A/N: I am warning you reader this part consists lot of crime, blood and murder scenes.
Jay's POV:
I was just about to leave the room then somebody knocked at my door. I was surprised to see John "come fast ... Fara is acting very strange. please do something",with shivering voice
"what !", I exclaimed with shock
I rushed to hall where I found Fara in Very horrible Condition . Her clothes were dipped in blood, her body consists of strains of blood and cuts which seems like zig-zig pattern. she killed Mrs.Haran's pet cat and she sat in front of dead cat on floor. she separated body and neck , with help of her nails she removed the fur of cat's body, took out innocent cat's heart . she was crawling on floor like a snake. she sat at corner of the room where she started to squeeze heart, she was licking blood on her palm which was coming from heart.
I am out of my mind and not understanding what the fuck was going on . peter tried to flicked unshaped massive body part from her hands but she kicked him with help of her legs. on fraction of seconds he felled on floor, she picked knife which was laying beside her and climb on peter's top and trying to kill him. peter was trying to defend himself, John and Maya finally succeeded to get rid of her from peter. Maya removed knife from bloody hands of fara , both of them hold tight grip on her hands, but still she was not under control. she started to cry ,scream and with evil laugh she was repeating one line frequently" te mataré".
I was blanked because situation is passing from my hands. Then my gaze fall on medical kit of peter. I decided to make fara unconscious. I was fishing for a drag which help me to make her unconscious, but for my bad luck it was not present in the box. My eyes are looking for peter's help but he was lying on floor and breathing heavily, As he was about to get up from floor fara hit him by pot . He was bleeding, John tried Fara wrist and bounded her butt to chair with help of rope.
I asked Mr & Mrs Haran for bleach and alcohol. I mixed bleach and alcohol made chloroform. I took out uncompleted mixture solution of 2-amino-5-nitro benzophenone which I had used to mix with chloroform .
finally, I injected liquid to fara, within 5 min she became unconscious. Maya call for ambulance to drive us for hospital.
Peter had gone for minor surgery . Doctors are treating fara since an hour. Mr.Haran, Maya and John are standing in front of door which indicates their are worried about fara. I slightly squeezed John's shoulder to comfort him ,I read his eyes which are filled with agony.
Oh Jesus Christ ! she was safe now. Doctor called me and John to his cabin to discuss about fara's condition.
(below are conversation between doctor and other people)
Doctor: who injected Rohypnol to her?
Jay: it's me doctor. Because she was out of control so, to make her calm I decided to make her unconscious.
John: what's the matter Doctor?
Doctor: First I would like to appreciate jay for your spontaneous idea. we send a blood sample of fara to laboratory. report reveal that her blood was mixed with a strange drug.
Maya: what do you mean by Strange drug?
Doctor: well, fara's blood consists large amount of dopamine which used to increase more excitement in person. Apart from it a strange chemical was mixed with her blood. we will discover it in short time.
John: okay! can we take fara to home?
Doctor: sure, but don't remind her about incident. she may have to pass through depression. Jay I Suggest you to meet Mr. Xavier who is a drug dealer which may help in investing.
John: Thank you Doctor.
Jay: please, Take care of fara guys. I need go to hotel to check out something.
I Visited Room- 100 of Mr.James which was unlocked since 5 years. I entered into room , the room was covered with cow spider webs, ash. I flipped through lots of paper works, files which were lying everywhere in room . A mind-blowing and important information caught in my hands which will take this case into new turn.
I was staring at wallpaper in room, It was painting of lady holding a lamp and background was full of white and yellow roses. but I flabbergast to find a unique flower in picture which resembles to lotus. I placed my finger on unique flower slightly pressed on it. on spur of moment wallpaper lead to Secret door , I was amazement while climbing on stairs when I found every room in hotel are connected to each other.
I inform it to my seniors and order chairman to seal hidden path in each and every rooms in hotel. later Maya and I decided to trace out client id 10025
Fara POV:
I felt a twinge in my head,slightly I opened my eyes and jump out in surprise when i found myself in hospital.
"why the hell Am I here?", I moaned with angry.
"Honey ,are you alright?", Peter rushed for a warm hug and his mesmerizing eyes which shows his care.
"what's wrong with me? why I don't remember anything?", pushing myself from bed.
"Nothing, change yourself we are waiting at outside. we need to move ", as usually with his best rude voice jay replied
"But where?", crossing my hands over my chest and I lifted my nose in air
"oh! come on I am not in mood to argue with you. I am your team head just obey my orders", with heavy sign of frustration Jay left room
"Fine", I mumble under breath .
"Ya Allah, what wrong did I done in past? Why do you give me just a such punk team leader"
Me and Maya occupied passenger seat in car whereas both boys are seated in front of us. I fixed my gaze on laptop but a sharp pain held in my head"Ouch!"
"Are you fine now?",with pleasant voice Maya asked.
"I am fine. By the way what had happen to me I mean why I am in hospital?", Literally I began to beg her for reply.
"Shut up Fara! Your a useless piece in our case. I am disappointed by department why did their choose such waste and low level detective in case. ", Jay yelled on me.
"Oh! What wrong with you man? You can't insult my girlfriend like that?", Peter raised his voice against Jay.
"Well, Really Peter she is your girlfriend but I would like to remind that Fara is my ex-girlfriend. We had been dating since our high school. I know her more than you. She is head nut in our case,simply waste tissue paper here. She is coward bitch", jay shouted on Peter and fix his graze on road.
By hearing harsh words from Jay's mouth it is like someone punch on my innocent heart "Ya Allah why he is always so rude to me?. Why he always hate me so much? Why he think that I am waste piece? I knew he not suit for me but why Allah still this stupid heart strings and starving for his care and love why? Why ?" I bring my legs closer to chest , tug my head in between legs and started to cry in wild manner.
"Jay please ", Maya with super soft voice .
"Honey please, don't cry. you are not a waste paper. your strongest woman I never seen in my life", peter's warm words towards me. But Still Words are storming like a wind in my head.
Peter's POV:
Oh Jesus Christ ! Fara is crying very horrible it seems like someone stab in her heart. I was out of my mind, I punch on jay face "look at her. You heartless stone"
Suddenly jay stop car .Asked Me to drive ,he and Maya switch their seats. He seated beside Fara and my heart slip to ground when I saw Fara hugged jay.
"I am sorry cat. I was out of my mind. Please for sake of Allah calm down. I am sorry please forgive me",he was begging for her forgiveness, stroking her hair and rubbing her back.
"You are really Cruel bastard. I hate you",Fara in sob voice in between hiccups.
Jay pulled her from his warm embrace and wipe off her tears with smile on his lips"I knew my cat". It was amazing to me because I never see Jay's smile
Jay phone started to ring. He attended his call. His facial expressions are changed "Peter do you anything about code 12vy durg? Maya do you trace out signal location? Fara call to department ask weather there had sealed wallpapers on hotel or not?"
"Yes, we are only few miles away from it",Maya reply but still her gaze fixed on screen.
"Peter I asked you something. Are you listening to me?", furrowed his eyebrows towards me.
"I heard about that code. It is very dangerous drugs which is developing in our laboratory. The chemical which used are taking from many animals genetic material and DNA. Why are you asking?",I replied by shrugging my shoulders.
He was about say something but Maya stopped him. "We will say you later guys",Maya squeeze my arms.
"Guys, signal are became strong. Faster Peter!",Maya shaking my arms jiggle.
We all stepped out of car. We all started to search for device. In this way we all reached in front of big villa.
With blurry vision I saw a couple in front of garden,"let us go inside for invest get ".
"You go ahead guys . I will wait here",with angelic voice fara replied. My heart started to dance when Fara place kiss on my cheek.
"How can I helpful to you?",an old woman asked with smile.
"We are officer from crime department. We are here on investing",Jay offered his hand for handshake.
"Nice to meet you officer's. My name is Andrew Mortimer , it's my pleasure to introduce my beautiful wife Mrs. Ash Mortimer",old man shaking hands with jay.
We started to investigate them . They said that old couple was in vacation with their children in Australia past two months. Their show us all tickets and pictures as the proofs. Maya contact with airport department and confirm that their are saying truth.
"Oh my god",old woman scream by pointing her finger at gate.
We are surprised to she Fara in blood dip clothes and with bare foots which are covered with blood. Running towards us "I had found device and the dead bodies", Screaming at top of her lungs.
We are reached to spot which was noticed by Fara. We found a hand which was holding mobile phone and Signal are stronger of traces when we reach near to it. Me and jay started to dig the soil and shock to find dead body.
I started to examine body.the face of victim is difficult to find because murderer used a hard material to smash victim's face. But by physical appearance body is female. Maya found a bouch "ms.rose"was written on it.
"She is reception in grand royal motel hotel",Fara said by flinched bouch from Maya's hand.
Our hearts were slipped when we enter into basement.
Fara's POV:
I decided to stay out at gate. I was roaming on streets playing with rocks on ground . In this Way I reached store room in garden . I found a basement door on grass's land.
I opened the door a smell like rotten chicken has hitting my nostrils. I removed my shoes on garden because I don't want to spoil it because it was present from Ammi. I climbed down with help of ladder. It was very dark inside, I unlocked screen of my phone to on torchlight. my foot was very wet I think basement was filled with water. As I was moving forward water drops from pipe are fallen on my shoulders. I ignored them because now case is very important to me. I want to show jay that I am not fool.
The smell is becoming stronger now. Something hit my ankle I fell on floor. Allah now my clothes are wet now. Today I wear my favourite dress, matching hijab"Ouch!",I groaned in angry . I grab my phone to see that object. I was numb when I found a dead body in front of me. I turn myself round , up and down. I surprised to see that I am in dead bodies cave.
Blood was flowing on floor. Body parts of humans are everywhere like kidney,heart,hands. I feel a knot in my stomach when I found flesh ,mass of women's breast ,legs and cutting parts of ovals ,core of women. My mind was in air when I found files are surrounded flesh. I muster my courage to move forward my heart was pop out on floor when I see heads and facial expressions of victim which indicate " for help, live them alone". The stream of tears flow down when I see Curel murderer stabbed woman's core, table with tools where I saw layers are taken from core and breast of women's.
"Ya Allah ", I had no more courage to see any more. I was very frightened when I moved more deep of cave. I decided to share with my team.
I climbed up . I kneel down and started to breathe heavy for fresh air. My head was still fighting with screen I saw in basement.
"I am not going to leave you bastard. I will smash each part of your body. I promise you my innocent victims that I will smash the balls of murderer. Every day he will see blood tears . Ya Allah give me strength to fight with sthan. God I will oath you that I am not going to give up. Wait and see I will catch. I will kill you", a sharp pain from my voice
Later I found mobile device and inform to team. There all started to examine the basement and body. Jay inform department and asked for help and old couple was very frightened. Me and jay started to search for more evidence upwards. One room was locked I asked Ash Mortimer for key. She gave it to me. I opened door slowly, I found blood trace on floor and carpet. I started to flow it which leads me into bathroom. I found death body , I moved closer to see face of victim.
The face resemble with Mr. Andrew Mortimer and I found mark on victim's neck which similar to Mr.mask victims.
"That means murderer is fake Andrew . He is here", my inner voice speak out.
I quickly run to downstairs shouting"catch Andrew Mortimer he is murderer".
That fake Andrew cut the neck of old woman. He hit crop and grab gun and key from him . He escapes from car, he threw fake mask of Andrew from window, he has taken air from tries of all vehicles.
I started to chase him. I was running like a cheetah , took out my gun and shooting him. But punk is very fast . I take a short way I was standing in front of car pointing gun towards mask . I heard a gun's shot , my heart was feeling very hard, I grasp on blood flowing from chest. I realized that I was shoten by murderer.
I was praying from God "ya Allah give me few more days on this earth. I want catch mask man red-handed. I want to give justice to innocent women. Ya Allah one more chance please listen to my agony"
Maya's POV:
Jay shot at arm of murderer. He catch Fara's waist to stop her to fall
"Ambulance , fast", he shouted on people who are surrounding us. He left her in bridal style and placed her on stretcher. Peter was trying to remove bullet from her chest. Jay hold hand of Fara200Please respect copyright.PENANA0xTwHiccpC
"Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me. Please cat", with broken voice. I can see agony in his face, tears are flowing like river from his eyes.
He was begging to Jesus "please don't take her. Please ". Now I saw unknown and different jay , he was very Scared that God will take her angel from her
.......After 3 Hours.......
Fara was in coma. John and Mr.kennedy reached to hospital. Jay was staying with Fara, he is not leaving her for an second for an week.
Next day A bomb was blast when we find jay was bleeding from head and he was stabbed at stomach. Doctors take him to operation theater for surgery.
When we reached to room we saw Jay was holding gun in his hand, Fara's bed was covered with mirror pieces and Jay was sitting at chair in front of Fara's bed, it seems he is protecting her from someone.
John was standing at door. Finally doctor had appeared" how is he now?", john with tearful eyes.
"Sorry, Mr.kennedy. jay is dead", doctor with sad tone. John kneeled on floor, with tearful eyes.
"Fara is back from coma",nurse with excitement.
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