A/N: I kindly request this chapter consists lots of SEXUAL content. I kindly request this chapter is not for innocent minds only for 18+. Translation of other languages is provided
Some people say love is wonderful and amazing moment in our life.some other say love is painful journey in our life. but according to me love is like walking on eggshells. My name is Ines Aara. this is my story.........
Hazy winds are blowing and laughter's of kids make my heart relax. The newly wed couple along with other tribal people are surrounded around firewood's to protect themselves from bitter cold winds. I was seated beside my mother who was playing flute . all people forced the couple to dance . The bride was feeling very shy but naughty groom grab her waist mould her to dance. The couple was making small dance moments and everyone was cheering them
That evening event was memorable for me until discern firing sounds .everyone start to run by holding their life in hands. I don't know what was happening.My tribal men bought boomerang and other weapons to protect women and kids. But advance technology of opposite side took a upper hand in war.In blink of moment my tribal had destroyed...my heart was on ground when I found my mother's body lying helpless ,taking last breath of her life besides a tree
I rushed to hear my mother's last words which circuiting in her mouth. My legs were shaking , my heart was crying bloody tears when I saw innocent kids bodies. spouting of blood from bodies on ground , only few meters away from mother's body but wolf like bastard had burned my mother, standing helpless fountain of tears from my eyes
Then someone drag me by hair, throw me on cart. I was screaming to leave me but of no use. I don't know when i had fallen asleep.
when I open my eyes I was lying on cold floor, my eyes are glue at ceiling. "gaat het goed met je (are you fine)?" an angelic voice caught my ears.
" where Am I? who was she?", a question was running in my mind.
"vertel het me(tell me)?.Waar kom jij vandaan(where are you from)? ", In vexed tone voice she asked me.
I don't know how to express to her that i am dumb. I used my sign language to say that " I AM DUMB".
"wat doe je uit?(what are you doing) ", she was resentful to me
"ő hülye(she is dumb). belgiumból származik(she is from belgium tribal)", women with Green eyes said to her.
" I hear from soldiers about yesterday's war, Julia", she turned her head towards Julia.
" oh! dear I am sorry. please don't worry. I will help you, My name Julia from dutch", with console towards me.
I don't why I hug her and burst out my tears, Maybe I feel warm and comfort. she rubbed my back to sedate. Then suddenly she pushed me by hearing Strange Footsteps.
A tall young man in uniform , who has small pitch black eyes,his skin tone is white, round shape face cut with flat nose , carrying a tray of breads into room. he had a trigger in his left side of his pant pocket.. I don't know why he was here? why Julia push me? where I was? Why this room consists of women with different languages, culture, faces, tone etc....? But One thing was alter By my mind that I was in trouble ...
" it's time to eat ", he started to throw slices of bread at bowl of each women.
"e dupe(thank you) , master", a black women enunciate towards master
My leg was pain , I reached to my leg to see swollen area but I was in shock when I found chain around My legs, I think I was mistaken But I was surprise to see that every lady in room is chained with lock.
"oh!", his voice indicated that he was nearby me. He gave me two slices of bread to me.
" Neu wunderschönen Hündin(new beautiful bitch) ", by lifting my chin with his index finger
" Master, can I have a more bread . I am feeling weak since periods , please master I will do whatever you say ", a curly red hair women spoke out...
" oh! then stand up", with console and sinful smile on his lips.
Women was very weak that she can't stand . Master pulled her up to make her stand.
" Dreh dich um(turn around) ", he say in commanding tone. I don't know what he was said everyone their eyes were down but my eyes are still fix on pity weak women..
He moved close towards women. He placed his index finger on her lips, softly brushing them "Löschen Kleider(remove clothes) ".
Women take back steps until she hit to a wall. Her eyes are showing agony, I want to help her but i can't to anything....then master bit his lower lip, removed her dress. He started to kiss her like hell , slowly his fucking lips on her chest and later to her core.. That evil monster placed his lips on core , he was licking it and he lifted his hand to pinch her nib very horrible and parallely he bit her core " master , leave me..I will not ask", women was screaming with tearful eyes
But he was not leaving her , the more she request to leave that much more she was in pain...I was praying to god to safe her.." master, please", women was begging.....blood was flowing on her thigh and legs... after few seconds that cruel master had left her...
he walked out by saying" more bread", he placed on plate. I rushed towards along with Julie. Allen first aid her, pushed her in warm hug
" you can ask me for bread ? votre stupide(your stupid) ", Julie slowly stroking her hair.
" I am sorry", by holding her hand Julia said
" meet Sophia ..she is from France and Sophia meet , yeah by the way what is your name?", she arch her eyebrow, healing her wounds
I wrote my name on sand ."Arar", with a big smile she said
" elle est bête(she is dumb) ", she said to Sophia
" you may confuse what is going on here ? who was that monster? I knew how that bastards destroy your tribal", she platted on ground to seat nearby her.
" Dear, we are in Germany.. we are in germany's south main headquarters. the people who killed your family are non other than german soldiers. dear, this headquarters not only german soldiers but also many other allied soldiers. allied means other countries who are friends of germany and some other countries which are under their command.. there want to destroy russia , so first their decided to take command on france because it is allied to russia. Due to this war many family and tribal are dead and people who savour makes slaves to them......we all are slaves here and maids of this headquarter ... we don't have any voice to speak , all males are not cruel few of them are monster who used humanlited us ...sometimes we are maids, and sometimes sex toys to them... dear, I will guide you for tomorrow work, I can speak and understand other languages because I was here since 2 years..... oh jesus please save us", with sobby voice juile said
Next day was very hard working day for me than we eat whatever thrown by master.. I don't know how many days , months.. passed on blink of moment....A announcement was made that new commander had taken charges, I was not interested to know who hell was he....
one day I was very shabby. so, I want to take a bath, I slipped my dress , put my leg into water.
" schönes Mädchen(beautiful girl) ", a voice behind my ears.
I was very scared my eyes locked with bloody red eyes , rotted smile of alcohol. he drag me out of pond. he ogle my naked body.
"sexy Körper (sexy body) ", with betrayal voice .
he forcefully carry me on his shoulder. moving my legs and hands in meteoric way to leave me. But,He placed me on comfortable bed.
"gib mir einen Kuss (give me a kiss) ", he started to undress himself. I think that was time for me to escape, I silently twist door knob but that motherfucker fire on door knob.
" escape ! come back", he mumble under breath.
He pushed me on bed , lying top of me naked . he placed both his hands in such way that Can't turn my face. The tears are rolling from my eyes. he started to bit my lips, passing his tongue in my mouth " Kiss me", he order me . I was very scared one thing was crystal clear to me that I had do whatever he order me do for life .
His kiss was becoming more deeper and deeper which make me hard to breath. He moved his fingers all over my upper part of body. he cupped my breast with little bit of pressure , with evil smile once he glance at my face.. I don't understand what that smile means.
The pressure on chest is more and my breast was more painful because hold of his is more like hell. he kissed allover my chest , licking on my sensitive parts , like a snake he reached to my core. He placed his index finger in between my core then he insert his buddy in it. It was very painful to me, he was in fire his movements are very fast and hurting my core. he lick my upper part and finally kiss me on my forehead.
He had fallen a sleep . My body was fragile to move. so , I fallen a sleep beside him.
" Commander, Commander emergency", Someone is knocking at door.
" up! coming", commander moved to door.
I cover my naked body with sheets because I lost my clothes at pond.
" who are you? what are you doing on my bed? why are you naked?", commander in super suspicious voice asked.
" What did this bastard did not remember anything? It was very horrible night for me. I lost my virgin , Each part of my body is swollen, oh Jesus it is paining ", all my through hang on air by his voice.
" say me, are you mad?.........", commander started to yell me
"commander, her name is Aara . she is dumb", Julia replied with formal tone
" oh ! I am sorry. I think yesterday I had drunk too much. My head is paining. Oh my god! Did I slept with you?", commander said by pointing index finger towards me. I node my head in yes.....
" I am sorry dear my name is Jones ", he approach me covering my body with his jacket.
" please take care of her. she can rest for today",commander order Julie
Few days later my scars are completely healed. I was washing dishes and laundering clothes then I eavesdrop on conversation between maids
" Did you hear about today's ballroom ?", June by scratching her nose and handover clothes to other women.
"no, what is it?", other women arching her eyebrow.
" while, today meeting is held at quarter. commander from other quarters are coming along with their wife for party. after meeting the ballroom dance is going to held which means couples are going to dance", June said
"oh ! that awesome . so , today we have lot of work to do", both of them rushing towards main door.
It was 7 pm Everyone was at ballroom. I was busy in serving other. I want to slap on faces of commanders and soldiers because their are staring ogle at women. I was lost in my thought unless something hit by tray which I was holding
" Sorry, Mam", I apologize her and started to wipe her long lustrous frock
" it's ok !Sklave (slave)", women hold her hand on my shoulders to make me stand up.
" Gott (god)! your dress had spoiled darling not me dear", with shocked expression.
" oh ! it's ok my lady. your priority is more important than mine. sorry",I bowl down my head but she cant understand my gesture
" get up", she said in commanding voice....She hold tight grip on my arm drag me to her room. where she opened her dressing booth where she picked beautiful white - pink dress walking towards me
"remove your shabby clothes and wear it", she order me by lighting her cigar
I did as she order to me. She grab my arms drag on dance floor
"Hello", She grab attention of other people. Everyone eyes are glue on me.
" hi , My name is Helen Lorsion . Today their is present for you all smart and brave gentlemen. The beautiful women whom your seeing is going to be your for tonight. But, to get such a mesmerizing beauty you had to win game. Are you ready ?, don't mind all beautiful ladies", With plastic smile on her face , lifting my chin with her index finger.
"ohh" "hai" "beauty" every male started to scream with joy by lifting their glasses
" Hahaha I think every gentle men is on fire today. Let me explain Game, It is very simple. All For see chandelier which was hanging on roof, without using any pistol you need to break that. To break you can use anything like weapons , ideas etc...", She said by holding a glass of vine in her hand
For few seconds everyone was pin drop silence . " What ! here is no man. your missing such a ravishing body to spent tonight", Helen with evil smile , arching one of his eyebrow
One by One tried to break it but of no use. Then At last moment One familiar face approach in ball none other it was commander. He was carrying a very burning like lava material and climb on ladder
" Only iron can cut iron but sometimes fire can also used to melt metal ", He said in insulting tone
He success to break that chain and Helen as her word she hand over me to commander. My heart started to beat like a crazy shit. pierce tears from my eyes roll down on my chin , memory of that horrible pain of that night was flashing in my mind.
I was sat at corner of commander bed. All my clips of memories are interrupted by door sound. It was commander holding a glass of vine. He give me a smile and went to bar station in his room to grab his drink . He was busy in making his drink . With heavy heart ,I convince my brain, heart and all parts of my body to bare pain .
I pushed myself from bed and started to un rope my dress but my brain had struck for a min when Commander words" Stop ! don't do it", caught me.
He reached to me , started to dress my rope , adjust my dress. But His touch on my body was very soft . he patted on his bed to sit beside him. With Multiple lumps I sat beside him.
" My name is Jones Noah . I am very sorry for that night because I was out of sense. And Today I won in game to protect man's pride not in order to win you. I know after that night you had horrible pain , If my guess is right scars yet to recover. I personally want to apology but I can't. I am Very sorry. Please forgive me Aara ", he knee down in front of me holding hands of mine.
I gesture him as that I had forgive him. Then he stood up to build pillow wall in bed. I was not able to understand so, I picked up a old blanket which help me to make my bed on floor. " sleep on bed Arar , Floor is very cold . I promise I will not lay my little finger on you", he said with mix of sympathy and teasing by patting on other side of bed.
I did as he order me to do. I slept on left side of bed. My body feel very happy by soft and comfort touch of bed because it has been years to lay on cool rocked floor. I was very confuse about commander Jones by his unexpected mood swings or may be this is her original character.
" Arar don't worry from tomorrow on wards no maid will lay on cold floor . you girls are going to have warm ,soft matrix. Because every on needs peaceful sleep after all hard work and struggle of day right?. Have a good sleep Arar", Jones pulled his cover , turn off light.
" Mama please leave her. No don't kill them. We are innocent... please anyone help us...blood..mama..don't shoot...I am scare mama"
" Aara It was a dream .clam down I am with you. no one is going to hurt you", warm words towards holding my hands tightly. I don't what hell I did I hugged him very tightly , soak his clothes with my tears ..may be I burst out all my pain which was hidden in my heart. He rubbed my back in comfort "shhshh", Let us go to bed now.
Morning rays are hitting through windows are made remainder about my work of slavery. I turn to other side to my surprise Jones had already left room. with a note on table. It was written " Freunde (friend)?", But I can't understand it.
I was at garden for fresh air then a familiar voice " What do you say? shall we?", Jones asked.
I was unable to understand about what he is asking?. I gesture my hands to ask what it was . but to my luck he is not able to understand what was I am saying. I am goodness , Julia was middle person to understand our language. Finally, My mind pop that he was asking about note. Julia said that I can't read.
" I asked whether she want to be friend of mine or not?", Jones with struggle his shoulder, hands on pocket.
Me and Julia exchange looks. I nodded My head in yes. With a border smile on his lips" let me teach you how to read and write. But It is language of only symbols so don't have to worry about letters"
In his free time we use to learn our language..Days passed later months...so on . One day Jones proposed me to marry him. I was like "what" I don't what to reply.so ,I ran away...One fine day I accept his proposal.
I was with commander causally chatting and he was sharing all his steps , plans.. he showed me all secret doors of quarter and so..on. One Day I accidentally drunk a powerful drink. I lost on my sense.
" what happen to you? your behavior is very weird",Jones with worried tone. I laugh and kissed on his lips.
"It seems that my queen want her bad ass lover . who will make her bed warm and sometimes break it too", with sexy tone of voice Jones hug me backwards. I nodded my head in yes manner.
"Ok! but one condition that you must have to do everything. your fragrance Only present in room", nuzzling my neck.I nodded in No manner , wrote on paper saying teach me how to be wild.
He make big"O" With his lips. I pushed him on bed now I am his top. He said "Do whatever you want . I am yours".
I started to unbutton his shirt , Slowly I played with my fingers all over body. I bit My lower lip, placed my lips on his, I was very happy now because his soft lips make me to loss my sense. I give a love bit on lips, blood was flowing from his lips but i lick on blood , peaked his lips softly. I moved my fingers to his buddy then I hear sexy moan from Jones" Fuck Now", in his regular commanding voice.
I was very slow in my moves. Now he take command over me. She nuzzle on my neck . slowly started to place pack of kisses. he un dress me an min. he hold my breast in one hand squeeze them to hell until he hear my moan voice. He started to lick my nibble , giving love bites on my chest , waist. with one hand he turn me on my back. he give sexy bite on my ear. slowly he reached to my lower part. insert his buddy in my core, with moves were smooth but then it become more faster ..faster. I was groan to my hell. later, he licking all my core after I licked him. Both of us are in fire. After 1 hour I was laying on his arm with sharing one sheet. He placed soft kiss on my forehead .we decided to get married after 3 years on present time 12 am. I cuddle him like a baby and fallen asleep. I was like happy kid who had got her candy from Santa claus
I Feel like I had won My Life once again because Jones was my candy of joy in ever situation. I want to give surprise to Jones that I am mother of his child, Waiting for him until he come back after war. But One day changed my entire life. Romours spread to each corner of ears that I am spy of Russia. Every one started to human-tiled me...
I don't care what others think of me. Only Jones need to trust me, I rushed to his office room where along with him many other people busy in making plans against opposite countries.
I rushed to him in a hug. "what's wrong?", Jones brushing my hair..I was feeling very heavy in heart, tears are follow like a fountain.
"sagen Sie mir"(tell me)", he said in commanding voice
"what's wrong with my queen?", with low voice he whisper in my ears. By his voice I brushed my head very deep in his cheat.
"shhhh", he pulled me from his warm hug, he wipe off my tears by his thumb.
"Queen, please Calm down. I can't see my heart in tears it is hurting me", with weak smile on his lips.
I wrote on paper about rumors me as spy and also Did he believe in them?. With cool voice he replied"Nein (no), I don't trust anyone By rumors. If I get any proof against I will definitely punish them either the person is close to my heart or not. because no one is important in front of my motherland and duties".
"But I trust you", he brushed his lips on me. We decide to take a long walk in garden Then To our surprise crowd was assembled nearby pond where dead body was found.
"a másik oldalon van ( he is from other side)", general spoke out
" igaza van az egyenruhájának, nem a miénk (you are right his unifrom not our). de ki ő és melyik oldalon(but who is he and from which side)?", commander examining body.
" a note", maid pointing at his hand.
"votre message nous est parvenu. vous avez besoin de savoir sur leur prochain déménagement. Arar mettre en œuvre le plan rouge (your message has reached to us. you need find about their next move . Arar implement plan red)", commander read out.
I was nodding my hand in disagree way but Jones order his solider to check my room and find any clues which proof that I am spy of Russia. I trust god because I am victim here not a Suspect. But, I don't knew that god was also against me.. Soldiers brought a box which consists of secret plans, letters to Russia,France about Germany each moments, pics etc..
Jones was speechless because this proof had broken his trust on me, love, confidence, and pride on me. I was about to explain him that I am innocent.
" töte diese Schlampe (kill this bitch)", someone drag me by hair.
I wrote a letter to Jones saying that I am pregnant In hope he may delay my dead sentence for 9 months because I want safe this little life. But He made decision to hang me.
I was broken Into mirror piece . how can person so cruel toward unborn child? I am innocent please trust me? Why he dump me? Why he ? why??????
Next day he sentenced me to death........please help me............help.....come back.......Jones.........I am Innocent....please.....help...trust me.......... ............
This is my last words In a hope that miracle may happen............................................
Fara Pov:
After reading this painful story of Arar my heart bounce out with pain. I closed that book and about to leave out but some papers, picture fell from book.
I lifted them. To my surprise the letters which were exchange between commander Jones and Arar was match with murder note after every murder. And The Picture Of Aara is like me. it mean me and Aara had similar faces
How can It possible because this script was only know to commander and Aara? But Aara was hang up? And Jones had not teach to anyone? Murder May Know about this story and learn it ? But how or he is heir of Aara?
NOTE: SORRY, guys for update of this chapter after 2 months. I hope you love this chapter
if you have any ideas who is murder just post them on my board or message me....
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-your's darkblackcat09
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