The night came early to the mountains and with it a biting chill. Callan Alexis Pelegrin, the third prince of the kingdom of Faldor and the newly minted captain of the 17th cavalry division of Newil Johastia’s military arm, shivered and drew his foric fur lined grey coat closer to his lean muscular frame. His face was young and unblemished and his blonde hair sharply-cut in the style popular with younger soldiers. In front of him was his second-in-command Eachen Malwruth, a stark contrast to his young captain with shoulder length grey hair and battle hardened visage. They sat around a makeshift fire pit. The flickering flames danced shadows on the old soldier’s face, highlighting the battle scars he had received fighting in the last reformation war thirty cycles ago. But his bright sapphire eyes were identical to Callan’s own, a trait that frequently crossed the rigid social lines between royalty, nobility and peasantry in Faldor. The peasant-born man had grown to be Callan’s closest confidant since the young soldier’s induction into the holy army two years ago. Now he found himself in the enviable position of vice-captain of the 17th cavalry after Callan’s sudden advance through the military ranks.
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“So, the same story, eh?” The aged soldier took a sip of the Alpinion wine from a brass goblet. “He came, he preached and then left in the dead of the night. All within a day.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANArfj0yPk9eZ
Callan shrugged, his own goblet lying untouched by his side. “I do not understand it. If his mission was to bring Joha’s word to these poor bastards, I would expect he’d stay a while. Previous missions established posts in some of these villages, sometimes for months.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAvjKJ6phuNJ
“Nogar stubbornness would break even the patience of a mountain troll.” Eachen gave a wry smile. “Maybe our young priest, honorable Hazdel Tyreene, realised he bit off more than he could chew with these people. Decided it was not worth the effort after all. I mean the temple has tried for fifty years to bring these savages into its fold without any success.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVAQF8bbjpd
“But, why stop by in every village and repeat the pattern?” Callan shook his head. “No. It almost seems as if he was searching for something.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAX85IFe5xE6
“What would these savages have that would interest a power-mongering prick like Tyreene to go galivanting into the mountains?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANADZ8kT2r2eG
Callan raised an eyebrow at Eachen and smiled. Not everyone was brave or foolhardy enough to directly insult a newil priest, even behind their backs. But Eachen was of the old stock and did not have the same fear of the newil temple’s might that Callan’s generation had grown up with.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAftcDWwYCx6
“I helped put those white-robed hadzis in the positions they enjoy today. I get to call them whatever names I fancy.” He often reminded Callan during his drunken stupor.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA0Cm4ZrSnrq
Still, he only did it in front of Callan and for that he was grateful. There were plenty of young upstarts in their contingent who coveted the post of vice-captain and would jump at the chance to report his blasphemy.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAhMWEyPMsY5
“Information.” Callan replied slowly, as a thought formed in his mind. “He was looking for information. Moving from village to village till he found the right person who could provide him with it. But why move only at night?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAEuk6arzRcw
“Information about what?”
The jumble of clues, facts and hearsay that they had acquired in the past two months about Priest Hazdel’s movements and actions finally started to form a coherent picture. “None of the villages we passed through had a wind-whisperer, except for this one. And as far as we know, this was where he was last seen alive. The only inhabited town after this village is Silver Peak, but he never made it there.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANApXGv3G5tOG
“But what does all of this … ?” Eachen started but Callan held up his hand.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA854NbkLXW8
“Bear with me.” He requested as his heartbeat quickened with anticipation. “Then, there is his habit of travelling only at night. Even a fool knows traversing mountain passes in the dark is risking Joha’s blessing once too much. And by all accounts, Hazdel Tyreene was not a foolhardy man. Cunning and calculative, yes, but not one to take unnecessary risks. So what was he doing hiking around the mountains in darkness?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVUnuiJPvL8
Eachen’s eyes widened with comprehension. “By Joha’s grace, he was investigating the plague. Those Nogar that disappeared in the night, some of whom were found dead the next day. The wind-whisperer would know most about it.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVOPBAXtfga
“Not only Nogar, my friend.” Callan held Eachen’s gaze. “Many have gone missing crossing the Fermi pass in the last few years. Entire parties have simply disappeared from the face of Airaat. I think it finally caught the attention of the high counciliary.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAlDWSeqYc88
“Certainly would seem like it.” Eachen gave a sarcastic huff. “Why else would they send a rising star of the newil holy council to investigate?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANARx3Z60gLqB
“That is something that troubles me. Hazdel was too eminent and well-connected to be sent to track down missing travelers or investigate the cause of madness among the Nogar. For that matter, why send a priest of the holy council when a local Meyrin inquisitor would have sufficed? And then accompanied by only two temple legionaries?” Callan frowned. “No. The high counciliary obviously thought the matter serious enough to send a newil preist, and wanted to make sure whatever he found out did not become public knowledge.” He recalled his own untimely promotion and vows of silence and secrecy he had given before embarking on the mission. “There is something more going on here.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA4VqthPABLx
“There is always something more whenever those closed-mouthed hadzis at the high counciliary are involved.” Eachen twisted his lips in displeasure. “So what do you plan to do now?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA9vA0bsN7br
Callan got up and paced around his tent. “I think I’ll pay another visit to the wind-whisperer. I have a feeling she knows more about this than she is letting on.” He remembered the wind-whisperer's words, it is a disease of time and something else. Disease of time? Something else? Tomorrow he planned to get more concrete information from her, not this pagan mystic hogheap.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAM4Y7ILQUxJ
“I suggest you take a larger escort than you did today.” Eachen suggested as he stood from his tree stump and downed the rest of the goblet in a single swing. “I heard there was a scuffle.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAY8cNtGAe2Y
Callan flushed. He had no doubt Eachen had been informed in great detail about his unceremonious fall and encounter with the beggar woman and her son.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA3xfyQRQfPw
“No. Taking a larger retinue will only serve to increase the tension with the villagers. I will be taking only six men as I did today. But you’ll replace Forgis.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAKwGpeYbGxM
Eachen raised his eyebrows. “He will not like that. He is the senior most member of your forward scout.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAV5846LxOUr
Callan scowled. “It doesn’t matter whether he likes it or not. I am his captain and he will learn to obey me. I am not willing to risk a repeat of the self-initiative he showed today. I need someone who knows restraint and can restrain others from acting rashly.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAjULmQBF3tT
Eachen sighed. “I really think it would be to your benefit to make peace with the man. He has the respect and ear of half of the regiment.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAPhrDivxQaR
“You don’t think I know that?” Callan grumbled. “That man is a bullworg, callous and petty, and his insubordination grows everyday.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAToWP8Ghibh
“I heard what happened.” Eachen gave him a sympathetic smile. “I’m just saying we will have to deal with him, and the sooner we do it the better.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAnQCGO8pSZD
Callan grunted in response and Eachen sighed again.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAqXnZsmrXID
“I’ll take my leave then captain.” Eachen gave him a quick bow. “Joha’s grace be with you.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAwylctbX0X5
“And you.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA9vZqIv74p1
Callan nodded to his vice-captain and turned back to look at the map of the Noigiri range that was spread out on the makeshift desk they had created for him using tree stumps and wooden planks. He had scanned the map several times already and marked the path they took from Darfin following Hazdel’s trail. Now, he followed the Meyrin high road that ran near their camp, eventually crossing the Noigiri at Fermi Pass and then heading south east towards Silver Peak. If Hazdel had obtained the information he came for, he would have taken that road to Silver Peak. There were no other villages or rest stops on this side of the pass. Though, from his recent experience, Callan knew not all settlements were marked on the map.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAHPd9cxpK6M
Maybe he was reading too much into this. Maybe, Hazdel had just wandered into one of the unmapped Nogar settlements and decided to stay. Or maybe he had managed to get lost. But somehow, Callan couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Hazdel’s trip to the Nogar than a simple greet and preach. As his index finger traced the way towards the Fermi Pass, he noticed a new trail. It branched out from the main road just south of the pass and headed off into a wall of mountains. It was barely visible, a pair of faint squiggly lines that Callan missed in his earlier inspections. It looked to him like an intriguing path that a young adventurous priest might take in search of a new flock. Callan sighed.
92Please respect copyright.PENANARgqJ2HXQUC
Well if it turns out that I am mounting the wrong phasthu here, at least I will have some other leads to follow.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVK68A8frFS
“Uuh, captain.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANACtqQ3VQyvz
Callan turned around. Entol, his burunai was nervously waiting for him just inside his tent. It was customary for every newil captain to take the most junior officer of the regiment under his wing as a trainee until the young man earned his own cloak. Callan was still not comfortable with the idea of mentoring someone so close to his own age but over the past three months he had come to regard the soldier as something of a younger brother. He just wished he could instill a little bit of self-confidence in the man.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAYHPzHGmlb5
“What is it, Entol?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANACEDF0SveUu
“I just came to see if you needed help preparing for bed, sir?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAbMpbddzjwz
“Ah! Too tired to wait up for me soldier?” He raised his eyebrows, but followed it with a gentle smile.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA7tGwDIPFmx
Entol blushed. “Aah, no sir! I just, I am on the perimeter watch out tonight.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANARFiGVMzk1i
With Entol’s slim stature, shaggy straw hair roughly cut in the peasant’s style and freckled pockmarked face that seemed permanently frozen in a nervous twitch, Callan sometimes forgot the man was only two cycles younger than him.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAkfnbGFEA7a
He frowned. “Didn’t you have nightwatch duty last night too?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAkkvJlLgfsw
“Ye.. Yes, sir!” Entol’s face turned a shade redder and he looked down, rubbing his hands together.
92Please respect copyright.PENANALUrdG12J8o
“Who did you exchange your duty with tonight, soldier?” Callan asked.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAhhEHlnrdxm
“Uh! Forgis sir!”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAN3tdOd4iVt
Callan clenched his teeth. Forgis again.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAMIVtkHZ1sP
Though frowned upon, it was not unusual for soldiers in the regiment to exchange duties. The senior members often took advantage of the captains and vice-captains looking the other way to heap the more unappealing tasks of their job on the younger ones. And Entol, being the youngest, seemed to always get the short end of the stick. As the captain, it was inappropriate for Callan to intervene but he couldn’t help but feel protective of Entol.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAcf2UlfctET
“With your duties as burunai and my personal guard, you already have too many responsibilities to be exchanging your sleep time with others.” Callan growled. “I cannot have you exhausting yourself, Entol. We still have a long journey ahead of us and I need you. I will talk to Forgis.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVrOeL8ilUZ
“No! Please, captain!” Entol implored. “It’s alright! I can manage it.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAOpsmuy4NA1
Callan narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a moment. He was impressed to see that Entol managed to hold his gaze. Maybe the man was growing some backbone after all.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAo6KK2CTCbp
“Fine!” Callan conceded gruffly. “But remember, if it starts affecting your regular duties, I will pull you off the night duty permanently.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANALQGbkiLFLv
It would not have been a good idea for him to confront Forgis anyway. He couldn’t be seen to be playing favorites. He turned his back on Entol.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAkFenMmTxes
“Now help me get this damn armor off. I am ready to drop on my feet with exhaustion.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAuOpyMqe1H4
92Please respect copyright.PENANAlDtwciRDI3
Callan woke with the clangs of steel and the shouts of men. It was still night and he could see shadows of his soldiers running with bared swords, across his tent’s canvas. They were under attack. By who? The villagers? He threw off his covers and hurriedly dressed into his wool breeches and cotton shirt. He had just thrown on his short coat when Eachen strode into his tent.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAe0VBzUJ9NW
“Ah! Captain. You are awake?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAN6I0CHDggR
“What is going on?” Callan grabbed his sword and turned to face Eachen. Eachen had the look of someone who’d been rudely roused from sleep as well. His long grey hair was tangled and his clothes were wrinkled as if they had been hastily thrown on. His expression was wary and he clutched his sword’s pommel tightly. Callan's heart skipped a beat. There was little that scared his vice-captain and it seemed like they’d finally found something in the mountains that did.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAF86uUPgNhN
“There has been an attack.” Eachen said in a carefully measured tone, as if he himself wasn’t sure what to call it. “I think you should come and see.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAdD6zZ7TTnN
Callan arched his eyebrows at the non-explanation, but didn’t question his vice captain’s obscure words. He followed Eachen out into the night. Bernol and Mareet, the two soldiers who had been guarding his tent tonight, followed him as Eachen quickly led them towards the outer perimeter of the camp.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAlp0qhuc5fG
The camp was up in alarm. Unclothed soldiers rushed out of their tents, hastily juggling their clothes and weapons as they rushed towards the southern base of the hill they were camped upon. A sizable crowd had already gathered at the spot. Callan’s heart pounded but he maintained a stoic expression on his face.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA47Jvw3qSIz
The crowd of soldiers parted as Eachen and Callan approached, revealing a grisly sight. Callan sucked in his breath. Two of his soldiers lay mutilated under the base of a tree. Their skin was ripped apart to reveal muscles, bone and tendons around their ribs, stomach and thighs. A deep gash encircled their throats from where blood had drained down their torsos drenching their white uniforms in red. It had also seeped into the ground surrounding them, filling the air with a coppery tang. He identified one of the dead soldiers as Vernak who transferred to the 17th from the 5th division just before they started this mission. The man had a wife and two children, a daughter and a newborn son. The other man, he couldn’t recognize due to the wounds to his face.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAos2GfNeZ07
“Mevak, captain.” Eachen informed him. “He was with the 17th for almost five years.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAYhhVLrY4Ak
Callan nodded, not trusting himself to speak right then. His stomach was roiling and he was afraid he would throw up.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA3sIhF4Lq0g
Calm down, Callan. You cannot afford to show any weakness right now. You have trained for this.
He took a long breath. “What happened?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAESOyFkqbob
Eachen nodded to another young face who was standing to their left, the soldier’s eyes fixed on the ground. Two of the senior officers stood around him. One of them was Forgis.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAs3XBI6Cvem
“I don’t know, captain. Everything happened so fast.” The young soldier’s body shook as he spoke and one of the older soldiers grasped his shoulders to steady him. “I just left to refill my water skin. I was gone not more than a moment or two. When I returned, Mevak was already dead. I saw Vernak over.”, he pointed to a clump of trees to their right, “He was strugglin’ with something. I couldn’t see what, t’was too dark. Next thing I know, he clutches his throat, turns and looks at me and then slumps to the ground. Then I started shoutin’.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAgqasbJYwR2
“What is your name, soldier?” Callan asked.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA2ToYPA5pUM
“Brine, sir!”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAi7CsrRH6Ua
“And you didn’t see who Vernak was fighting with?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAKAEqdcs87a
Brine frowned as if he was trying to make up his mind to say more. Then Callan saw Forgis give him the slightest shake of his head and the young man’s face tightened.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAMWfuoOvdlp
“No, sir! I’m sorry!”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAK2FBYTdCdq
Callan clenched his teeth. He would have to talk to the man again later, away from Forgis and the rest of his cronies.
92Please respect copyright.PENANADSGqZFBgCH
“What about the others?” He said surveying the crowd. “Entol and the two others who were part of the night watch?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANApwT1HRxn8s
The gathered soldiers looked at each other, scanning the crowd for the missing faces. Callan clenched his fist in frustration. No one thought to look for them! Sometimes he wondered if the high counciliary had not purposefully given him the most stubborn ill-trained regiment in the whole army to command.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAlk7oUMa9jk
“It’s their doing.” Forgis suddenly spoke up. “It’s those Nogar savages. They did this.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA7U7lP9k5he
Forgis’s eyes were fixed on Callan, but he raised his voiceto be heard by the crowd.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAnJWYG5c0cw
Callan met his gaze camly. “Do you have any proof of that soldier?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA7b9IiSR2xA
“Who else could it be?” Forgis spat. “It’s their doing I’m tellin’ ya. None else but us and them around here. I told ya we should’ve shown those heathen mountain forlacs the fear of Joha when we had the chance.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAcdnAYnYMgZ
He saw the crowd stir at his words, their expressions reshaping into anger and fury. This man had a hold over his regiment, a hold Callan needed to break soon.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA8BV7CZ617L
“And I suppose, they risked trekking through the mountains at night, for what? So they can kill a couple of soldiers and then run away?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAmRTqyaQsFH
“Who knows how their mind works? Animals, the lot of them.” Frogis snarled. “I say we go back to the village and show those heathens the wrath of the Blessed Mother herself.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAsaGKdPpokC
A murmur spread through the crowd as Forgis stared at Callan with a fierce expression. Eachen stiffened beside him but Callan gently placed a hand on his vice-captain’s forearm. Callan could not be sure it wasn’t the villagers who had attacked the camp, but he knew he needed to stamp out the rising anger immediately before some foolhardy soldier decided it was worth trekking through the mountains in the dark for revenge. Forgis was not only an arrogant fool, he was a dangerous one. Luckily, Callan had more ammunition up his sleeve against him than the fool realized.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAZRX3sQ0Udj
“Tell me something Eachen, who all were on the night watch tonight?” He raised his own voice to be heard over the crowd.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAt233B1RCuk
Eachen raised his eyebrows. “Mevak, Vernak, Entol, Brine, Ferdick and Leon.” He listed out the names.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2rmyaUmIN
Callan frowned. “All the junior most officers? I thought I had made it clear there would be at least two experienced officers assigned to the watch every night while we are in the mountains.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8IVpRzXHq
“They were, captain.” Eachen scowled at the senior men. “I suppose some of them exchanged duties.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAi6dpJ8Z7Ok
Callan saw the colour drain from Forgi’s and some other senior officer’s faces. Callan rounded on them with admonishment.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAantBOV6iXV
“I do not believe that is standard procedure, is it Eachen? To exchange duties without your knowledge or consent. And now two of our youngest officers are dead and three missing in what looks like an ambush.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANALEeFtozbNT
The murmurs through the crowd stopped and faces turned to look at Forgis and the two senior soldiers standing with him. Callan turned back to Eachen, his eyes blazing with fury.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAqnUwVXBQe2
“Form a search party and find the missing officers, Eachen, instead of wasting time standing here throwing accusations. I will not lose soldiers out of sheer incompetence and lack of discipline.” Callan did not have to look around to know that every single eye was fixed on him now. He snarled. “And, if they are not found, inform the responsible officers who decided it was acceptable to shirk their duties tonight, that I will have their hides.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAF5ncWvTvWD
He saw the men pale under his furious gaze and turned to look at Brine. “I need to ask you one more question, soldier. Follow me to my tent.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANANTUogjLKCy
Brine looked alarmed at the request and his brown eyes widened in fear.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAScp6keOnSY
“Sir, he is still in shock. Maybe it will be better to wait till morning.” One of the soldiers standing next to Forgis suggested, his hands clamped on Brine’s shoulders.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAWHKvYz1BgY
Callan raised his eyebrows at him and the middle-aged soldier withered, and backed away. Callan nodded at Brine to follow him and started walking back towards his tent. In the background, he heard Eachen arranging search parties but his mind was already a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.
92Please respect copyright.PENANASeoquSZYvZ
He could’ve stopped Entol from taking up the watch that night. If something happened to the boy … He imagined Entol’s face on the dead soldier’s body and shivered. This was not supposed to be a dangerous mission. Now he had to find them and figure out what in Joha’s name was going on in these mountains, quickly before he lost more men.
92Please respect copyright.PENANA75aeeUKVmn
Arriving at his tent, he drew the flap and ushered Brine in. The nervous young man stepped in cautiously, looking around like it was the first time he had seen the inside of it. Callan realized it probably was. He gestured to Brine to take the wood stump beside the fire pit and then used a flint to light it. He took a goblet, filled it with Alpinion wine from the cask on his desk, and handed it to the frightened man.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAnYekf4vDPa
“Go on. Drink it!” Callan encouraged, when Brine looked at the goblet skeptically. “It will help with the shock.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAZ21dop9RY8
Brine took a small sip, liked the taste and took another. Callan schooled his face into what he hoped was a less severe expression and sat down opposite to him.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAKkYo5Yjcqr
“So, what did you really see, Brine?” He asked in a gentle voice.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAedK1wlQBJp
“I didn’t see nothin’ more captain. I swear. T’was too dark.” Brine answered, too quickly.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAastxbapKFR
“Brine!” Callan pressed on. “I need to know. Your fellow soldiers are missing and I need to know what we are up against. Whatever you saw, you can tell me.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAV3eAfV4FZk
Brine hesitated. “It’s just captain, you wouldn’t believe me if I told ya. That’s what they said. It was pretty dark n all. And we had been tradin’ stories at the last meal. So I’m not even sure if what I saw was real or I imagined it.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAk8JiyIeQNM
“Brine! Just tell me exactly what happened and let me decide whether to believe or not.” Callan suppressed his impatience and tried a smile. “It was shocking, wasn’t it. Seeing Vernak and Mevak dead like that.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAtYVf4dLHVD
Brine flushed. “I have never seen no one die before.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA4i5iBo2nR3
“The first time can be frightening.” The bloodless pale face of Tyrin popped into Callan’s mind and he hastily suppressed it. “The fear can play tricks on you, make you see things that are not there.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAAz4DR8F49m
Brine nodded. “Aye! That’s what they said.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAYBgMReQ1Nh
“But sometimes, you also see things that you don’t really realize you did. And in fear, you start to believe you saw something else entirely.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANA8HEAaC3ORi
Brine nodded, slowly.
92Please respect copyright.PENANATKl3N8Vyaw
“That is why I need you to tell me what you thought you saw, even if you don’t understand or believe it. Do you understand?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAQnKm8AXpG5
“Ah.. I do, captain.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAVChKNduhBF
“Good! Now tell me exactly what happened from the moment you saw Vernak fighting in the woods.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAZ1PzZddIyx
Brine looked down at his feet, rubbing his palms together. “Vernak was not exactly fightin’, captain. It seemed more like something had captured ‘im and he was struggling to get free. Then he grabbed his throat and turned. He was lookin’ white as death, and blood was everywhere. Then he just dropped to the ground, captain. And that’s when I saw it.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAc0wtBhYYdf
Brine looked up to meet Callan’s eyes, his own eyes round with fear. “The moon was shining right into the trees, you see. So there was no way it should’ve been so dark. But it was so black captain, black as the night sky, except for the eyes and the hair.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAPppqk4gmN2
“What about them?” Callan leaned forward, urging the frightened young man to continue.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAqCXyLYByMa
“They were on fire, captain. Eyes and hair blazing with red fire. Just like the stories.” Brine’s voice dropped to a whisper and his pupil expanded and seemed to swallow his irises whole. “It was a demon, captain. I saw a demon.”
92Please respect copyright.PENANACE4lmvfpfk
92Please respect copyright.PENANAHTtFAqIkM1
Eren threw off the bed covers and jumped to his feet, gasping for breath. Sweat pooled from his forehead and dripped down his nose and cheeks into his nightshirt. His heart hammered against his ribcage and his legs felt unsteady and wobbly. He thought he was going to heave but the nauseous feeling subsided, leaving an aching hollow in his stomach.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAmoEVb5Y8el
It’s not real. It’s not real!” He muttered frantically pacing around his bedroom. “
92Please respect copyright.PENANAM7ItC4PGXu
But he could still feel the warm skin as it had ripped underneath his fingers, smell the coppery tang of blood as it flowed down his forearms, and hear the choking sounds the man made clutching his throat which he, Eren, had split open using his nails. He glanced at his hands, expecting it to be coated in blood and gore. But, they were the same as ever, brown and calloused with clean short trimmed fingernails.
92Please respect copyright.PENANAZ66KtDc2g2
“What is happening to me?”
92Please respect copyright.PENANAL7ebTUKGz3
He had dreamed he killed a man. No, not just one man, but several men. They were not much older than him and were dressed like soldiers. He had been in a forest of some sorts, in the mountains maybe. He couldn’t quite remember his surroundings; the background had been unfocused. But the men he killed had been very real.
92Please respect copyright.PENANALPmimstDOa
No. It is just a dream. How could I kill anyone in a dream?
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Out of habit, he waited for the nasty little voice in his head to dispute him. But for once, it did not emerge and all he heard was silence, without and within.
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Maybe I finally scared it out of my mind, Eren thought ruefully.
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He stopped pacing and sat down at the edge of his bed, clutching his head in his hands.
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I am really going insane!
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Calm down, Eren! Stop panicking over a dream!
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I am killing people!
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It is just a dream!
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He gritted his teeth in frustration, then sighed. What time was it? He wondered if he should risk going back to sleep. His nightmares had never returned twice in a night before. But what in Beniot’s fire did he know? He had never killed anyone in his nightmare before either.
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To distract his mind, he absently turned his gaze around the room, and his eyes fell on the carmine wool coat stitched with bright gold patterns and the grey silk breeches that hung from his bedroom door. And he suddenly remembered what day it was. He was getting engaged in a few hours. Eren groaned.
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His mind had finally buckled under the strain of his emotions sometime yesterday. And, in place of anticipation, fear and guilt that he had been carting around for the last couple of weeks, he now only felt a resigned indifference. But he was not looking forward to wearing that atrocious coat. He had tried it on once and decided he looked less like a handsome young groom as his dad insisted, and more like an overripe pret covered in gold filigree and walking on dried rangy grey sticks.
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He walked over and grabbed the sleeve of the vividly colored garment, flipping it in his hand as he once again looked for a way to remove the gold stitching. But it was too fine for him to pick without ruining the coat completely. He dropped the sleeve, sat back down on his bed and groaned. Then he flopped down on his back and debated the merits of running away just so that he did not have to wear the garish costume. It was a good distraction and somewhere between planning whether he should go to Darfin and sail to Sailene or travel to Ashinai and take the longer but more adventurous land route, he fell back asleep.92Please respect copyright.PENANAyT7jwAQsmD