see a whole ton of Ander around here, but he’s a respectable young lad once you get to know him. Of course, then there’s all of Larry’s employees such as the gate guardian, Frog, her sons, Noodlz and Em Emes, Noodlz’s wife Rat, and my older brother Kaboo. Frog and I got along swimmingly from our events of sailing around the world, and I began to speak to Larry more frequently.
During the first week of my stay, I thought about starting a nation of my own. It would be a very devious mission of many trials and error, long days of paperwork, but I knew that I could make the dream of I worked hard enough. I began to commence and talk about my ideas, inviting in the people of LARRYBURGANSTAN. Family, friends, even President Larry himself was there; This was the birth of my own country, my masterpiece, FYNTOPIA. We quickly ended up running into some problems between my Uncle Laughable and Larry, who wanted to partner up and sell me over to Larry for a small price. I began to interject, for I wanted to be independent as a nation. The deal of selling me was called up, however, my uncle ended up partnering up with Larry after all since he produces nuclear weapons which would be a great asset to the frontier.
After many attempts at a questionnaire from Larry, a contract had been produced by him to a great deal. I was promised my own office in LARRYBURGANSTAN and help from Larry to build my nation, in return, I was to give up a small portion of my land to The Winston Corporation. I agreed to the terms. After the deal was made however...Is the reason I write this case file and the reason we’re here in this moment. As Larry went into his office, I noticed something off. Larry appeared to be speaking in riddles, hence the name I gave him in that moment. The Man Who Speaks In Riddles. He told me not to trust Larry, that the corporation was full of lies and that I should never have agreed to the contract, because The Winston Corporation will take over. He told me many things that day, and among them remains one of the reasons why I write this case file.
The events in 1978 will always remain a mystery to us at this time, but I asked nevertheless for I was quite a curious boy. He responded that I was too blind and that it was all right in front of me. I could never shake that feeling of a deep ominous sense that something was wrong here. Soon after, I became suspicious of Larry and made a secret rebellion against the nation in case the takeover situation manifested itself and became the truth. I never needed this rebellion in the end, for this was never the true case. There still is a lot you don’t know about the secret within, but you’ll know soon enough.
The Truth Always Reveals Itself In The End.