“Captain. Captain.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAhRKFxC3BeF
A slap on his cheek. Callan groaned as a painful throb pulsed through his skull. 94Please respect copyright.PENANA8qx8vT8i6X
“Captain!”94Please respect copyright.PENANAArWQxElE0f
He blinked his eyes rapidly and then opened them. Remy’s face slowly came into focus. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAeDkKx2W7uZ
“Where?” He croaked. He felt weak. His body had been drained of all its strength. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAxLVsguDy9R
“Don’t know, captain. But we are prisoners.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAoJ8wvSUu7T
“How long?” Callan shook his head to clear his vision and tried to get up, but a wave of nausea washed over him and he collapsed back on his back.94Please respect copyright.PENANAUWUMJfsPa3
“Easy,” Remy said gently, trailing a finger along his neck. “They did something to you to keep you unconscious.”94Please respect copyright.PENANADrrjeSlL6y
Callan suddenly remembered the green demon’s claws around his neck. “It pinched my throat.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAuSdrKFfb9s
“Aye. Seems like it may have stopped your breath for a moment.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAdmvcYNtdwq
Adrenaline surged through him. He shot up, his hands around his own throat. A patch of his skin felt bruised and inflamed.94Please respect copyright.PENANAKN4MxfVIde
Remy patted his back to steady him. “Easy, captain. You’re alright now.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANADm91mzFQLf
His surroundings came into view. They were in a damp underground cave whose entrance was barred with iron. The walls were covered with a blue glowing moss and tendrils of it hung from the roof of the cavern. They created odd shadows across the human faces that surrounded him. Some of them he knew; his soldiers stood above him looking at him with concern. Others were strangers. Hesitantly, he removed his hands from his throat. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAJfVgQSDkAd
“What happened? How long was I out?” he asked as Remy helped him to his feet.94Please respect copyright.PENANAsWvQIHewST
“Dunno, cap’n,” Mareet replied. “We all came to ‘bout the same time. But you didn’t wake up, so Remy went to check on you.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2uSSFZaZF
Callan nodded distractedly, as he took in the new faces. There were seven of them, divided into two groups. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAk33clLxXiE
“Nogar, cap’n.” Mareet tilted his head towards the group of five who huddled together in one corner of the cave, glancing towards them with trepidation. Callan noticed that they were wearing the typical Nogari garb of skirts and off-shoulder dresses. “I think they are from that first village, cap’n, the one with the wind-whisperer. But they are not talking to us.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAigroTrh9hc
On the other side of the cave were two children crouched up against the wall. One was a scrawny boy of not more than eleven years with straw-colored hair and brown eyes. Tears and dirt stained his face, and his tunic and trousers were grimy with mud and blood stains. He had his thin arms tightly wrapped around a young girl. The girl did not look to be more than six or seven with similar hair, but her face was buried in the boy’s chest out of view. A sob wretched of the girl at intervals and her small body heaved. The boy patted her back gently. Haldan was sitting a little distance away from them trying to engage them in a conversation. But the boy was not paying attention. He continued staring vacantly towards the cavern ceiling. 94Please respect copyright.PENANA0jOYHakuXK
“They came with the same group we were caught by, cap’n.” Maaret's voice dipped sorrowfully. “From the looks of it, they are from the plains. Haldan is trying to talk to them, but they seem to be in shock, poor critters.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAYORG9T8m7q
Callan nodded, then turned towards the Nogar. He approached them slowly to not frighten them further. The Nogar were all middle aged or older. They stiffened at his approach, looking at him wide-eyed. Callan raised his hands to show them he meant no harm.94Please respect copyright.PENANAYEsmqtzrRe
“I am Captain Pelegrin of the 17th cavalry of the Newil Johastian army. I visited your village the other day. Can you tell me what happened to the other villagers?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAA2t01jPNQR
At first the Nogar simply tightened their grips on each other's arms and shoulders and refused to meet his eyes. Then the oldest of them, a woman, spoke up.94Please respect copyright.PENANAyZSCv7QJgG
“You did this to us.” Her voice quivered as she raised a shaking finger at him accusingly. “You brought demons on us. You and your false god and your false beliefs.”94Please respect copyright.PENANA2vN9zNxZaG
“How dare you, you heathens?” Forgis spat from behind him. “You are the ones who are responsible for this, you, and your savage pagan beliefs. You created these creatures with your spirit magic and dark beniotry.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAj9BMsF2C36
“We not commune with evil creatures. We only listen to spirits of ancestors,” she countered. Her wrinkled face grew animated with every word, and her frail body shook with anger. “We believe old ways, balance of living and dead. You foolish ones do against nature, burn and destroy forests, pollute lands with evil steel. The spirits angry and they call this curse on us because of your evil.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAmmKYoX8GSW
The old man sitting next to her tried to calm her down but to no avail. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAVmQEob7ks0
“Because of you our children dead. Our homes destroyed. Our people scattered and lost. I hope demons eat you, you unholy creatures.” She ended with a savage curse, glaring at them defiantly. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAmNJCCwEw8Z
“You bitch!” Forgis lunged at her. 94Please respect copyright.PENANApmInZpXWV7
Callan grabbed him by his arm and shoved him back roughly. Frogis staggered and then stood up and glared at Callan.94Please respect copyright.PENANAdrXk65Tfhs
“Enough,” Callan barked. “Last thing we need to do right now is fight amongst ourselves.”94Please respect copyright.PENANA02B3fUNHL0
“Or else what? Unless you haven’t noticed, princeling, we are already as good as dead.”94Please respect copyright.PENANA1WjRg7kaQ1
Callan tried to keep his voice calm. “We are not dead yet.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAAHGoJYsgsW
“Yeah? Tell that to Entol, or Yurik. Or Bernol, who you sacrificed so that you could save your royal hide.” He advanced on Callan. Callan stood his ground. “You all are the same, you royals and nobles. We work hard, give up our homes and our families to serve Johastia. Then you come along and take what should’ve been rightfully ours, sacrifice peasant blood for your ambitions and glory.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAtjVELF84IY
“If you haven’t noticed Forgis, I am in the same boat as you are.” Callan retorted, his temper getting the best of him.94Please respect copyright.PENANAhswUZOszjN
“Yeah?” Forgis stepped up so that his nose was mere inches from Callan’s face. His eyes had the same mad gleam he had noticed before. “Is that what you told Valan before you stabbed him in the back? Is that how you earned his trust and then threw him to the pincers?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but it sent a jolt of shock through Callan’s brain.94Please respect copyright.PENANA6EPCPzEWQg
Callan froze. This was the first time he had heard Valan’s name in six years. Callan couldn’t be sure what the old soldier knew, or more importantly how. But even a rumor about the incident and near-scandal that had preceded it could ruin him. Forgis smirked and patted his cheeks patronizingly before Brine and Mareet grabbed him and dragged him back. All the eyes were focused on Callan now. 94Please respect copyright.PENANA1AQMbwNLix
Come on, Cal. Can’t lose your head now. He knows nothing. Probably heard some rumors and now is trying to rattle you with it. Get a grip.94Please respect copyright.PENANAQmJ6O6YNVM
He took a long breath and reimagined the ring of light in his mind. Then turned back to the eldest Nogar. “I apologize for my man’s behavior. We are all afraid and I understand you have reasons to dislike us.” He lowered himself in a crouch before them. “But if we want to survive this, we need to work together.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAFw4NangRVx
The first woman simply stared at him in stony silence. Another woman, who sat beside her, spoke up instead. “No one survive this.” Her face showed she had already resigned herself to her fate. “We all die here. They take our children and grandchildren. We hear them scream. Now nothing left but wait to die.”94Please respect copyright.PENANASHZztuV66A
The three men kept quiet, not looking up at Callan. Callan turned away. Maybe I can convince them to part with some information later, he thought hopefully. He glanced at Haldan and the children on the other end of the cave. It seemed like Haldan was not having any luck with them either.94Please respect copyright.PENANA0FUq16Xz5J
Callan had never been a patient person. Even as a child, he always felt the need to keep himself engaged constantly. Therefore, being stuck inside a prison with nothing much to do but wait for his captors to appear was not sitting well with him. He first walked to the prison bars and pulled on each of them checking to see if any of them were loose, but the bars held tight. Next, he scouted the walls of the cavern for fissures and cracks, but the walls were as solid as they could be. He even pressed his head to the bars and tried to peer past the bend in the tunnel that they were inside, but he couldn’t see anything. 94Please respect copyright.PENANA2E81lT9vL6
If the other men thought his actions were odd, they didn’t say anything. Forgis sat in the third corner of the cave, away from the Nogar and the children, ignoring everyone. Brine and Remy sat in the middle of the cave, with their backs against the wall and knees crouched against their chests. Haldan still sat near the children and had been joined by Mareet. It seemed like they had finally given up trying to get the young ones to talk. Each one of them had the same vacant resigned looks on their faces as they awaited their fates. Callan wished he could talk to them and encourage them in some way. Maybe with a passionate speech like Eachen or a witty quip like Mareet. But he was not good at those things. He had thought he was good at making plans and seeing them through. But so far, the way his current plan had worked out, he was starting to change his mind about that as well. Bernol’s fierce expression came to his mind, as the soldier stood facing the horde of demons alone, knowing it would mean his death. Bernol had given his life to buy them time to escape. He had believed that Callan would find a way to save everyone. Now his sacrifice would amount to nothing. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAZ98nBGabBg
In frustration, he kicked one of the iron bars. A sharp pain shot through his big toe, he had forgotten he had no boots on, but not before he felt the bar move. It was only a tiny fraction, but it was hope. He immediately knelt on his knees, started to jiggle it around. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAN09Yb2PvF6
“What’s the matter?” Remy walked up to him.94Please respect copyright.PENANAOnkJB65kSv
“Help me,” Callan whispered frantically, as he pushed on the bar again.94Please respect copyright.PENANA84yccsI9rZ
Remy bent down next to him and gripped the bar pushing in the same direction. It moved a little bit more. Everyone’s attention in the cave turned towards them. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAfJpdG7vNuu
“Haldan,” Callan gestured to the burly man. Haldan stood and quickly walked up to them. Callan jiggled the bar for his benefit and his eyes widened in understanding. He stooped down on the other side of Callan and started pushing as well. A metallic groan filled the air, and they froze as the sound reverberated in the hollow cavern. Then, they heard footsteps approach, several of them.94Please respect copyright.PENANA6fG5HfebSA
“Beniot’s taint,” Haldan breathed. Their efforts had ruptured the soil around the loose bar. They moved the iron pole back into its position and hastily patted the earth, before retreating to the back of the cave.94Please respect copyright.PENANAEDryKqgYCq
Moments later, the red demon came striding into view, accompanied by six others, two orange, two blue and two yellow. Tension simmered through the group of humans. The Nogar huddled further back in their corner and whimpered, and so did the children. Haldan moved in front of them protectively, Mareet by his side, both with grim expressions on their faces. The rest of them just stood stiffly where they were standing, fists clenched in nervous anticipation. The red flame-head, the one Callan had vowed to kill, grinned at them menacingly from outside the iron bars. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAzK2UJNOpTb
Callan wondered how they would get the bars open. He had not seen any hatches or pulleys or any other kind of mechanism that would indicate the bars moved from their current position. Now, he gasped as the one of the orange flame-heads put its hands on four of the bars. The bars started to bend outwards from the middle on their own, as if they were not made of iron but of water, creating a circular opening for a man or a demon to walk through. Sorcery! The stories said that demons were masters of sorcery, but it was still chilling to see it in person.94Please respect copyright.PENANAgM2o6ztoOe
The demons entered the cavern one by one and surrounded them. The red looked around, scanning their petrified faces and then pointed to the boy in the corner. The blue flame-heads started towards the boy, who squeezed himself further into the corner, tightly gripping on to his younger sister. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAuBgL0EEu1j
“No,” Haldan yelled, blocking the demons’ path.94Please respect copyright.PENANAIPJTSr3Gjs
Then everything happened at once. The blue demons rushed towards Haldan and Mareet. Brine and Remy moved towards them too, to assist but were blocked by the other four flame-heads. One of the blue demons punched Haldan in the side and he crumpled to the floor. The other one stopped Mareet’s fist and twisted his arm. The soldier cried out in pain. The boy screamed and the girl started howling. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAqg1Wp4CZft
Callan made to rush towards the fight, but a claw clamped around his throat restricting his movement and breathing. He tried to punch backwards but the demon caught it and twisted his arm behind his back. Jarring pain lanced through his triceps and shoulders and he felt his strength waver as he was pushed down on his knees to the ground. The blue demon stepped over the crumpled frame of Haldan and grabbed the boy’s arm. The boy punched and kicked, screaming to get free but the demon held on and slapped him across his face. Blood spattered from the boy's nose and mouth as he crumpled, stunned by the strike. The demon ripped the crying girl out of his arms and threw her to the floor, quieting her. It then hoisted the boy's listless body onto its shoulders. Both Mareet and Callan struggled against their restraints as the blue demon carried the boy towards the exit. As the demon passed him, he recognized its face this time without any doubt, but the constriction of his windpipe made talking impossible. He struggled to breath and the cave started darkening around him.94Please respect copyright.PENANAo9uuBz1Hb4
The red demon shoved Callan to the cavern’s floor, releasing his hold on him. Callan’s face struck the floor and he tasted copper. He coughed and sputtered as air returned to his lungs. He took a long breath and turned towards the receding backs of the demons.94Please respect copyright.PENANAV4EPhn1WvX
“Entol,” he shouted. “Entol, let the boy go.”94Please respect copyright.PENANACqB616bMJX
The demons stopped and turned around to look at him. He also sensed the eyes of the other humans fixed on him. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAaUYra3vKNn
“Entol, please, let the boy go,” he pleaded again. “Take me instead.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAbRprR8gMDm
The blue demon, that had the boy on his shoulders, hesitated and tilted its head towards Callan. A spark of hope rose from within the tumult of dread and despair, but then the red demon was on him again. It grabbed him by his throat and lifted him in the air. 94Please respect copyright.PENANASLGNjkvPpA
“You will have your chance, human,” it snarled, and bits of his spit and flesh of his mouth sprayed across Callan’s face. “Now shut up, before I rip your tongue out.”94Please respect copyright.PENANA30ZpbcUrix
It dropped Callan back on the rocky floor and left. The orange flame-heads restored the bars to their original form and left with the boy as the humans watched helplessly. Callan pressed his palms to the cavern wall and used it to support himself back up. Remy rushed to his side to help him up, but Callan batted his hands away. A fervent rage was surging through him, blinding his senses and he could barely keep it contained. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAdARObqQqw7
“What’s the matter, princeling?” Forgis interrupted Callan’s thoughts sarcastically from his corner. It did not seem like he had even moved an inch from where he stood. “Frustrated that your noble blood means forlac-dung here. Once it comes to it, you are no better than the rest of us.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAcjKe7wisIE
Callan didn’t even feel himself move. One moment he was looking at Forgis, seething in anger and the next, his hand was around his neck as he slammed him into the wall behind him. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAKvSdvzs1zq
“One more word out of you, I will rip your tongue out,” Callan growled, realizing he had used the exact same words on the man that the demons had used on him.94Please respect copyright.PENANAiBcZwSOee8
“You are starting to sound like the demon, cap’n,” Forgis choked. Callan's fury slipped away and was replaced by an acute sense of guilt. He let go of the old soldier and backed away in horror. Things were quickly slipping out of control. Anyone of them could be next and he had to keep himself in check if he was to save those who were left. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAoZBpsqKb0O
“Captain?” Remy gently took him by his arm and led him away. In the guise of looking at Callan’s wounds, he asked under his breath, “Are you alright? You need to keep your head, Callan. The men are injured, terrified and quickly losing hope, and losing your temper is only going to make things worse.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAt5vXk8fLWQ
Callan nodded and squeezed his hand in reassurance. “How is Haldan?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAYlZmUoMD9c
Remy shook his head. “Broken ribs.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAPEREbhOy2o
“Can you do anything for him?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAROfX1RIyRH
“Without my medicine kit? I have tied a tight bandage around his chest for now, but he cannot move without injuring himself further.”94Please respect copyright.PENANADL6F6Z8KlL
“What about the little girl?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAjEGTtShslO
“She’s stunned. I laid her down and ministered her wounds as best as I could but there is nothing more, I can do but hope she wakes up.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAgXykCOGm4s
“Thanks, Remy.” Callan gave him a small smile. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAvW5V50DHsQ
Remy nodded and moved away.94Please respect copyright.PENANAPXK4UknVLr
“I am sorry, captain.” Haldan's weak voice drew his attention. “I couldn’t stop them from taking him.”94Please respect copyright.PENANA2LLAri1Yuu
He was sitting shirtless against the cave with his tunic wrapped tightly around a nasty red and purple bruise at the base of his ribs. His face was drawn into a grimace of guilt and pain. Mareet was by his side supporting him upright with a look of pallid concern and Callan, suddenly, recalled the intimate moment he had witnessed between the two men. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAKfvmzfslDA
“It’s alright, soldier.” Callan looked away from them. “We all failed.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAwSC5jmKT5M
He looked around the dark chamber. Remy was right. Whatever little hope they had carried before had evaporated and their long faces hung in resignation and despair. He knew he had to find some way out of this situation soon. He remembered the iron bar they had loosened and walked over to test it, but it did not budge. Whatever sorcery the demons had done, not only had it fixed the bar back into its previous position, but it had also eliminated the weakness that had made it loose in the first place. His optimism destroyed, he crumpled down to the floor and leaned his head against the metal bars. A few moments later a boy’s screams started echoing through their underground prison.94Please respect copyright.PENANA4CJPvixPMr
----94Please respect copyright.PENANAgI2eTUKLuw
The screams continued for a very long time, but eventually they stopped. Or at least they did outside. Inside Callan’s head the boy’s pitiful howls continued to rattle through his conscience. The rest were not faring any better. Brine still had his hand tightly clamped around his ears and his head buried in his knees. Remy’s expression was impassive, but his hands fidgeted, mindlessly poking the ground around him. Mareet stared vacantly at the ceiling, holding the unconscious girl in his lap, and stroking her hair gently. Even Forgis’s stony face had crumbled, and he sat with his back towards them mumbling to himself. At one point during the torture, Haldan had charged towards the metal bars in rage and despair, and it had taken the combined force of Remy, Brine and Mareet to keep him from smashing his already injured body against the unmovable iron. Now, he sat in the corner of the cave as tears streamed down his face. The Nogar had started chanting inaudibly the moment the screams had begun and now they sat cross-legged in a circle in their corner, their eyes closed and their lips moving in a silent prayer.94Please respect copyright.PENANApQD68LxZcM
“What are they doing?” Brine inquired with disdain, giving a jerk of his head towards them.94Please respect copyright.PENANAPYZiPnlElR
“They are praying for the boy’s soul,” Remy replied tonelessly. “It is the Nogar ritual for the departed to guide the dead’s soul to the afterlife.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAlboFaAH3WZ
“Fat good that’s gonna do now,” Brine spat “when they didn’ even raise a finger to help us.”94Please respect copyright.PENANARGZDlBQl1E
“And what exactly do you think they could’ve done?” Remy snapped at him. “We tried to help and fat good came out of that, didn’ it?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAbs8MzFmTIU
Brine went red in the face and shut his mouth. He drew circles in the sand with his index finger, then suddenly frowned in thought and looked up towards Callan.94Please respect copyright.PENANABabK69Ba2C
“Why’d you call that demon Entol, cap’n?” he asked him.94Please respect copyright.PENANAp3ksO01enr
All the heads turned towards him. Callan thought for a moment on how to explain what he had seen. Behind the open festering wounds, the charcoal skin and the fiery hair and eyes, the face that he had seen had resembled too closely to his burunai to have been a coincidence. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAAq9MUZhiUu
“Because it looked like him.” He finally decided to give them the simplest answer he could think of. “The demon looked like Entol.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAK5xUSabiNx
Their jaws dropped.94Please respect copyright.PENANAnZDhaEtvES
“What are you saying?” Remy looked at him as if he had gone insane. “How could you even tell? It looked nothing like Entol. They are demons, not humans, Callan.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAA6dNt7CAlS
It was a sign of Remy’s agitation that he had forgotten to use Callan’s title and, therefore Callan did not take offence. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAUp1sw2vJnh
He sighed. “It was the same demon that I ran into on the pass that night when we were attacked. That I’m sure of.” He met Remy’s eyes. He did not like what he was saying either. The implications were too horrendous to even contemplate. But if there was a chance, he was right, they had a right to know what might be in store for them. “Even back then, I felt like I recognized the face, but it had been too dark, and I couldn’t be sure. But today. Its face resembles Entol’s too closely to be a coincidence.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAgzoYDXyO9S
“So, what are you saying?” Forgis had turned around to listen to the discussion. “That these demons are humans? That they have somehow been, what, cursed or something? You have gone completely mad, man.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAY2qjoWDVOM
The other had the same expressions of disbelief and he was too weary to argue with them just then.94Please respect copyright.PENANATvTssKOMAD
“It was a shot in the dark.” Callan looked away. “That’s all.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAwsp8OT5MwF
“Next time, keep your barking theories to yourself, cap’n, if you don’ mind.” Forgis sneered at him. “We poor folk, with our small brains, can’t take the scare, ya know.”94Please respect copyright.PENANATw1Sf9TDSs
Callan ignored his jibe. He knew the man was just looking for a fight and he was not about to give him one. 94Please respect copyright.PENANA2UV1T6Xgp4
“But, what if he’s right?” Brine started.94Please respect copyright.PENANALNMjcgwCDj
“Shut up, Brine.” Forgis snapped at him. “Don’ use that pretty little head of yours too much. See what you done now, plantin’ nonsense in his head.” He threw another jibe at Callan. “As if we don’ have enough to worry ‘bout.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAWYGs0Ke8pf
“No.” Brine yelled so loudly, it stunned everyone including Callan. “I don’ ‘ve a pretty little head and I ken think for meself, Forgis.” The young soldier glared at Forgis, to which Forgis just snorted in reply. Brine turned to look at the others, wide-eyed. “Don’t ya see. It responded. When cap’n called that demon, it stopped and looked around at ‘im.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAvLCZaLaVU4
“They all looked around, Brine,” Remy interjected impatiently. “The red one even attacked the cap’n or did you forget that?” 94Please respect copyright.PENANAGmmHkL1Skb
“No. It looked at cap’n all like it recognized ‘im,” Brine insisted. “That’s why the red attacked him, to stop ‘im from calling ‘im out. Didn’t it, cap’n?”94Please respect copyright.PENANAZpAiSh4Qfb
But Callan was not listening anymore. His heart was thumping faster as he recalled the blue demon's head tilt of recognition. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAHe9GzzW4M6
“This is getting ridiculous,” Forgis growled. “Shut up Brine, before ya make a even bigger fool of yerself.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAUyEU6eW6ul
“I’m not a fool. N’ ya should talk, after ya scurried into yer corner like a muus at the sight of ‘em!”94Please respect copyright.PENANAF2AQvoWmOR
“What’d ya say boy?” Forgis rushed at him. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAoC642tu0bg
But Callan was faster. He grabbed Forgis’s arm to pull him back. Forgis snapped around and threw a punch. Callan grabbed it just before it hit his face and twisted the arm. The old soldier grimaced and tried to strike Callan with his free hand. But Callan was expecting it. He ducked, bent the man’s arm behind his back and unbalanced Forgi’s knee with a shove from his foot. Forgis fell to the floor with Callan on top of him. Callan quickly took his other arm and twisted it behind him as well and then planted a knee to his back.94Please respect copyright.PENANAT7lomsHflB
“Calm down, Brine,” Callan said in a quiet, commanding voice. Then he turned to Forgis. “And you. You raise your hand at anyone else again, I’ll feed you to the demons myself. Is that clear?”94Please respect copyright.PENANA0y8bBsVSY3
Forgis grunted.94Please respect copyright.PENANAdWFcZ4krMa
“Is that clear soldier?” Callan barked.94Please respect copyright.PENANA1RsNFBp89I
“Yes, captain,” Forgis said, his voice muffled from the dirt.94Please respect copyright.PENANAdO1hkSMHSV
Callan let him go and stood up. “Anyone else itching for a fight?” He glared around the chamber, but no one met his eyes.94Please respect copyright.PENANAyAYTIIIxdM
Forgis stood up and shuffled back to his corner, rubbing his arms, and muttering to himself. He again sat down with his back turned to them.94Please respect copyright.PENANAyV1xdDNc91
A moment of awkward silence followed. Then the eldest Nogar female, spoke up. 94Please respect copyright.PENANAGiwI8LTPfA
“You is right. They be turning our children” They all turned to look at her. The other Nogar avoided his eyes, but she looked at Callan directly. 94Please respect copyright.PENANASGs8snY636
Callan approached the Nogar and sat down on the ground in front of her.94Please respect copyright.PENANA1LwlrzKABH
“What do you know, old mother? Please tell me.”94Please respect copyright.PENANApYlz3yVybG
“They took my Vanya, my son. He tall and strong and try to fight. We fight too. But they be too strong for us. We hear him scream, then nothing. They come back and take his daughter, my grandchild. Papu, she screams, don’ do this papu.” She reached out and grabbed his hands. Her hands were small, frail, and calloused, but burning with the same feverish heat that was in her eyes. “She sees her father in that demon. And then I see it too. Same nose, same mouth, same face but eyes and hair and skin all wrong. But demon not listen. It takes my Roha, and after she starts screaming too.” She suddenly broke down and started sobbing loudly. “My Roha, my poor little girl.” 94Please respect copyright.PENANA0EnThLHrSa
Callan did not know what to say to comfort her. After a little while, one of the older men gently pulled her arms away from Callan’s and wrapped his own around her comfortingly. He looked at Callan with despair.94Please respect copyright.PENANAb69KZCH2Gi
“We all try fight, but they take our children and kill them, make them monsters like them. Everybody gone but us. Now, nothing we can do but wait to die.”94Please respect copyright.PENANAvqmonEA2Re
Callan gave him a sympathetic nod, then stood up and left them in their grief.